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Vox Machina S3 Episode 4-6 Reaction

Vox Machina | 5 months ago
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  1. Commenters avatar
    4 months

    You might have been thinking about Arcane for three segments of three episodes because that comes out in November.

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  2. Commenters avatar
    4 months

    The painting in Scanlan's room I think was Burt Reynolds, but I do not remember the reference lol

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    1. Commenters avatar
      4 months

      Burt Reynolds was the fake name he would often give people, and one of the Halloween episodes Sam dressed up as Burt.

  3. sguy90
    4 months

    Halfway point and what a cliffhanger to end on, the second half is bound to be more intense than the first I believe.

  4. Commenters avatar
    4 months

    Zerxus is from a one shot campaign done in EXU Calamity. Its run by a guest brennan lee mulligan and it is a fun side adventure that looks deep into Exandria's history. 


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