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The Legend Of Korra S4 Episode 7-8 REACTION

The Legend of Korra | 1 year ago
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  1. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    Okay but can we talk about how gay Asami and Korra are lmao? Korra only wrote too Asami, Korra is over here blushing, and Asami’s car is litterally Korra’s colors. Blue, white, and brown, literally Korra’s color palette. These two are GAY. (I mean this in the best way possible, so no one get offended)

    Warning: Undefined variable $current_user_roles in /var/www/html/wp-content/themes/sorta-stupid-2025/functions/walkers/Custom_Comment_Walker.php on line 235
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    1. Commenters avatar
      7 months

      If you didn't have the scene at the last 2 seconds of the show then all of that still could have been read as them being friends lol.

  2. Commenters avatar
    11 months

    the irony of pointing out the balcony Aang and Katara scene from ATLA but not realizing they did that they just saw a similar balcony scene for Korra and Asami

  3. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    The biggest "flaw" with Korra is Mako... but it comes from an earnest place and captures the time it was created like all art.

    Mako being named after Irohs VA who passed away made it overly personal and this was written during the rise of anti-male sentiment. Wheras we're on the flip side now

  4. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Fun Fact: The actual voices for the villans came back for Varrick's story. Its funny to see the same scary voice acting used for such a comedic story

  5. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Varrick’s story really saved the flashback ep. And you hit the nail on the head with Mako. He’s reduced to an insignificant character that the writers didn’t know what to do with and ruined his character by making him nothing but a love interest. He started off as such a badass (the cold stoic hot guy) but after he broke up with the girls he was so useless and lame.

  6. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Big mech suits fuckin around with a massive tree while airships fly overhead? Avatars starting to look a little more Avatar at this point

  7. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Just realised we never seen any of the earth kingdoms royal family earth bend is the royal family even benders?

  8. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    One thing about avatar is that their recap episode was interesting IMO because it was like how the fire nation viewed the avatar so it was more world building for the fire nation. Basically showing how the fire nation (bigger countries) do propaganda and how it is used in war. While, this was kind of just a recap. At least the end was funny.

  9. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I honestly didn’t like Mako as a character in Book 4 but I do think that’s just Nick’s fault and not the writers’

  10. char.doesntknow
    1 year

    Boom was right on with the budget cut. Basically they got halfway through making the season and Nickelodeon massively cut their budget (the show was already on its last legs, Nick had taken it off tv and was s4 aired ONLY on one of their websites where most people didn’t know about it or couldn’t access it). The creators, to be able to finish the season, would have either had to fire a bunch of the animation/production team or reuse old footage in a clips episode. They went with the latter since they didn’t want so many people to lose their jobs for no valid reason. The original proposal for this ep was a Kuvira backstory, and narrative wise, it was the only thing they could cut without ruining the entire flow of the finale and its lead up.

  11. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I've always felt that Mako got done wrong by the writers. Even with all the cringey love rhomboid shit, production shenanigans, and canceled/uncanceled/only released on the web bullshit, they coulda written Mako better.

    It's a miracle we got Book 4 at all, guys. And it was web-only. They wanted to finish strong, and you'll see why the recap had to go here.

  12. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    just like how zaheer and unalaaq basically gave the same "restore the worlds balance" speech but under a different lense

  13. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    but its even to a point where amon and kuvira as basically giving the same "equality" speech but just putting it under a different lens

  14. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    also the issue with mako in my opinion is the fact that they initially built the entire dynamic off of mako being a main interest to korra simmilar to how katara was to aang but at the same time katara had several miniature arcs of growth to herself and multiple occasions where she was entirely on her own in different enviroments to learn and adapt from so a lot of her progression and the eventual relationship between her and aang felt natural but when korra came about it feels like they were trying to hook an audience by making the stakes right off rip super high by introducing someone with a crazy ability like amon and making him this massive looming threat that could end everything with one wrong step GRANTED HE COULD OF THERES NO DENYING THAT, but at the same time those massive stakes mixed with the story and characters as a whole being relatively fresh to the viewing audience still made it where we didnt get to take NEAR the time to connect with the characters in the same way, this is my only gripe with korra as a whole, i dont think the story in it of itself is weak or bad aside from a few key instances, but the character writing suffered heavily because it really feels like they cared more about stakes than they did character building and interactions

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    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      i also dont like and this is just my general opinion but take kuvira for example, is it just me or does she basically just feel like a rehash of amon if he had more political power and pull, and that being said i still genuinely believe amon has and was more of a threat than most of the future villians we saw, like i think unalaaq was a definite step up in terms of stakes and threat BUT at the same time he was so much of a jump that it almost made zaheer feel trivial in the grand scope of events, and even then i feel like amon was more dangerous than zaheer was considering all amon had to do was physically be able to see you to make you completely submit to him with little to no effort in a lot of cases, and in a lot of ways kuvira feels the same way but just replace the advanced blood bending with advanced metal bending and a big bloated army backing her instead of a rebellion group like amon had, it could just be me but it really feels like they ran out of plot devices around this point and started heavily drawing on their old succesful material to keep the show running, which would also make sense with how nickelodeon ran those kinds of shows.

  15. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    it was a goofy scene but lets just aknowledge that varrick offering to give bolin a ride for a while is maybe the nicest thing he could of ever offered someone

  16. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Remebrences retcons Mako's entire character arc as learning to be friends with women instead of potential girlfirneds and I love it for that.

    Wu to me represents a Pre-Korra womanizer Mako, a reflection of what Mako could have been if he had not learned to be a better person through his breakups with Korra and Asami. Mako is basically forced to protect a mirror version of what he could have been if he never met Korra and stayed an arrogant fame seeking Pro-Bender

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    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      Day 1 of asking for more Ben 10

  17. nugget4335
    1 year

    When y'all were saying it's time for bolin to metalbend against those mecha suits, no it wasnt.. the mecha suits are PLATINUM pure metal so even a metal bender cant do anything so lava was perfect

    Also u said Aang and Katara had moment together in the recap episode, so did other people in this recap... i wont say more

  18. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Varrick: "Leave me here, let the worms gobble me up."

    There's a Warren Stone joke in here somewhere and I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone in the ROTTMNT fandom make it yet. ?

  19. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I've always loved this episode and the one in avatar too. The placement has never bothered me because them telling the stories like they are fits with what is going on. They are recovering and don't really know what kuvira will do next so they have conversations, and it brings them all closer together, I think anyway, to see the moments with everyone and see people talking. In avatar the placement also worked for me because they were in hiding and waiting. That episode also made them all feel a bit closer.

  20. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Hello I am a professional Mako hater and I came here to say he is the worst character in history of fiction.

  21. p.eachyweachy
    1 year

    I'll have to somewhat agree with what Boom says about them not knowing how to write Mako. He was major in the love triangle, but most people hated that love triangle which means many people dislike mako. He great as a cop and reliable but he's still my personal least favorite of the Krew. That's something I'll always think atla has over tlok, the fact that the main characters are a little better written and mesh better than the krew unfortunately

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    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      He’s there to bend lightning when needed. That’s about it.

  22. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    And thus, we come to the final story of how the Nickelodeon execs screwed over this show. During production, after already putting season 3 on Nicktoons Network at a late-night time slot, and already being in discussion to make season 4 exclusive, the execs cut the budget for the season, leaving Michael and Bryan with a choice; either downsize their staff or do a clip show episode. Obviously, they chose the clip show, and good on them for doing so, but at least they made the best damn clip show episode of any series, ever.

  23. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    The creators have confirmed that they were forced to either make the recap episode or fire some of the crew.

  24. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    The clip show episode was done because of budget cuts by Nickelodeon. Here's a blog post from one of the creators explaining what happened.

    Also, there's another tumblr post that you all should read after the finale. You'll likely know what you need to search based on what happens in the final moments so I won't spoil it here.

  25. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I forgot we got a recap episode in this book entirely. Anywho I think Mako's issue is that they tried to capitalize on what made Zuko so compelling in the most shallow way possible(angsty fire boy) and coupled that with the way Nick went about ordering the seasons just further complicated the mess. I'm not sure if he's the worst character in the this go around but unlike Bolin who just gets better and better, I feel like they're almost afraid to let Mako just exist by himself. Boom's right in that he always seems to have a crutch following the messy love triangle resolution. To Mako's credit, I do think Wu is a pretty fun partner to have but I do think Mako would have benefited from some personal space ya know?

  26. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I still enjoy Remembrances even if it's not what we were supposed to get, the team did the absolute best they could. Capitalism is a disease.

  27. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    LET'S GOOOOOO. Billy Back, Avatar Back, We're All Back. Peace Peace Peace To The Guys And All Viewers. Namaste

  28. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    The fact that we got a clip show instead of a Kuvira backstory is absolutely inexcusable for Nickelodeon. The only good thing to come out of it was the conference call

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    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      We have kiviras backstory their isnt a interesting story to tell their

    2. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      IIRC it was because the team was basically given a budget ultimatum of firing a bunch of people, so they chose to reuse clips so they didn't have to fire their team.

    3. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      They Gave Us A Back Story, It Just Wasn't A Life Story. But SOME Key Parts Was Mentioned About Her Up Bringing. Now That You Mentioned It, It Would Have Been Good To Get A Broader Back Story, But It Still Sits Fine With Me Tho.


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