Young Justice Episode 1-2 Reaction
Young Justice Episode 3-4 Reaction
Young Justice Episode 5-6 Reaction
Young Justice Episode 7-8 Reaction
Young Justice 9-10 Reaction
Young Justice Episode 11-12 Reaction
Young Justice Episode 13-14 Reaction
Young Justice Episode 15-16 Reaction
Young Justice Episode 17-18 Reaction
Young Justice Episode 19-20 Reaction
Young Justice Episode 21-22 Reaction
Young Justice Episode 23-24 Reaction
Young Justice Episode 25-26 Reaction
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Young Justice S2 Episode 1-2 Reaction
boom people go to nascar to see drivers die
You guys should check out Spectacular Spider-Man Series its hands down my favorite Marvel animated TV show.
I’d be down to see you guys watch doctor who
So Black spider was intentionally made to be an obvious spider-man copy, DC did it as a sort of jab back at marvel for making Black cat who's just a clear catwoman copy
Black Spider was created 3 years before Black Cat. Black Cat was one of two parody characters Marv Wolfman created after leaving DC for Marvel the other one being Bullseye. Black Spider was DC’s response to Marvel copying several of their characters over the years
There’s a lot of Guy Gardner in Brave and the Bold ;)
Something I need to say about Guy Gardner before anyone relegates him to JUST a piece of shit (though he is). he's not just any green lantern, he is one of the strongest. a green lanterns power is fueled not by good but by willpower and Guy has so much that his ring is literally leaking. he never gives up no matter how dumb it is, he will always talk back to and shit talk someone no matter how powerful. he is a waterfall of will and thats why he's got the job.
Actually he was originally a really nice guy who was good friends with Hal, but repeated head injuries made him an angry aggressive jerk. He nearly ruined his life before Hal and John finally managed to get him some help that allowed him to go back to being his old nice self. He then went around making amends with all the people he hurt including his wife who left him. Every version after that the writers just kept making him a jerk for no reason
I gotta say that this show definitely knows how to build suspense and keep you guessing. And I feel like that Red Arrow fighting Cheshire is kinda like a callback to Teen Titans when her first appearance in that show was against Speedy. Also I hope you guys get your YouTube back!
Hope you guys get your channel back
Soon... soon... The plot thickens!
So fun fact, Black Spider(who’s an obvious play on Spider-Man) was voiced by THE Spectacular Spider-Man himself, Josh Keaton. The character also showed up in the first Cheshire episode with no speaking lines.
cant wait next weeks finale is so good
If you like the DC universe another show you should check out is the DC Titans show it is live action and has 4 seasons it focuses on the titans and is a darker more grown up version of the show.
Oh I cannot WAIT!!!! FINALE TIME SOON BABY!!!!! Y'all are going to get your minds BLOWN
Next week is season 1 finale. It's all coming to an end now you can definitely tell. Definitely an ever growing story
Damn at least I can keep up with vids here since the YouTube got hacked. Thanks pateron
Took that offensive. Lol. Green Arrow is never a bad shot.
Yeah that ending always gets ne
The Spiderman dude is Black Spider, basically just an assassin for the League of Shadows. He's a batman villain that tried to start a war on drugs violently in Gotham before Batman stopped him.
The show never explains too much about him, but he does show up again dw. Fun ironic fact: The voice actor, Josh Keaton, originally voiced Spiderman in the Spectacular Spiderman cartoon
Black Spider is being voiced by Josh Keaton who was The Spectacular Spider-Man, a show I highly recommended. And it's show run by Greg Weisman, the same dude who runs Young Justice.
best spider-man show and its not that long