That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime 1-4 (Boom Solo)
Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law Episode 1-9 Reaction
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Every Sonic Adventure 2 Cutscene Reaction
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Has Anyone Seen Lenny or the Reverend? – Red Dead Redemption 2 – Part 3
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Steven Universe S5 Episode 1-2 REACTION
Zaheer is the goat villain
That fascussy do got Bataar Jr acting unwise
I would love for you guys to react to Neon Genesis Evangelion
That would be a very interesting reaction
I think you're all still under the misunderstanding that the spirit world is the afterlife, it isn't. Iroh is only there because as he was dying, he meditated into the spirit world, never returned and let his body die. That misunderstanding is pretty common, I mean even Iroh thought that, he originally traveled there in hopes of finding his dead son.
So, I don’t know if anyone’s mentioned this, but as cool as toph’s “lie detecting” is (and it’s dope as fuck don’t get me wrong) it’s based on pseudoscience and false outdated information. The nervous flutter can happen for a verity of reasons (I mean it could literally be a heart murmur), but a lot of nuerodivergent people and/or people with anxiety disorders have been wrongfully accused or hurt in some way because of “lie detectors”
Again, dope ass power; very important to remember it’s based on outdated and flawed information and shouldn’t be applied to real life ? love y’all!
Btw, Toph mentioned her metalbending academy, which is what one of the comics is about. I haven't gotten to it yet, but it is a really nice touch to the show.
that back and forth at the 30 min mark had me chocking on my water XD
@Ruff the Avatar Pabu wallpaper is FIRE! I found and downloaded it immediately! Thank you!
Opal's bison is named Juicy, for obvious reasons. He is always snotty like that. It's who he be. :)
I wholeheartedly believe that Lin is justified in hating her sister and her mother.
Her sister became a criminal and permanently scarred her for life and then basically got rewarded for it.
Her mother never even gave a damn about her father and let's be honest is not exactly the best person to be a parent.
Lin even lost Tenzin most likely due to the trauma bubbling up causing her to lash out
Yes. Lin's anger was more than justified. They both hurt her, no matter if that was thier intentions. The thing is that she chose to move past it and try to build a relationship because she wanted to try and be happy with them, not because anyone told her she shouldn't be. She saw how different they both were and after her initial anger she chose to give them both a chnace and she has clearly been happy with that decision as it has given her more of a family than she has had in the past.
Also, we don't know the relationship Toph had with their fathers. All we know is that the relationships didn't work out and neither man seemed to get to know their child as evident by Lin.
I always got the impression that Toph had some very casual relationships and the pregnancies were unintended.
The creators confirmed that they broke up because Lin does not want kids, while Tenzin absolutely does.
Operation Beifong probably had the best choreographed fight that I wish was a bit longer. Seriously that Su vs. Kuvira fight had me shook with both their skills and it just ended too soon. Also I gotta respect Su. She attempted an assassination on Kuvira's life a SECOND time once she spotted her out alone. Again, I wish that fight lasted a bit longer.
I honestly believe Kuvira did love Bataar Jr but loved the cause more. I say she loved the cause and not her power because I honestly feel like the power is just a means to an end rather than an end goal. She seems to truly care about her country and people and truly believes she’s saving them. But as they say the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Her sigh at after shooting Bataar Jr felt more like her bottling up her emotions. Also in regards to her willing to shoot Opal, when Bataar Jr yells that they need to stop, Kuvira doesn’t even have a chance to respond before the Beifong family attacks which happens as the weapon fires, implying that there wouldn’t have even been time to stop the weapon. I honestly don’t think she would’ve let Opal die there if she could help it. I know this may come off as me being a Kuvira apologist but I do know that she is honestly an awful person. Understanding why a person does something is very different from excusing it. That’s how I look at many horrible people in history. If you don’t understand where a bad person is coming from then you can’t prevent it from happening again.
Sorry for the uni bomber manifesto of a comment
Oh boy can't wait for the finale! Also going to be sad that it will be over but I'm so glad you guys enjoyed it. And I'm excited for Danny Phantom!
29:42 tbf there’s literally stories of British WWII draft dodgers having to hide in the bunkers during air raids and they end up banging the women who’s husbands are off fighting.
To be clear when I say bunkers I mean the civilian bomb shelters in London
Operation Beifong is, in my opinion, one of the best episodes in the season. I love that the show can get away with more mature themes than ATLA like anarchy and Terrorism and the deaths have been absolutely brutal. Being blown up, suffocated, having your head blown up are extremely brutal ways to die and I love how Korra will take things further than Aang like she literally threatened to kill a man if her father got executed and that's hardcore. Yes this show has its problems, a lot of them do, but I think it is definitely one of the best shows of it's time period and I am glad you guy have enjoyed the ride
the korra comics are a direct continuation of the end and i highly recommend you guys read them. without any spoilers i will just say that it allows the creators to express all the storylines they wanted that nick wouldn’t allow them to.
ik this feels rushed but AANG all his people dying his friends, monks and everything and he was just like ok.. he didnt have any ptsd anything.
Well he wouldn't have ptsd because he didn't personally experience their deaths. He was long gone and frozen. Once he woke they were gone and he only got traumatized from the news and seeing the aftermath. The ptsd you think he should have had would have needed him to actually be there when his people were brutally murdered.
Which I think they tried to fix through the writing in Korra, with how Aang ended up treating his kids. Using Tenzin as the future of the airbenders to make sure the legacy continues on.
Beifong battle!
I love the synchronous 4 notes from Eric and Sean at the end. Yeah, I wholeheartedly agree about just needing that one episode. There is a prevailing theory about why Nickelodeon kept screwing the show, continuously, as Bryan Konietzko has stated his much pushback he got from the studio about one particular plot point, thiugh it hasnt been publicly confirmed that it is THE reason, but I'll share that next time, when said plot point truly comes to light.
Very much a "hope that great uniter booty was worth it baatar jr" moment. Anywho considering what is left I assume that moment at the very end may catch them off-guard. It's very interesting cause around the time this series ended and a few years down the road you couldn't be anywhere near this series online without a certain result being brought up so I am kinda amazed they were able to navigate this without any major issues. As for Kuvira, I do think she's a rather interesting antagonist and she works well as a foil to Korra but wish they had the time to flesh her out backstory wise.
About the "if they had one more episode" conversation, I just wanted to mention that the clips/flashback episode would've been a Kuvira backstory/motivation episode.
Equality. Power. Freedom. Order.
Each of the LoK villains goal.
All of them going too far.
I think the writers really showed up, there’s definitely political commentary and it’s so cool.
They also each represent a specific real world political ideology that they take to the absolute extreme.
'I say it's limitless'
Blud thinks Korra is the honored One.
I disagree with Zaheer coming back feeling forced and rushed. It added closure to his story with Korra, and her trauma with him, in a way that didn't detract from the current story.
Also don't worry about the quality of the finale because it does, in fact, go hard. They're two of my favorite episodes in the entire show.
I think the "rushed" is not him coming back specifically, but the actual process of her overcoming the issue. As Boom said, Zaheer basically said "Just accept it" and she basically just did. The scene could've been a little bigger at least, she could've struggled more.
Kinda feel like this is nonsense considering the 3 years of torture she endured after the poisoning. She's been slowly healing her body, then mind, then finally spirit with Zaheer.
I wouldn't call it nonsense. We didn't really get to go on her physical healing journey that much. I'm saying rushed from an on screen perspective. I wanted more episodes of her healing journey. It's like telling someone having an anxiety attack to just calm down.
That's fair. I personally just wish there was a bit more time to work through the trauma stuff. But it's a 13-episode season.
Also one very subtle change that happens to Korra is that when in the earlier episodes someone would doubt her capabilities she would lash out but when Tenzin does it she just softly reassures him that she can do it.
So I finally went to the braindead side of the internet and yeah you can kind of see the underlying sexism that a lot of criticism of Korra has because they just forget that Aang kind of has those faults too.
1- She gets plot convenient powerups to beat her opponent: For this people mainly bring up her fight with Amon but they forget that Aang beat Ozai because a giant turtle showed up and just gave him the power to take someone's bending away. Also, let's not forget that Ozai knocked Aang into a rock which conveniently unlocked his Avatar state without which he would have lost.
2-She is stupid and got the Avatar cycle: Again that's almost what Aang did too. If it wasn't for Katara having the spirit water to bring back Aang to life after he got killed by Azula the Avatar wouldn't even exist.
3- She doesn't listen and refuses to change: This is just media illiteracy because you can't make the argument in good faith that she is the same character she started of as in Season 1 but the funny thing is that refusing to change kind of applies to Aang. He 4 of his previous reincarnation telling him that he can't have his personal beliefs get in the way of protecting the world and ironically the one who is the most explicit about it is the previous Air Avatar. So does he realize that he sometimes has to give up on his pacifism to fight evil? Nope giant lion-turtle powerup. Btw before I get flamed, I like Aang and he too changes as a whole as a character over the course of the series but that's just one thing he refuses to change this particular aspect and there never are negative consequences for it.
1.True the Lion turtle showed up,you can call that plot convinience. The Rock didnt unlock his Avatar state,it just unblocked one of his chi paths,which isnt too farfetched considering he was standing in front of a rock.
2.Aang was never dead, he was trapped in the spirit world and the avatar spirit was hurt,he had to recollect all the avatar spirits to heal the spirit.( canonical game explains what happend)
3.Aang does learn and change, after the series aang in the comics realizes that he should have just killed Ozai bcs of all the trouble ozai does after by being still alive. So when a similiar situations arose with Zuko,Aang was willing to kill Zuko and said so himself, he also throughout the comics changes his stance on industrialization bit by bit aswell, and learns to handle the power of taking peoples bending away responsibly.
you cant really comment this without having the full picture
Great comment!
Also, why are people blaming Korra for the connection to the past Avatars being lost? Unalaq did that. What is this victim blaming crap? Some people just want to hate her to be haters.
the people who think korra severed the connection to the past avatars mustve watched the show with their eyes closed
You guys probably figured it out but Firelord Izumi is Zuko's daughter and General Iroh's mother.
Ok a weird nitpick but I hate how in media you have the head guy (Raiko in this case) nod their heads at the guard when they want them to release the good guys. Like if I am one of the guards I'll be like 'Bro how am I suppose to interpret that? What does that mean?'
“Guards, do the thing.”
LoK did some REALLY cool things with their villains this season. Zaheer helping Korra overcome the trauma he himself inflicted because he’s detached himself from personal bias and their goal is currently the same is really interesting.
And every moment before now, we’ve been watching the Avatar world catch up technologically to where we are today. While Kuvira isn’t a top tier villain, she’s the first in the Avatar series to have been largely responsible for the creation of technology that exceeds ours.