Young Justice Episode 1-2 Reaction
Young Justice Episode 3-4 Reaction
Young Justice Episode 5-6 Reaction
Young Justice Episode 7-8 Reaction
Young Justice 9-10 Reaction
Young Justice Episode 11-12 Reaction
Young Justice Episode 13-14 Reaction
Young Justice Episode 15-16 Reaction
Young Justice Episode 17-18 Reaction
Young Justice Episode 19-20 Reaction
Young Justice Episode 21-22 Reaction
Young Justice Episode 23-24 Reaction
Young Justice Episode 25-26 Reaction
First Time Playing High on Life Part 5
Cars Reaction
Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius Movie Reaction
Castlevania Season 1 Reaction (Boom Solo)
Attack on Titan Finale Part 1 Reaction
Fairy OddParents Episode 1 & 2 Reaction
(Gold) Sonic The Hedgehog 1 Reaction
Ben 10 Alien Force Episode 1 REACTION
Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law S4 Episode 1-8 Reaction
Knuckles Episode 1-6 Reaction
The Nightmare Before Christmas Movie REACTION
Amphibia Season 2 Episode 1 REACTION
(Gold) The Super Mario Bros. Movie Reaction
Amphibia S3 Episode 1 REACTION
Not sure if anyone else mentioned but Megan isn’t albino. It was mentioned much earlier in the season but Green Martians are the majority and White Martians are the minority. It’s just plain old racism/colorism.
If you want to see the dangerous effects of using venom for a long time you can find out what happened to Bane in Batman Beyond. Sure it may be old but it is one of the darkest Batman series out there that takes place after Bruce has retired so you will also get to see the fate of some of the villains from back in his day.
It's also interesting that it was the OG 6 Justice League members that went missing from the Justice League Series if you realize that.
So long story short the creators planned the series to run 5 seasons and had this big long story arc planned, with each season set to build on the previous one culminating in the final season which would payoff everything. Unfortunately the show couldn’t get a toy license, but because it still had a large viewership so they were given 1 more season to wrap it up. Rather than leave fans on a cliffhanger that would never be resolved the creators opted to time skip to what was supposed to be the season 5 storyline and the finale for the series. This left fans divided between those that would have preferred seeing the original season 2 and those that were glad to see how the show was meant to end
Season 3 being released on the DC app really took a hit on the fan base. most people didn't want to subscribe for one show.
I was 11 when YJ first premiered, I was in middle school, aged 13 when YJ season 2 ended, and i was 19 when they finally announced season 3, so yeah this show was a journey for those whohave been watching since the beginning. I can only hope YJ pulls a Futurama and gets re-uncancelled for season 5
dude says "show you what happened to the first robin" this is the first robin or is erik making a joke
As someone who has been a fan of this series since the OG days, a lot of the hate or criticism towards season 3 and 4 are largely overblown and hated for things that have frankly always been an aspect of this show
People generally talk about season 1 and 2 as the series peak nowadays, but old heads like me will remember back in the day season 2 was actually very divisive for some of its choices, much of which are the same complaints thrown at season 3 and 4.
I’ve watched a lot of react channels react to this show and pretty much all of them had a good time with season 3 and 4 overall, I think as long as you’re willing to have a good time and take what the series is trying to do you’ll enjoy it, if you want more of the same as previous seasons you’ll be in a bad time
I still remember having to switch to watching season 1 online because they stopped airing the new episodes at one point. I was a big fan and even the changes I wasn’t a huge fan of like not being able to take off the helmet of fate and Red Tornado being just a robot were par for the course with other animated shows and movies.
I was really excited for season 2 until they announced the time skip due to the series only getting 1 more season. I understand that they had to make a judgment call, either make season 2 according to what they had planned and leave the series on a cliffhanger, or jump ahead to what they planned for season 5 so fans could see what the final season was supposed to be. However I thought that was the wrong decision then and I think it was definitely the wrong decision a decade later.
They really needed those 3 seasons worth of story they skipped to pay off the Invasion storyline in a meaningful and satisfying way. It also backfired a second time with seasons 3 and 4 because the invasion storyline was supposed to be the end of the series.
When fans brought back the show the creators had no story, no well thought out 5 season plan like they did before. Instead you got 2 seasons that just felt like extras trying to extend the payoff of what was supposed to be the end of the series, because the creators didn’t want to plan out more than 1 season after what happened last time.
Had the creators made season 2 as planned instead of jumping ahead they would’ve been able to make Season 3 and 4 as planned when the series got brought back leading to an even bigger outcry of support for one more final 5th season to wrap up the story they had planned out. Then they could have done the invasion storyline without needing to recap all the major plot points they skipped over
I cannot wait for season 2
Without spoiling, I'll say each season is pretty different from the last, for better or worse, so it was probably jarring for some. After rewatching, I think season 1 was my favorite, but still enjoyed how much the new seasons expanded on this "universe". Most of what I know about DC came from watching this show, and its a lot, especially when you look up all the characters/references in here. Love the way they brought so many ideas, characters and concepts from the DC universe in one show.
I genuinely enjoy how much the series creators are willing to shake things are
It’s not really willing when you don’t have much of a choice. The creators planned the show to run for 5 seasons but the shows inconsistent renewal lead them to turn season 5 into season 2 and then when the show was brought back they didn’t want to plan more than 1 season in advance so they basically did judas contract, and then a bunch of mini arcs focusing on the different members of original team
Loved rewatching S1 with some new faces. Reminded me of how enjoyable this series was.
So, one elephant to address though. I won't put it here due to spoilers, but if I remember right S2 starts a bit oddly because they tried to tie the story together with a YJ video game. I remember being pretty lost at first until I looked into it. I don't remember how important those details were, so I'm just going to warn that there was a weird gap in the story between S1 and S2 (it also might have been between S2 and S3, it's be so long since I've watched this series).
You have it backwards. The game was meant to cover part of what was supposed to be the season 4 storyline. The creators planned the show to run for 5 seasons, but when they found out they were only getting one more they had to make a call. Either make season 2 as planned and leave fans on a cliff hanger, or jump ahead to what was supposed to be season 5 and the finale of the series. They did the latter and had to spend time recapping the major plot points they skipped which is why season 2 was so weird, it was missing 3 seasons worth of storylines and set up that would have made it a sad buy satisfying conclusion to the series
I love the way they all came clean to each other and revealed their secrets. It reminds me of that library balcony scene from The Breakfast Club where their all telling each other why they got detention that day.
I've always been a Klarion fan and love how he was portrayed in Young Justice. He is one of my favorite villains
Amazing reaction to a beautiful finale! Literally for me Every single year in that haitus I waited, plotted, researched to find more young justice. The prayers were answer and we got a s3 then a little bit longer for s4 and they broke that season up to like a whole year for release then part 2 of s4 came out weekly so I was watching that live as it came out on max. Praying we get a season 5. Thankful yall are watching and I’m really enjoying the show all over again.
if you guys want more Guy Gardner and Plastic Man you guys gotta add Batman Brave and the Bold to the next poll
I don't know if anyone else feels the way i do, but could you go back to the other format where it's not blocking the video. If its only me then oh we'll I'll get over it but I preferred seeing all of you guys plus the full video without you guys covering it up?
Oh wow how did I not notice the change wtf
I also cannot stand when superheroes wear speedos, like who tf was that for? Give the supes pants for cryin out loud.
I really hate it when they don't. The colors of the silhouette just seem off without them.
it was originally done to look like strong man outfits
the writing and animation quality takes a hit in season 3, mostly due to working with a lower budget, 4 is a bit better but I haven't finished it.
UGH creamin my jeans on this one, season 1 and 2 are so good!!
Season 4 starts slow but has some genuinely great stories in my opinion
40:48 Were they saying they like it more when Superman doesn't have the red trousers. If so I'm gonna have to disagree. I fine with the red trunks as it helps with his color scheme and is a more classic look.
Sidenote: out of all the relationships in this show, Robin and Zatana are probably my favorite as is was a lot more subtle and in the periphery. Same with Zataana and Rocket's friendship and Aqualad and Red Arrows friendship ?.
Just like how this is Ruff's favorite weekly, this is the series I've come to enjoy the most. Oooooh man I can't wait for the rest
Fun Fact: The six Leaguers who were missing had been the founding members of the Justice League from the old cartoon from 2003
They knew they had a second season cause Season 2 aired one week after this finale
The series when it aired on Cartoon Network would usually get about 7-8 episodes and then go on hiatus for 2-3 months and then come back with a new batch. Not unusual for cartoons even serialized ones
But it’s also important that when Season 3 came back it wasn’t on Max or even HBO Max, it was on the DC Universe App. That streaming service that brought us a bad Titans show, a pretty alright Harley Quinn animated series, a Swamp Thing show so good that it killed itself in its excellence, and the revival of Young Justice.
The app couldn’t sustain itself so it got shunted over to Max for season 4 and it seems like that’s where it’ll end its life. Be nice to get a season 5 but I’m not holding my breath
The different Robins are: 1st Dick Grayson
2nd Jason Todd
3rd Tim Drake
4th Stephanie Brown
5th Damian Wayne
don't forget Duke Thomas and Maps
For more info on "starro " watch suicided squad 2 and justices league first villian
before you continue season 3 and 4 get alot of hate but i hope you 3 will ignore that and give it your full open minded opinion and finish it cause imo its ending is worth it
Re: Earth Lanterns
Generally (GENERALLY, as with all comics things it's only consistent to a degree):
Hal - "The man with no fear." Fear being the greatest weakness of the Lanterns, Hal is the lantern you can count on to not lose power in the face of terror.
Guy - Strongest will of them all. Not the bottomless font that Hal is, but his constructs hit harder and take a beating better when he's feeling good about himself.
John - Sturdiest constructs. His history in architecture means that, unlike most lanterns, he actually builds out his constructs when he makes them. When he wants a shield his construct is made of the actual parts that go into building a shield, not just a green wall in a shield's shape. His military efficiency also leads to a lot of beams and bubbles when he doesn't HAVE to be creative to solve a situation.
Kyle - The most creative lantern. His constructs are difficult to face because he can draw on his limitless creativity to come up with solutions for most any problem.
Jessica Crus - The Lantern who can overcome great fear. Theoretically all lanterns can do this, but like Guy is the most willful and Hal is the most fearless, Jessica's entire character arc was her dealing with the fact that she's a lantern fighting anxiety and still functioning as a lantern to the point that, while she might be afraid, she can still function unlike most lanterns.
Simon Baz - ... He had a gun for a while. They gave him future sight at some point.
Kyle being an actual artist makes sense for him to the most creative ?.
Is Jessica the one that made a Gurren Lagaan mech? Because that's one of my favorite things that I found out about the Green Lanterns
You’re thinking of Jo Mullen from the Far Sector run, which is excellent do read it, she was vaguely canon and then was so popular she was made canon
That was Kyle
The reason people including myself don't enjoy seasons 3/4 is because they don't focus on the characters we love and care about
That’s not even true though, season 3 and especially season 4 focus on the original core cast still, season 2 also takes away focus from the original cast to varying levels and people hype it up
This is just objectively not a real criticism
Little clarification on what boom said about guy Gardner, out of the hundreds ti thousands of green lanterns in the lantern corp, guy is like top 10 maybe even top 5, but he's still weaker than hal and John, so he's strong, but not the strongest
i always love that moment between conner and clark at the end there
I just want to say first half of season 3 is pretty good. But it drops off the second half with very little pay off in my opinion.
Most people agree that season 1 is the best season and that season 3 is the worst season. Pretty much every mystery of this season was solved but now we have a new mystery, what the Justice League did when they were under mind control. Funny enough there is a game that takes place between season 1 and two where you play as this team. I don't know how canon it is, but there is one to play.
Game isn't very cannon the comics cover that. And while I agree season 3 is rhe worst I still think it's good, and I'm pretty sure the guys will get there and go "Why did people say this was bad?"
The game does cover some things that are brought up in season 2.
such a great finale cant wait for season 2, just be prepared for a slight time jump. also the the game takes place between season 1 and 2 and arguably should be played before starting season 2
And now that season 1 ends, we move into the baffling choices of season 2. I still like the second season, but they made some bold decisions that to this day I think were mistakes.
Such as?
I'm just asking out of curiosity, I know you may not want to spoil anything if they see this ?. Still would love to know your take.
The first mistake I think was making the time jump. I really don't like that skipped ahead to pick up the story. The 2nd mistake was the loss at the end of the season that I won't spoil. There were others, but those two always stick in my mind as mistakes of the season. It's still not a bad one, but I think the choices they made hurt the overall story which only compounded into the worst season which was 3. 4 was much better but still only on season 2's level.
robin did not have to hit her that hard lmao
Does anybody else not really like these new formats the videos are in. I mean I like that the image is bigger but I hate how the cameras block most of the top of the video especially cause they cover the subtitles. Am I the only one thinking it's not great or are there others?
my main issue with the new layout is that you cant watch all the reactors and have to pick which reactor cam to watch since the cams are split up
Yeah I was thinking the same ?.
It was also rough to watch with this format for Clone Wars because the second line of subtitles were cut off
i agree
Yeah, I'm not feeling it either. It doesn't ruin it for me, but they pretty much got it perfect before imo, so idk why they changed it.
Feels like it cuts off more than it adds imo.
There were a few people including myself on the regular show reaction that aren't fans of it either.