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Trigun Stampede Episode 9 Reaction (Boom Solo)

Trigun Stampede | 10 months ago
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  1. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    intro scene gave crazy chills, any chance youd do an OG trigun rewatch?

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  2. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    Goddd I love this episode soooo much, honestly probably my fav (but that's also just cause Knives is my favorite LMAO). Knives is really something stampede does soo much better than the original, though there are def some more things about him I wish they would have taken from the manga. Anyways tho, that piano scene at the beginning, guh. The piece is made for two, and when it cuts to just him playing, he has to jump from one end of the piano to the other to play both parts and it really just is so good. I love a villian with proper motivations, where you can at least sort of understand how they got to the point they did. Like theyre obviously still bad, but you're just like damn . They *were* just murdering his sisters en masse. Anyways, looking forward to the last few episodes :D

  3. mushog
    11 months

    man these next few episodes are where it really ramps up!

    btw there's a netflix show called Captain Laserhawk: a Blood Dragon remix if think you guys would love! it has a small fanbase as it wasn't promoted much but it's quickly become one of my favourite shows I've watched, it probably helps that the creator of Castlevania was the lead for this! If you like Ubisoft ips you'd probably like this show,,

  4. Commenters avatar
    11 months

    Day 4 of asking y'all to watch Hulk Vs 2009


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