TMNT (2003) Season 1 Episode 1-2
Tmnt (2003) Season 1 Episode 3-4
Tmnt (2003) Season 1 Episode 5-6
Tmnt (2003) Season 1 Episode 7-8
TMNT (2003) Season 1 Episode 9-10
TMNT (2003) Season 1 Episode 11-12
TMNT (2003) Season 1 Episode 13-14
TMNT (2003) Season 1 Episode 15-16 Reaction
TMNT (2003) Season 1 Episode 17-18
TMNT (2003) Season 1 Episode 19-20 Reaction
TMNT (2003) Episode 21-22 Reaction
TMNT (2003) Episode 23-24 Reaction
TMNT (2003) Episode 25-26 Reaction
Shaun of the Dead Reaction
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Let’s Watch 2000’s TV (DBZ, Rugrats, Billy & Mandy + More!)
Hope you stick with this. But season 1-5 are all you really need to watch. Season 6 and 7 are basically a soft reboot. Much lighter tone, very sanitized, completely different art direction. Season 5 is where it was supposed to end. The fight scenes get much better after Season 2.
so.. Have you guys thought about reacting to Godzilla the series because that was a fun one from my childhood
What's crazy about this show is that it has a mix of 80s and 90s vibes to it.
Omg I am so freaking excited for this!! Like if I had to choose one show to represent my childhood it would be this show. This is gonna be great!
Excited for this since Boom is familiar with the greater TMNT universe/lore. I think he'll really like this series.
I will NEVER get sick of that Intro. Its a classic.
peak turtles
The intro to this episode is word for word the first two pages of the original comic book.
holy shit fuck yeah boom
I love this show
this was a pleasant surprise to see. Out of all the TMNT shows I've seen I think this one is my favorite. The more "comic" book style of shadows really helps set the darker mood of the series. It does have allot of weird filler episodes, but a chunk of them do cover some good character arcs, and not just for the main cast. Plus if you're watching them on a streaming service I think they usually include the handful of TV banned episodes which got a little too "dark" for a kids cartoon. Like the episode "the same as it never was." technically a filler plot line, but it's so good. Looking forward to seeing you react to this series. Even if you don't make it all the way through it.
I'm gonna miss RWBY Tuesdays, (V5 had some of my favorite moment. Amidst...other stuff.) but I'm looking forward to Boom reacting to my childhood
We’re not done with rwby tho?
Oh good! It's been a minute, so I was wondering
It’ll be taking the place of Fiona and cake once that wraps up
what about bluey?
I remember growing up with this series. Renting out all the seasons back when video rentals were a thing. The intro is still fire.
My brother and I grew up with this and we still watch and talk about this version all the time! The games are great. Especially, the battle nexus game, two discs of fun for a bunch of kids in the summer
I grew up on this version of Turtles. Waking up on Saturday mornings to watch 4kids was everything to me. This, Sonic X, Winx Club, and Dinosaur King, were my childhood, and I am so glad that I get to rewatch these years later
Now this was the Turtles I grew up with. Gonna be so cool reliving it by watching Boom see it for the first time. Can't wait for more.
This was my first introduction to TMNT, it was awesome.
YES!!! TMNT 2003 Lets GO!!! ???
Literally my fucking CHILDHOOD!!! My brother and I would always drop whatever we were doing if an episode was on, we LOVED IT. Haven't watched it in years, but if my memory is to be trusted, you're in for one hell of a ride.
so happy someone is watching this! This is my favorite show of tmnt. Probably cause i grew up with it. I just really like the darker vibes and the designs, plus the theme song slaps.
the games for gameboy are great! I was obsessed with this. I dressed up as Michael Angelo for my 7th birhtday and my mom got me a gameboy with the game (my bday is the day before halloween)
April's voice actor is also ash from pokemon
im so happy right now this is my top favorite show
Surprised you hadnt seen this one but glad youre finally getting around to it
Just so you know the voice actor for Donatello is Sam Regal a.k.a Scanlan from The Legend of Vox Machina
Sam's also got a lot of Voice Directing under his belt. I was surprised (after I started watching Critical Role) to see his name in the opening credits for so many shows, Ducktales and Batman the Brave and the Bold, just to name two.
What's your opinion on the 2013 show? I personally really liked it. Potentially because they actually felt like teenagers, both in artistic style, and character development. It was my favorite Raph by a wide margin. In every other incarnation, either the story overall is too goofy to think Raph would ever actually leave, or he's perpetually one snarky remark from leaving the team permenantly. But, some people like that as his vibe.
I'm actually more hyped for this than most other reactions. Unless I missed someone, I don't think there's anyone else who has covered this show. It's underrated and amazing for all the same reasons Teen Titans was, and I can't wait to see someone appreciate the surprisingly good parts of it.
oh my god yes been wanting to see this reaction since i found out you was a TMNT fan