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X-MEN 97 Episode 8 Reaction

X-MEN 97 | 10 months ago
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  1. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    I know the original 90's series would be the go to if they decided to keep watching X-men stuff, but I think they'd really dig X-men evolution. 

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  2. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    Time travel happens a lot in marvel. Spiderman, Deadpool and Wolverine come to mind off the top of my head. All live action movies too

  3. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    Also, do Prime Sentinels have free will? Are they all corpses? Brainwashed? Like I thought Trish Tilby was going in another direction, so I need to know if she isnt in control of her actions, dead, or full-on a traitor. A whole town makes me feel like it's more a "brainwashed" situation, but are they salvageable?

  4. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    "I wonder if the X-Men are going to split up?" 

    Me: War Flashbacks to "Schism"

  5. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    The reason night crawler calls rogue his sister is because his mother's wife effectively raised Rogue. They arez for all intents and purposes, step siblings

  6. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    Some of the other fun cameos appearing in this episode are omega red, Doctor Doom, and Baron Zemo.

  7. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    Mystique and Nightcrawler's relationship is complicated.

    Originally, Claremont wanted Mystique to have been his sire (the one who provides the seed) by shapeshifting male bits and her lover, Destiny, to have been the one to carry him.

    As you can imagine, Marvel editorial at the time said no. So instead, the story became that she had Kurt with a wealthy flatscan baron she was duping at the time and when he came out blue she abandoned him.

    Decades later they retconned it to being that Nightcrawler was the son of Mystique and another mutant/demon Azazel and she passed the pregnancy off as Baron Wagner being the father. 

    It was a shit story and Azazel was a shit character.

    Finally, last year, everything came full circle and they retconned the story to Nightcrawler being the biological child of Mystique and her wife, Destiny, as Claremont intended, though Mystique mixed in genetics from both Baron Christopher Wagner and Azazel in addition to her own. She didn't abandon him, but when she left him to go back for Destiny, he was gone. A bunch of other stuff occurred but, long story short, she had the real story blocked from her own memories.

    He is Rogue's brother, as Mystique and Destiny adopted her.

  8. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    Mr. Rogers was in the Navy, he did like children's programming for tv or something. But sadly there are only rumors and no credible evidence of tattoos

  9. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    “I gotta talk to Hank about his taste in women.” Says the man who has fucked Lady Deathstrike, Mystique, Domino and Madame Hydra

  10. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    Technically Mystique is actually Nightcrawler’s father not his mother! The armoured guy was Silver Samurai who is often a solo Wolverine villain.

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    1. Commenters avatar
      10 months

      I just looked it up. I can’t believe they retconned Azazel out of Nightcrawler’s family.

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      1. Commenters avatar
        10 months

        Azazel was perfect as his father due to his TELEPORTATION POWERS! It makes way more sense that he got the teleportation from Azazel and the blue skin from Mystique. It made perfect sense. Why change that?

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        1. Commenters avatar
          10 months

          because azazel being his father was a hated retcon apart of one of the most hated stories apart of one of the most hated x-men runs of all time. mystique and destiny being his father and mother was Claremont's original plan but sadly the CCA saw lesbians and said no. Also, making nightcrawler the actual descendent of the devil kinda misses the whole point of his character being "the christian who is just as human as anyone else but is hated for looking different". Mutations are not descended by genes, they never have been.

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          1. Commenters avatar
            10 months

            The fun thing about X-Men is that the history isn't always set in stone, but infinite wet cement with a dozen different molds. ?

          2. Commenters avatar
            10 months

            “Mutations are not descended by genes.” Polaris wants a word. Also Azazel isn’t the devil. He’s one of the oldest mutants. A member of an ancient group of mutants who looked like demons. They were banished to the brimstone dimension(Hell) by a group of angelic looking mutants. Azazel even mistook Warren Worthington III/Angel as one of them. Even if he was the devil, that actually would make the “Christian who is hated by everyone else” character trait MORE compelling. The X-Men already dedicate their lives to protecting people who hate them. It would still fit his character. It would still be the same arc of overcoming ignorance. 

          3. Commenters avatar
            10 months

            just to emphasize how much that run was hated, the writer of that story APOLOGIZED as soon as he was off the X-Men. imagine how bad a run needs to be for the writer without being prompted to apologize as soon as he finished writing it


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