The Legend of Vox Machina Season 2 Episode 1-2 REACTION
The Legend of Vox Machina Season 2 Episode 3-4 REACTION
The Legend of Vox Machina Season 2 Episode 5-6 REACTION
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The Legend of Vox Machina Season 2 Episode 9-10 REACTION
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I was waiting for one of them to mention that grog looked like kratos and now i have blue balls?
As others hve noted, D&D has ways to rez people, but then various DM's can remove or alter what's needed if they want to make things easier or harder. Matt Mercer requires some rolls made by those trying to pull of the revivify or whatever else to succeed on top of the component costs, to try and balance things out so his players can't just shrug death off once they have the money for the components. (And also you have to remember to buy and HAVE those in inventory.)
Generally speaking, the higher level the party, the easier it is for the various spells to bring someone back to be used, both because a party cleric needs to be of certain level for spells, and because they have the money to buy expensive components like diamonds. DMs can also make it harder or easier to find and buy such things, like an extremely kindly DM may be like 'Sure there can be a shop in the tiny village of Podunk that has everything you need' or a different one can have you need to find specialty shops in bigger cities only.
It is possible of course to go through a whole D&D campaign with no one dying, or for any deaths to not be permanent, but it's just as possible someone dies in a way where there's no coming back- it's entirely up to the luck of the dice mitigated but not necessarily canceled out by the DM's planning or plotting.
Watching the original game footage where Vex dies could give a better idea of the stakes involved, there's several edits of it on Youtube.
I am so excited for the continued experience that is the legend of vox machina, especially the next two episodes!!
You guys would love Link Click. I hope you put it on a poll soon! Its a mystery time travel anime(donghua) from China which is actually awesome. Its got 2 seasons so far.
JoeRuff they did show the younger Vax & Vex in Season 1 opening they was holding hands.
Like another person said the main cast characters can die but there are ways to bring someone back from death but its both expensive and hard, One bad move and theyre gone.
Hey boys I found a new animated series it’s called MONKEY WRENCH by Zeurel on YouTube
It reminds me of a game but I can’t put my finger on it
Can you open vox with " bidet Billy's"
they are planning to make them along side they are currently working on season 3 as we speak
Season 3 of this show has already been green-lit, I believe.
Hilariously enough the Trinket that holds Trinket was called the Pokéball throughout most of the campaign. It was spherical in the campaign and probably changed for legal reasons. I'm pretty sure this was the same time as Pokemon Go being released.
In the campaign the item was collected alongside a power up for Trinket that sadly seems to have been skipped.
Even though I’ve seen that episode already, I’m tearing up so much. My feels.
the gold strands are the strands of fate the raven queen can manipulate a bit. On top of that in the campaign vax has the lucky feat of being him to reroll at times, this is used as a story point of vax being fate-touched. and the rave queen severing vex and vax's fates as now their paths are different.
best explanation is that vex full died but D&D has revival spells baked in but they have cost requirements so if you cant pay youre fucked.
So they release these in 3 episode bunches once a week! Meaning yeah, they did leave Vex's death on a cliffhanger for a whole week! ?
And to my knowledge they are still doing season 3, but they are also doing campaign 2 as well. (Who knows, they could even keep going for season 4+ if the hype keeps up, which is a fair assumption.)
Campaign 1 ran 115 episodes from 2015 - 2017.
Campaign 2 ran 141 episodes for 3.5 years.
Campaign 3 began in late 2021 and is on-going. (They'll probably get a show too, but not for a long, long time)
The Chroma Conclave is made up of the five different types of chromatic dragons. Chromatic dragons are generally thought to be more lawful evil than metallic dragons which is probably why the conclave is made up of chromatics. Blue (which was in season one) has lightning, Green is poison, Black is acid, White is ice, and Red is fire. These are also all ancient dragons making them the most powerful. This is all information from the D&D 5th edition monster manual. Mercer had some creative license with his characterization of each dragon, but the basic colors and abilities hold true the manual.
From what I understand, Vax's plot with the Matron was very difficult for the actor (Liam O'Brien) because his mother had died of cancer a few years before (after a LONG period of fighting cancer).
Matt Mercer assured him, and ultimately the plot proved healing.
So what that eyeball monster is a Beholder. Or Onlooker if you want to avoid copyright. A right asshole that your DM throws at you when they want to say 'Fuck you guys'. These things are dangerous. They have 10 eyes all with various means of ruining your day. Paralyzing ray, anti magic ray, sleep, disintegrating ray you name it. To boot they are also intensely xenophobic and will enslave anyone who looks even a bit different from them even if it's another beholder. This constant civil war between them is what prevents the Beholders from basically taking over the world.
I didn't hear mention of it, but I believe Zahra is a tiefling, like Doric in Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves.
Also yes main characters can definately die in DnD
Ok so what happened was when Percy touched the Ward he, Trinket and Vex all got hit. Percy made a Dex saving throw so he dodged it. Both Vex and Trinket got hit for 56 damage. Trinket survived with some hp but Vex was reduced to 0 hp. Normally that's not a problem because you don't die as soon as you get to 0 hp in dnd. Instead you become unconcious and have to make a Death saving throw. You are saved if you either pass it or one of your party member helps you up. But due to the kind of damage the curse inflicted it can kill someone as soon as they reach zero without getting to make death saving throw.
I still get chills watching the scene of Laura saying that she has less than 56 hp and asking 'What do I now?' Before Matt starts narrating the final moments of Vex.
The belt that Grog wore is called Belt of Dawrven kind which gives you a beard. The reason Grog was so happy with his beard is because Goliaths, the race that Grog is from can't grow beards.
Funny thing is that Purvan bit is actually word for word what they said in the actual campaign
Purvan, and the curse of only writing your NPCs names down as a dungeon master and never saying them out loud, not to mention the group of critical role ALWAYS finding a way to make fun of them
It has been 8 years and they have yet to let Matt live it down. ?