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Sinister was the one controlling Cable not Bastion,l Bastion was doing the Sentinals him and Sinister are on different plans
the metal (adamantium) in Wolverine's body that coats his bone also slows down his mutations mainly the healing. also loses a lot of weight on him.
the show so far is amazing and others have said it takes different parts of comics but depending on how things go season 2 gonna be wild
Cable has a red crystal on his forehead from sinister. Sinister is controlling his the way he did Madelyne.
So the comics are kind of loose adaptations in this show. It's like the stuff happened, but not necessarily in this order or under these circumstances.
I think you need to pick a topic of interest and go from there.
Like... Wolverine's getting his skeleton torn out was "Fatal Attractions, X-Men (Vol. 2) #25".
Magneto's trial was "The Trial of Magneto (Uncanny X-Men #200)".
Genosha is in SO MANY things, old and new. You're better off reading through the Marvel Database and picking a storyline that looks interesting and then work your way from there.
IDK... Uncanny X-Men 1963 is probably a good place to start, but those were before my time and didn't follow the characters I was most interested in, so I came in waaaay later in their run.
the reason cables says the things he does is because sinisters mind control also brings out the worst in people, like how madelyne consistently insulted the xmen while under his control that basically what cable is going through.
The best part about the black leather suits joke is that not only is it a reference to the movies like Boom said but in the first movie, Wolverine says “you guys actually go outside in these things?” And Cyclops replies “what were you expecting, yellow spandex?” It’s referencing a reference!
Cable doesn't use his telekinesis offensively because he is constantly using it to hold back his techno-organic virus. Given Sinister doesn't care about said virus spreading, he has no reason to restrain Cable.
Sinister was controlling cable not bastion , so sinister was making him use his telekinetic powers against Jean which he never uses his powers because he uses it to hold back the techno virus that’s turning him into a machine. (Which sinister put in him as a baby). That’s why his arm is like that. That’s why he has a medal arm, It’s crawling up his arm and has affected his eye already. And if he didn’t have that virus he’d be the most powerful mutant EVER actually.
Eh not EVER, I can think of 5-10 mutants stronger, but he would definitely be up there
Season 1+2 were in production together so S2 should come out pretty quickly.
Wolverine had his skeleton ripped out before in a comic and lived so he should technically be okay he will be a very mad Boi ..?
You miss the stone on forehead of Cable so he is controlled by Sinister that is way he fought Jean
Nah I mentioned at 28:30
So just an fyi Eric, Bastion is the technopath, Sinister is the one who took control over cable, just like he did to Madelyne in episode 3, hence the red diamond on his forehead. Jean even says that he's being controlled by sinister, just like his mother.
Yeah I mentioned it in the end convo
That end showed how much the creators love the comics because that last frame with no animation was a remake of an ICONIC comic panel where Magneto rips the Adamantium out of Logan
I think Mister Sinister is the one who put Cable under mind control
So too clarify the cable confusion
Sinister is manipulating Cable just like he did with Madelyn in ep 3 when he activated that red gem in her forehead,and if you look,Cable has the same red gem which he probably implanted when Sinister first kidnapped him as a baby
Yep I mentioned it in the end convo