Young Justice Episode 1-2 Reaction
Young Justice Episode 3-4 Reaction
Young Justice Episode 5-6 Reaction
Young Justice Episode 7-8 Reaction
Young Justice 9-10 Reaction
Young Justice Episode 11-12 Reaction
Young Justice Episode 13-14 Reaction
Young Justice Episode 15-16 Reaction
Young Justice Episode 17-18 Reaction
Young Justice Episode 19-20 Reaction
Young Justice Episode 21-22 Reaction
Young Justice Episode 23-24 Reaction
Young Justice Episode 25-26 Reaction
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I've never watched this show, but I assume that this Robin is Jason Todd based on his personality. That would be the 2nd Robin, the one who becomes Nightwing. Damian is the 3rd Robin and is apart of the Teen Titans. Then there's the first Robin, Dick Grayson, who layer becomes Red Hood
Dick Grayson first Robin becomes Nightwing. Jason Todd is second robin become Red hood. Tim Drake is third robin becomes Red Robin. Damien is fourth robin who sometimes becomes next Batman. Both this Robin and the Teen Titans Robin are Dick Grayson. Damien is Robin in the Teen Titans DCAMU (Animated Movies Universe)
I can’t get it to play?
Yo, no-one said anything but booms sublime master 'Santeria' joke was actually bomb
I want a reaction to Titans
I always enjoy the different characters especially ones that' were in Teen Titans like mammoth
Batman isnt afraid to use young heros how many robins did he have after a few years . Batman saw the need and trusted them as he trusted robin
As much as I love this series for the characters and build-up on the mysteries, I've never liked the romance. XD Wally liking M'gann I thought was cute, as the two seem to have more of a similar personality type which could work, but making her have a crush on Superboy... There are a few reasons why it's not a good thing, but I can't talk about it yet until way later in season 1. XD
The Live Action movies have not done Bane any justice. But I guess you could say that about a lot of comic characters.
i LOVE that Superboy had been noticeably taking orders from aqualad even before his appointment as a leader
So that hulked-out muscle guy (I believe) is suppose to be Mammoth, whom appeared as one of the main 3 (later HIVE 5) from the Teen Titan series. The other chick, his sister, does show up as a bad person against Young Justice or even Teen Titans in comics, but never made it to Teen Titans show.
So just to let y’all know. In the comics there are two Aqualads. The one from the teen titans show is named Garth. This is a different aqualad who was actually created only a little before this show was made.
Actually he was created for the show. But before it aired he was added to the comics because of how much they liked him.
im pretty sure that's what happened
Sportsmaster is one of my favorite street level villains. just a dude who is very good with baseballs, hockey sticks and other sports themed objects. he will kick your ass and you will sit there afterwards trying to comprehend what the FUCK just happened. absolute ICON in Stargirl
Used to drive my ex crazy watching this show whenever he showed up doing something and I'd respond to her indignation with "X is a sport"
Robin is by far my favorite character so far. The tech stuff, the laughter after he vanishes, his personality, his gadgets, his intelligence. Love him!
ROBIN'S THIRTEEN!?!? Damn, didn't see that coming, I assumed he was like 15-17 tbh.Makes me think of how the girls in Amphibia were written as like 16 until Disney told the team to change them to 13.
Yup, he's 13, kid flash is 15 and aqualad is 16, but since he's been robin since he was 8 years old, he's technically been doing hero work the longest, but definitely the most immature
One thing I just realized after the fight with the wind guy, it doesn't even make sense that the ship would conceal them. The ship and the people in it should be mostly transparent, as shown before, but when she puts it between the guy and them, it also conceals them somehow.
I don't think it turns transparent, it's camouflaged, it's changing to look like what's behind it. But if she can control what it looks like, she could make it look like what's behind it except without them there.
Normally a Batman type of guy, Superman is usually hit or miss for me, cause the boy scoutness can be written well, but often it's written very boring. So, I had no idea superboy would be so angry my first time watching, and he basically instantly became my favorite (along with aqualad), of at least season 1.
Bro, ok, kudos to this show for taking one of my most hated tropes, "It was all a test, you were never in any real danger (regardless of what emotional damage you may take)" and giving it the finger. I fully bought into that being the case when she said it was Red Tornado, then had to sit patiently until the end of the episode, because I wanted to make sure they didn't pull a double psych. It may not matter to anyone else, but as someone who is truly sick of that trope, this was very satisfying to witness.
The Aqualad here was created solely for this series but was introduced into the comics about 6 months before the series came out, this was because Geoff Johns(prominent DC writer) saw what the YJ team was working on and liked the character. Garth is still in this series, but we won’t see him until later.
Btw, the big dude fighting Bane in the beginning, is called "Mammoth". You've met him the original teen titans series, one of the members of HIVE. ✌
What I really love about Young Justice is that the creators had mostly no ceo interference on what from DC comics can be used. The only time I think when it became a problem is when a lawsuit, the image comic vs DC suit, happen so a select group characters weren’t usable for time period. But luckily before that happened those characters weren’t that prominent in the series so their loss wasn’t felt unless you really liked those two characters.
Fun fact: the character who injected the cobra-venom, and his skin opened, is Mammut, he is the same character from the Hive Five from Teen Titans
I saw it late, Spanish speaker, sorry
Something that I like about this series is that you can tell the difference between sidekicks and heroes, not about age but about experience in combat, Superboy and Miss Martian have powers but they will have problems against a veteran like Sportmasters.
Man. Next Wednesday can’t get here soon enough ?
As of now, Young Justice is on hiatus. I don't think it was cancelled again but they didn't announce a fifth season yet. One big difference between this show and Teen Titans at least to me is that characters aren't simply archetypes with set roles, tho Teen Titans does go deep, it's mostly episodic while here there is a constant story. You'll definitely see more characters coming soon in the next episodes especially mystery girl in the intro and cover lol.
This show brings such nostalgia!
each season there is a slight time jump but it varies how much time passes between seasons
Great reaction, just do want to reiterate that Teen Titans Aqualad was Garth and this Aqualad is Kaldur- an entirely new character, not just a race swap
Great episode! So excited for next week!!
every time I see speedy and superboy I'm reminded of my childhood crush lol