Young Justice Episode 1-2 Reaction
Young Justice Episode 3-4 Reaction
Young Justice Episode 5-6 Reaction
Young Justice Episode 7-8 Reaction
Young Justice 9-10 Reaction
Young Justice Episode 11-12 Reaction
Young Justice Episode 13-14 Reaction
Young Justice Episode 15-16 Reaction
Young Justice Episode 17-18 Reaction
Young Justice Episode 19-20 Reaction
Young Justice Episode 21-22 Reaction
Young Justice Episode 23-24 Reaction
Young Justice Episode 25-26 Reaction
We Are Discouraged Men – Red Dead Redemption 2 First Playthrough – Part 7
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(gold) Puss In Boots The Last Wish REACTION
Ben 10 S3 Episode 1 REACTION
Misfit of Demon King Academy Episode 1-6 Reaction
(Gold) John Wick 3 REACTION
Vox Machina S3 Episode 1-3 Reaction
Billy and Mandy Save Christmas REACTION
Nimona Reaction
First Time Playing **LITTLE MISFORTUNE** – this game is HEARTBREAKING…
Regular Show Season 8 Episode 1-4 Reaction
Mob Psycho S2 Episode 1-2 REACTION
Batman: Under The Red Hood REACTION
(Gold) Kung Fu Panda REACTION
Snatch Reaction
I feel like this version of Joker is trying and failing to do a Heath Ledger Joker.
The dinosaurs would just suffocate to death unfortunately
Season 3 is also when they made the switch to only airing on their DC online platform. They didn’t air on Cartoon Network any more and you’d have to pay for ANOTHER streaming service just to watch it. But it was just getting started and didn’t have too much other content to make it worth paying for.
I think the fan fall off after season 2 was mostly the gap, but while 1 & 2 covered some lesser-known characters, 3 & 4 went ‘screw it; lets see how many characters we can fit in here!’ Less time to spend on fan favorite characters with 100+ people to juggle.
Honestly, the latter seasons are still great, but you can definitely blame a lot of the drop on the irl time jump/gap between 2 and 3 lol Rewatching Seasons 1-4 altogether actually makes it so much better, but ofc there's also valid reasons why people prefer only 1 and 2. Story, characters, and plot are still top quality but the reason for the audience drop? You'll see when y'all get there lol
I personally love the Red Robin comics but you would defiantly need some background before getting into them. No spoilers but Its about the 3rd robin Tim Drake and involves the league of assassins and Ra's quite a bit. Definitely not a story that has been animated or in any movies/TV yet because Tim is always forgotten in favor of the other 3 robins despite his solo comics being the most popular.
The Elephants were clearly on the drug from earlier episodes. they even say it. How can you miss it?
Shazam is the name of the Wizard who gave Billy his Powers. Captain Marvel was Billy's original hero name which DC and Marvel went back and forth over for years with DC eventually winning in the end... until New 52 when they decided to Rename the character Shazam and just give Marvel the rights to the name. Also Mr. Tawney was Billy's friend from the comics who was a walking talking Tiger in a green suit
Captain Marvel Is Shazam, He just can't call himself Shazam because that's the word he uses to transform. There's a Marvel Captain marvel so they started calling him Shazam more & Captain Marvel Less
I'm behind, sorry for that, but as far as I can tell for Young Justice Season 3-4, more from my perspective, the fact that it took so long, especially "after being cancelled twice," and then not only being HBO/MAX+ exclusive along with the original series being locked behind yet another streaming service where Netflix and Hulu were the top two for EVERYTHING and then all these companies made their own (Peacock, CBS, etc) made watching new content so difficult instead of passing rights off to Netflix and Hulu. Long of the short, I even pay for MAX and still haven't watched S3-4 cuz it was already such a hassle, I haven't taken time to care or try.
Coming from someone who has watched season 3 and tried to get through season 4, it’s still a good show but it just gets so big and complicated, and adds characters who frankly, no one knows or cares about. Like who tf knows or cares about Geo Force? Did he really need to become a MAIN character? There were just so many story lines and characters that we actually would’ve LOVED to see in those seasons, and they had full creative freedom to use them, but just didn’t, like for example (spoilers for things that don’t happen, if you wanted to stay in the dark, I’m boutta list better ideas for season 3 and 4 that didn’t happen) we could’ve gotten Red Hood as a character, the time-line added up and it woulda been so fun to see, we could’ve seen Wally’s return, which absolutely all the fans were begging for yet they just didn’t do it, we could’ve gotten crisis on infinite earths, or something multiversal like maybe an Earth 2 (all heroes are villains and vice versa) invasion to see evil versions of our core team, etc etc. they just fumbled so many great opportunities. Again though, it’s still a pretty good show, but it’s hard not to notice the decline, it goes from “one of the best DC shows ever made” to “another animated dc show,” and they are pretty good at their animated stuff. I just typed a ton and didn’t realize it, whoops
You guys should watch the newer Jurado park films because I’m pretty sure they do what you are talking about
Also the reason there are so many ape villains in the Dc universe is because in the 1960s when comics were not doing super well financially comics that sold better where ones that featured apes on the cover so DC invented a lot of ape super villains that just stuck around
Ok so captain marvel was originally a character of fawcett productions whiz comics and sold extremely well because it was like Superman but with a slight twist being a child that turns into a hero by saying Shazam. This lead to DC comics suing fawcett productions for copyright infringement, it was a really long legal battle that DC eventually lost but the whole ordeal lead to fawcett going out of business anyway. DC t eventually bought the rights to the characters and would start making comics using captain marvel but by that time Marvel Comics had trademarked the comic title of captain marvel which meant that DC couldn’t call their comics captain marvel so they started calling the comics Shazam but the character was still called captain marvel. After so many years of the comic being called Shazam people started associating the title with the hero so a lot of people would call captain marvel Shazam so for a brief period the hero was just called Shazam but then DC changed it back to Captain Marvel with the new 52 I think because Marvel Comics was becoming less trigger happy with lawsuits
slight correction, it was actually changed to shazam during the new52 launch, pre-2011 he was still called captain marvel, which is during the production of yj season 1 and two
42:45 to answer who they are, that was icon and rocket. They were famous characters created by famous independent comic guy who wrote for dc, Dwayne mcduffie. He also created one last very famous one who you’ll see next season with electric powers
so i like every season of this and i don't understand the hate for it
The Captain Marvel Thing: back in the 70’s, there was a legal battle that decided that DC could not make a comic series called Captain Marvel because it conflicted with Marvels comic series also called Captain Marvel. He kept the name Captain marvel while having a series called Power of Shazam. Then in 2011 they officially changed his name to Shazam in order to squash the whole thing permanently. That’s why he’s captain marvel in this show, it was before they changed it.
Shazam, also known as Captain Marvel, is a superhero in American comic books published by DC Comics1. His original name was Captain Marvel, but DC Comics changed it to Shazam in 1972 because Marvel Comics created their own character with a similar name, Captain Mar-Vell, in 19672. In 2012, DC officially changed Captain Marvel's name to "Shazam", to resolve trademark conflicts with the Marvel Comics character of the same name3. Captain Marvel officially became Shazam, and his supporting cast - once the "Marvel Family" - were now known as the Shazam Family4.
Season 4 is better then season 3 to rank them would be 14 2 3
the capatain marvel thing i think is because both marvel and dc has a cptain marvel so DC thought it better to switch
they werent actually lost in the desert for 6 months, it was only 24 hours. simon, the brain skulled psychic from that episode made them forget the past six months, but they were only 'lost' since the previous day
GOTTA read DC's "Far Sector" it's a completely self contained Green Lantern comic about a new Green Lantern solving a murder on an alien planet at the edge of the universe
Superman: What Ever Happened to The Man of Tomorrow by Allen Moore [which is written as the last Superman story ending the silver age of comics]
Superman: Secret Origins by Geoff Johns
Batman Venom by Dennis O'Neil
Batman Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader? By Neil Gaimon
The Flash: Rebirth by Geoff Johns
Justice League International 1: Born Again
JLA: A League of One
Justice League: Cosmic Odyssey
Super Sons by Tomasi
Superman: Last Son
Superman/Shazam: First Thunder
Superman/Green Lantern Legend of The Green Flame
Arkahm Asylum: Living Hell
Kingdom Come
Wonder Woman: The Lies
A realllllly goood DC comics that I highly doubt, check if I'm wrong, is animated is the Blackest Night. It's addictive for me to read more of it because it has a bunch of spin off comics like the Blackest Night Teen Titans and etc.
Plus if you read the sequel to Blackest Night, Brightest Day, that's where they introduced the new Aqualad that we see in Young Justice, as a lead up to the series starting
originally they only changed the title of the comicbook to shazam, the character of captain marvel wouldn't become shazam until the early 2010s.
I hate this Joker so much, but I'm going to try my hardest to get through this reaction
that dude is a sorceror not a yellow lantern lol
they said the mission was in india
Captain Marvel is his superhero name, SHAZAM is the wizard who gives him his powers, and also an acronym for the individual Gods his powers are from
Seasons 3 and 4 are still great, I think views drop off because seasons 1 and 2 have nostalgia bonus, while 3 and for 4 more recently came out so no nostalgia. I don't think there's any real drop in quality
I argue season 3 had a drop in the latter half, but that was mainly trying to do too much at once, still fun.
I have a feeling dropping Dinosaurs into Russia wouldn't work too well lol its kinda cold asf
Batman: Assault on Arkham. It's based off the Arkham games. I won't say how or why, but it should've had a different title. You'll understand why I think that within the first 10 minutes or so. It's by far my favorite DC movie.
I watched seasons 1 and 2, but I never watched 3 and 4. I don't remember what streaming service it was but it was on one I didn't have and I didn't care enough to hunt it down basically, it more or less was just too long of a wait between seasons, then it was announced really early compared to when the show actually returned so they hype died down, and then it wasn't even on Netflix like Seasons 1 and 2 which is where most people watched the show in the first place, then they also came out later in the superhero boom we had in the past 10 years or so, just oversaturated market and general sentiment being burnt out on superhero stuff. That is my general understanding. I've heard seasons 3 and 4 were still good but it kinda just missed its moment ya know.
Honestly I would kinda expect the same thing to happen to Teen Titans were they to try and actually bring that series back (and not TTGo)
56:00 DC does a remarkably shitty job of marketing their characters. They have a ton of characters that SHOULD be household names but aren't
Going into lantern cores there's a lot of them. Red, blue, green, yellow, pink, orange, black white and that's what I just remember off rip. The green lantern animated series goes into it a bit.
My favorite is the member of the Red Lanterns that is a cat who's owner was killed and she got so angered by it that her rage was enough for her to become a Lantern
Dex'star, it's a he, and his old lady owner was killed by robbers, and then he was put in a sack and tossed in a river to drown, he got so unbelievably angry that a red power ring searched him out
While i can't say for certain why seasons 3 and 4 are not as known. I'm guessing it has something to do with you had to sign up for a different streaming service to watch 3 and 4. Personally I thought each was enjoyable within they're own right, and thought it was a hell of a move to increase the age rating for each season.
if you guys don't have times to get into the comics ya'll can always watch lore videos about certain characters your curious or interested in. feel like that'll help knowledge aswell.
SHAZAM was originally called " Captain Marvel". Marvel comics ended up legally keeping the name, which led to where we are now.
To answer the question about season 3&4 season 3 first half is pretty solid but misses the landing. Basically what the two seasons have in common is that they do way too much build up with little to no payoff. The focus of young justice loses its meaning in my opinion
Recommendation: Superman vs the Elite
If you are only considering earth Green Lanterns their are 6
Nevermind I forgot one so their are seven.1. Hal Jordan
2. Guy Gardner
3. John Stewart
4. Kyle Rayner
5. Simon Baz
6. Jessica Cruz
7. Jo Mullein
Love Brent Spiner, but this is by far my least favorite version of Joker -- I think they were trying too hard to make him distinct from all the other recent portrayals.
There are hundreds if not thousands of green lanterns. But for earth there are 3.
Or 4. I always forget there's also 1 female human green lantern
actually its 6 official1. Hal Jordan
2. John Stewart
3. Guy Gardner
4. Kyle Rayner
5. Simon Baz
6. Jessica Cruz
2 honorary/not apart of the corps
Alan Scott
Keli Quintela AKA Teen Lantern
and finally one human who does not patrol earth
Sojourner "Jo" Mullein
This is just the humans and not the various squirrels and aliens who also patrol earth
Poor Simon Baz forgotten again or Kyle which would be funnier
Vandal Savage is so sick
This joker imo is the weakest
It's also pretty obvious that they haven't seen Jurassic World. Did you even see the franchises outside of the first one? put it on the list please.
Yoo reactions to the Jurassic franchise would be fantastic!
Long Story Short, DC has the copyright to the character but not the Trademark to the name “Captain Marvel”. They can absolutely call the character “Captain Marvel”, but they can’t put “Captain Marvel” in the title of anything. No books, movies, shows, etc. made by DC can have “Captain Marvel” in the title
What’s ironic is DC(formerly called National Comics) sued Fawcett Comics( the original owner/creator of Captain Marvel) because Captain Marvel was a “rip-off” of Superman. But the Captain Marvel that Marvel made, who was an alien and didn’t have magic powers, was more like Superman than Fawcett’s Captain Marvel.
Reading the comments everything has been said, so he left movie recommendations.
-wonder woman 2009
-green lantern: first flight
-green lantern: emerald knights (by the way, there are 6 green lanterns of earth, but only three at YJ's time)
- batman year one
justice league:
-jl the new frontier
-jl crisis on two earth
-superman/Batman: public enemies
- superman/batman apocalypse
- batman arkham assault
elseworld(what if dc version):
-batman gaslight
-superman redson
-justice league gods and monster (has three shorts to watch before the movie)
Superman/Batman: Public Enemies is a pretty fun watch. It’s basically a superhero buddy cop movie. What else could you want.
Comic recs, mostly from DC side.
Superman: Red Sun
(Superman alternate reality where he landed in soviet union. They made a standalone animated film adaptation that I don't think is part of your collection. (Double check)
Kingdom Come
(A Superman focused story in the future when the age of heroes has changed from Superman's time. One of Alex Ross' most known works, that famously features the Strongman style of superman art)
(A stupid fun crossover, that was actually canon to DC storylines [And I distinctly remember this], and apparently canon to marvel as well)
Blackest Night
(This was a big event with many main important comics and many pretty relevent tie in comics. At this point, proper collections and volumes have been created so it should be easier to find. Basically, a wide story line about the dead coming back, with the Black Lantern Corps being a thing.
Identity Crisis
(A Justice league murder mystery so to speak. Im not sure if they can bring this to animation for a couple different reasons I don't want to get into. Comes with one of my favorite twists, that if you pay close attention or are just more inclined to notice such thihgs, is actually displayed in front of your eyes pretty cleverly.)
The only one from Marvel I immediately remember that wasn't deadpool related, is 'House of M'. great story, also not sure if they'll ever bring it into animation. I know xmen 97 has a lot int can lead into, and in theory, they could eventually do House of M, but I see that a ways away if they do.
Comic Drake made a video explaining the Captain Marvel name change called “The Infamous Shazam Lawsuit”. Basically, it’s pretty much entirely DC’s fault.
Day 2 of asking for Project Shadow(30 mins) and Sonic The Hedgehog: The Movie(1996)(54 min OVA) (both are available for free on YouTube)
Without delving into the spoiler reasons why season 3 and 4 tanked is because the budget was cut and the animation SUFFERED from it. There’s a lot of still shots and no mouth movements. For season 3 the writing was also a mixed bag and wasn’t as straightforward as season 1 and 2. Those two things plus years long wait plus more dc content lead to old fans leaving
12:20 Technically incorrect AND technically incorrect. Crocadillians are Archosaurs, but not dinosaurs. Dinosaurs are Archosaurs as well. Kinda like how monkeys are primates, and lemurs are primates but lemurs aren't monkeys and monkeys aren't lemurs. The only dinosaurs in this episode are the vultures. Pterodactyls are ALSO not dinosaurs btw, just pterosaurs, which is another kind of archosaur.
Season 3 and 4 are fine. 3 is a bit all over the place and 4 is somewhat the same. But they have great story lines and action scenes. The problem seemed to be that the viewers all grew up, that was a long time for YJ to go unseen.
I'm not sad you paused to talk about jurassic park, I'm sad you didn't pause to talk about planet of the apes. Just seems more topical.
Amazon is releasing a new Batman animated series
I would recommend DC-eased, it's a really good comic series
People have explained the finer details, but to get to the main crux: Since the 70s, DC is not allowed to call Captain Marvel "Captain Marvel" when advertising "Captain Marvel." He can use the name in media, but not for promotional material. So they have advertised him under his transformation phrase "Shazam!" In 2011 they went "fuck it" and just started calling him "Shazam" in universe as well. But it didn't really stick and he's back to being Captain "The Captain" Marvel.
he was originally called Captain Marvel in the 40s until dc sued them captain marvel which was not owned by dc at the time for copying Superman.So the character Leid Dorment until the 70s when purchased a rival company and started used but by that time Marvel comic became and created a character called Captain Marvel so they had to call the comic Shazam but in the story, they called Captain Marvel. This was the norm until the new 52 reboot after this show came out where they just started calling him Shazam instead
I really liked season 3, actually. I think the main reason people complain is (no spoilers I promise), the roster expands A LOT. The original team gets *some* screentime, but their stories mostly take a backseat to the newer additions. A lot of people were frustrated that their favorites had to share and even lose screen time to different characters. Which to be fair, if you bring back a show after a decade and then don't focus on the characters that made it popular in the first place, some disappointment is bound to happen. Anyway, I liked season 3, was meh on season 4. But definitely go into S3 understanding that the main crew doesn't play as big a role as they do now.
This. For people who are excited to learn more DC characters I think it's still enjoyable. But if there is a hero fatigue for the common watcher, I think season 3 in particular is where it goes past that threshold. Season 4 is like a middleground of season 3, and [seasons 1 and 2], in terms of expansion of new characters and intent focus on them, I feel.
The whole Shazam/Captain Marvel thing is overall dumb. His hero name BEING Shazam feels wrong bc technically, everytime he says the word Shazam, he should switch between his forms. If that's his hero name, then he very well cant even say his own name. However, going by the name Captain Marvel runs the risk of causing confusion with Marvel's Carol Danvers, who is also known as Captain Marvel.
So generally, the series is named Shazam, and he is called Captain Marvel. Pretty sure in the DCMAU movies they refer to Captain Marvel as "The Shazam Kids" in the Flashpoint movie specifically because that's what the group is generally called (Alternative being The Shazam Family).
Calling him Captain Marvel is just easier in my opinion, or by Billy Batson, his civilian name.
omg I just watched season 4 and noticed an incredible detail while watching this!
I was wondering if I would see it or not....
So until about 2011 Shazam was referred to as Captain Marvel. Captain Marvel originally belonged to Faucett comics, and for a time outsold Superman. But when Faucett went under DC bought the character but MARVEL but the name rights. So Captain Marvel kept his name but his comics were titled “SHAZAM!”. Until about 2011 in the New 52 when they just changed the characters name to Shazam to match the cover. But that caused retcons to happen because the word that transforms you automatically into your secret identity is a pretty terrible name to introduce yourself as. So they retconned it that the word doesn’t have the power to transform him without the intent. Which nobody liked. SO NOW he is referred to in the comics as “THE CAPTAIN” as a good middle ground. Personally he’ll always be Captain Marvel.
TL;DR Captain Marvel was renamed to the word that transforms him, fans were displeased, he’s called “The Captain” now. Some think he should be called Captain Thunder, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he gets the Captain Marvel name back. Remember Marvel only has sole rights to comic title rights, not character name rights.
Yeah most people don't like this version of the Joker lol, and most reactors keep calling all the monkey characters Grodd because he more well known ??.
I personally like the entire run of the show and would love another season, I think that there are valid criticisms for some of the weaker elements in the later seasons, and the 4th season has an experimental format that led to mixed reception, but i think the highs are incredibly high with this show. I do think this, like many shows, falls victim to people who want to act like comic books aren't political and complain about "wokeness." I think that criticism is tired, like it's fine to critique plot elements or execution but there's also people being irrationally angry about diversity and the show's decision to explore heavier topics.
I don't know if it's been mentioned yet but there is a Young Justice game that does tie in to the story of the show
s1, s2, and s4 are all really good imo. the only problem with s3 is its a slower burn and the wait time kind of killed it cuz most of us watch this on Cartoon Network or on tv as kids. And then it came back on HBO Max when no one was really using the service.
Initially it came on the DC universe app. The streaming service DC tried to have with this and Titans before merging with HBO Max.
the lantern who caught the bus is guy gardner
Zatara and his daughter speak backwards english when they cast spells, it's fun to try and guess the exact spell if you don't have subtitles on, doesn't look like your subtitles spoil it anyway though
Here to recommend DC things!- The 2019 Shazam movie! (I never saw the sequel but it's on my list. I thought the first one was fun.)- Batman Beyond Return of the Joker.
And for shows:
- Justice League Unlimited (only 39 episodes spread into 3 seasons). I don't remember the JL show before that, but do love me some JLU for all the characters in it.
- If you want some Green Arrow, I recommend that one and/or Batman the Brave and the Bold.
- And then for more Mallah and Brain, the new My Adventures with Superman (which is wrapping up it's 2nd season).
bro they absolutely have to watch justice the league cartoon before unlimited it is a non negotiable
Welp, can't argue with that. That's 52 episodes according to Google.
Cool, don't add my paragraph breaks... thanks code ?
If your interested, there is the Shazam and superman vs black Adam which basically shows the origin of Captain marvel
For the record, gorilla City is a place Grod is from, there are JUST sentient gorillas in DC, some of them aren't even super, they just chill at home
shazam actually stands for the wisdom of SOLOMON, strength of HE RCULES, stamina of ATLAS, powers of Zeus, courage of ACHILLES and the speed of Mercury. the first letters make up Shazam
There's a new batman book on shelves called "Batman: The Winning card". The joker is the villain obviously and the book is not afraid to make him the monster he is. "Dark Knights Metal" is fun, not gonna say it's great, but it IS written by Snyder, the same one from the Justice League movie. I very much enjoy "Batman: Universe", Bruce is written with a little more humor than normal, but not enough for it to feel off, it's also the book where he reveals to superman that he really likes dinosaurs. As I watch the rest of these reactions and see what you guys like I'll leave comments suggesting books each of you might enjoy
Scott Snyder wrote Dark Nights Metal not Zack Snyder. Zack hasn't wrote any comic books.
The thing with the desert episode isn't that 6 months had past, what happened was that they lost they're memory of the past 6 months and woke up a day later. Cause let's be honest the league would not allow 6 teenagers to be missing for 6 months.
time for a comic history lesson. in the 50's DC discovered that if you put a sentient gorilla on the cover of a gook it was more likely to sell. this is not a joke, there was a period in time where you would struggle to not find a new hyper intelligent Gorilla being introduced. Ultra Humanite was not one of those though as he is actually the first ever supervillain DC created
To ease the confusion, Captain Marvel IS the Shazam character you've been seeing in the DCAMU. Due to rights issues, DC had to drop his original name of Captain Marvel to Shazam to keep from being confused with the Marvel character of the same name.
Another reason he's called captain marvel is that when he says his hero name "Shazam" he switches back to a kid.
Marvel and DC were in a legal cold war for decades over "Captain Marvel". He was originally created and owned by Fawcett Comics but was then bought by DC to stop his comics from outselling Superman. DC owned the character of Captain Marvel but then messed up the copyright, allowing Marvel Comics to take the characters name for themselves. DC finally stopped caring and just changed the name after the New 52 reboot, which happened after most of the audio for the first 2 seasons had already been recorded.
Okay so y'all wanted comic recommendations and I'm making a thread
Batman: Year One
Batman Ego
A Lonely Place of Dying
Long Halloween and Dark Victory
Superman: Birthright
Superman: Up in the Sky
Superman for All Seasons
Superman Smashes the Klan
More in Replies, I'm a big DC fan
Other DC Heroes:The Flash series by Mark Waid (about Wally West as The Flash)The Flash series by Geoff Johns (also Wally West as The Flash)DC: The New FrontierMister Miracle by Tom King
Kingdom Come
Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters
Green Arrow: Year One
JSA: The Golden Age
Gotham Academy
Wonder Woman: Agent of Peace
Last comment got screwed by formatting:
The Flash by Mark Waid and The Flash by Geoff Johns (both star Wally West as The Flash)
DC: The New Frontier
Mister Miracle by Tom King
ok, so Fawcett comics created a popular Superman clone called Captain Marvel. DC bought Fawcett comics and due to his popularity brought Captain Marvel. Marvel comics then made a character who was a space captain named Mar-Vell that went by the name Captain Marvel (because thats literally his name). Legal battle ensued that marvel subsequently won since the word marvel is part of their brand and the company that originally created Captain Marvel doesn't technically exist any more. DC changed his comic title names to Shazam though in the comics themselves he was still sometimes referred to as captain marvel. Thats essentially where it stands. His books always need to be called and marketed as Shazam to avoid confusion but in universe he is allowed to be called whatever they want to call him. Currently that is The Captain. He is rarely actually calls himself Shazam in the comics since when he says that word he transforms.
trust them to pause the show to then talk about something not even related to the show
DC once sued Captain Marvel due to him being similar to Superman back in the 40s, later it seems as they acquired the character. Shazam used to be Called Captain Marvel, but as of like 2012 I think, he's been referring to as exclusively Shazam. Marvel comics also have characters called Captain Marvel which I believe Marvel has the trademark so DC can't use that name anymore so Shazam stuck and honestly is a better fit for the character since that's the wizard who gave Billy his powers name anyway.
Shazam, prior to I believe 2013-2014, was named Captain Marvel. Both he and the Marvel character held the same title due to rights complications when they were made. Captain Marvel always transformed with the call out Shazam, but he used to not be able to say the name at all without transforming.
DC decided to just change it for clarity as Shazam became more mainstream, and made it in new stuff that Shazam can say the word as a means of introducing himself.
00:04:05 Thank you! Episode 13 has always been my least favorite episode of this season largely because of how the team is giving Aqualad an unnecessary hard time (although Meghan is the only one that gives him less of a hard time). The only thing that's satisfying is Aqualad putting them in their place.
Now before people use the whole "their teenagers" argument, these teenagers are shown to be more mature than this when it comes to their missions, and so their knee-jerk reaction to Keldar keeping the mole thing a secret feels contrived ??♂️.
Shazam and Captain Marvel are the same person in DC. The Characters name was changed due to a lawsuit (Long story short)
Shazam used to be called Captain Marvel in the 40s, but then they ere sued over him being identical to Superman so they changed the name.
In Marvel theres also someone called Captain Marvel, so there's copyright issues with that too. Idk why they decided to go with the name in this version, i personally prefer Shazam.
currently in the comics he just goes by "The Captain" because if his name is Shazam then he can't say his name without turning back into a child
Ok my b
Yeah, not one of them realizing that if Aqualad told them about the mole that would tip off the MOLE was really frustrating. Could be bad writing but then again they are teenagers.