First Time Playing Psychonauts
(Gold) Tangled Movie REACTION
Pokemon The 1st Movie REACTION
Mashle Reaction (Sean/Boom) – Episode 1-5
Steven Universe The Movie REACTION
Scott Pilgrim Takes Off Episode 1-2 REACTION
Gravity Falls Season 2 Episode 1-2 REACTION
Toy Story 3 Reaction
Teen Titans For Gamecube is a MUST PLAY
Ben 10 Alien Force S2 Episode 1 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Bardock REACTION
Justice League Dark Reaction
Vox Machina S3 Episode 1-3 Reaction
Futurama Best Of S1 REACTION
Klaus Movie REACTION
this is a huge 2episode wombo combo that is strait gut punchs
I'm glad they didn't rush to defend M'Gann's actions when it's revealed why the breakup happened. I've seen too many reactors do so. Common sense prevails again
I love Dick's smile when Conner said he wanted Lagann to choke
There is at least one more major Robin in Stephanie Brown (who eventually becomes Spoiler) as well as some wider Bat-Family characters like Cassandra Cain (eventually goes by Batgirl or Orphan usually).
Don't forget Carrie Kelley from the Dark Knight Returns two parter
Batman and Robin have experience fighting villains in Gotham who can play with your mind in different ways. From mad hatter to scarecrow. They built up a resilience to mind readers and actually they've developed "techniques" to distract mind readers who manage to force their way in
Lex Luther is the villain version of Batman
I feel like the twist of Artemis being alive would have been better had they not did the "hours earlier" thing ?.
Mostly because CN was too soft. Apperently CN thought the scene was dark enough that they demanded the twist be revealed right away. To Cartoon Network, everyone is 5 years old to the crew.
So the show does some wildly different things with Roy Harper vs that of the comics (and even then, always more variations than that).
Roy left Green Arrow's side in the comics to go solo, the same as Dick leaving Batman to become Nightwing, naming himself Arsenal. He eventually fell into a drug using problem (which this show only loosely touch on with the Clone becoming worse for wear looking while hunting Roy down). He also finds out he has a daughter and cleans himself up for her. He also loses his arm but gets a new one, I think cybernetic like this. And then eventually in 2007, he's offered a spot on the Justice League for the first time in place of Oliver Queen as the new Arrow, the Red Arrow. The show took all that information and ran Roy all over the place, mostly for good but definitely not Point A to Point B accurate.
side note to fan readers: yes, I know technically he was Red Arrow first in 1996's Kingdom Come, but that's an alternate reality time skip. Great series, but wasn't New Earth canon.
Eh, you got some of the events out of order. Well, at least if you’re talking real world, with retcons this might be accurate. He was still Speedy during his heroine addiction. He switched to Arsenal after fully becoming his own man and getting clean, when he had moved away from using bows to using pretty much any ranged weapon. Later on, he got shot in the chest which gave him a fear of guns, which he overcame but still went back to using bows, then decided to fully move on from his wannabe edgy hero days and became Red Arrow and joined the league, and it was probably some of my favorite storytelling from that time. Then they made probably the biggest misstep in my opinion, he lost his arm and killed off Lian. He got the cybernetic arm but couldn’t use a bow anymore, so became Arsenal once again, and joined a villainous team of Titans that Deathstroke created. It felt like such a huge step backwards for him, and killing Lian felt like a big mistake. The arm, sure, whatever. But still, I didn’t like it, though it did lead to one of my favorite runs of Green Arrow, the Brightest Day tie in series he had
From "I hate this show rn" to "I HAD FAITH!" basically all of us lol excited for you guys to see the rest.
oh it's these episodes, bro season 2 is straight gas!!
On the topic of M'gann's powers, and this is solely from my understanding through the show and none of the comics, but unless she activates her powers she won't get any thoughts or emotions from others. She has to activate that part of her powers and focus, the level of focus depending on whatever she is searching for/doing.
There is also a level of trust and respect for her friends. She has no reason to think they are lying, no inkling to think they are betraying the trust they all share. She doesn't do more than connect their minds in a mental link, for anyone on the team or league. Unless specifically requested by another she cares about, she doesn't go beyond that level for them.
It could also be argued she had just gotten back up from being knocked out and wasn't entirely thinking. So to hear Connor and then Dick to confirm Artemis is dead, she believes them. Because how can you possibly trick super hearing? How can the apprentice of Batman possibly be wrong?
So the thing about the arsenal reveal is that in the comics after Rory recovers from heroin addiction and Chris being generous sidekick as a result, he then joins organization that trains him and weapons other than a bow and arrow which then leads to him taking the name arsenal and it's only later that he actually ends up getting the name Red arrow by accident because he joins the Justice League and gets a costume from Ali as a show of repaired bonds and interestingly enough that costume is pretty much the one that read arrow wears in this show except in the comics is completely red. And Green lantern congratulations for being on the team and is about to call him Rory because they're one of the heroes who know each other's identities but then after that they remember where they are and who they're standing next to and he just trails off from his dad saying Roy into sing red arrow and Roy just rolls with that and keeps it for some time.
The line “We’ll laugh about this someday” is a callback to the picture he took in that episode in Season 1
So yeah every Robin has their own 'evolved form'. Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Tim Drake becomes Red Robin, Stephanie Brown becomes Spoiler(Though she doesn't always start as a Robin)
Damien is the only one that hasn't moved on from the Robin title yet, at least as far as i'm aware
Also that's not even half of the bat family, lol
The only things Damien has become after Robin are more parallel universe forms, nothing truly canon. Heir to the Dragon (Ra's al Ghul #2 lol) or Nightwing in a time skip of Injustice the video game. I like that one cuz his Nightwing outfit is red instead of blue and he has long hair like the Teen Titans show version/The New Adventures of Batman from the 90's version of Nightwing.
The Captain Cold power walk makes me laugh ever time I see it. It’s so goofy lol
After young justice will you guys do justice league and justice league unlimited
They gotta do Batman The Animated Series and Superman The Animmated Series before they can do those two.
Dude if you think there a lot of moving parts now. Just wait. It gets crazy, and somehow super easy to follow
I can't believe it's taken me so long to realize Cheshire named her daughter after Artemis ?
Been waiting on THIS one! So hype!
The escrima sticks are part of Nightwing's fighting style. You see it in the animated movies as well. The bo staff is more for Tim Drake as Robin.
We've been waiting for this since the first episode.
also the red arrow clone later goes by Will instead of roy
So many dominoes get set up this season and it's so satisfying to see them get knocked down.
for clarification wendy is from the season 1 school episode she was a cheerleader
Man Hunter is just the title of Martian police. It's like if some guy went to Mars to be a superhero and named himself The Human Cop
I have been chomping at the bit to see you guys see Miss Martians shenanigans come to a head