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kuvira must have some out of this world pussy bro.
I legitimately love how multi-dimensional they make Varrick in this show. Because sure he's the comic relief goat, but there's still so much cunning behind the veneer of eccentric business man. In Season 2, we see his mind in action as he plays both sides of the Water Tribe Civil War to his financial advantage; how he sabotages Future Industries from behind the scenes until Asami has no choice but to agree to sell her company to him. How he utilizes Bolin's respect and clout in Republic City for his propaganda films. How he tries to kidnap the President to escalate to all out war.
Then he mainly takes a back seat in Season 3, partially to continue his excellent comedic potential, but it also serves to help the more critical viewers warm back up to him.
Then we see him in Season 4, starting to grow a conscience when Weapons of Mass Destruction become involved. And so much of what he does is all carefully planned out behind the scenes; beneath his eccentric veil. After Zhu Li's betrayal, he goes to work, planting fear into Bataar Jr.'s guards, not only saving Bolin from being sent to the re-ed camps, but allowing him free reign to work on sabotaging the vines to create a bomb. Freeing Bolin and himself, knowing that Bolin would protect him from the bomb. It is SO, so genius and such a great moment.
He is basically the Sokka of Legend of Korra, as a comic relief with depth but he's also like the Avatar version of Jack Sparrow. The "Genius playing the buffoon". Such a great character.
In the past when the world needed an avatar, they needed Korra to be like a negotiator, but she only chose to fight first and ask questions later and that got the job done, but now we are seeing the consequences of her finally connecting with her spiritual self. Now that she finally wants to be a neutral party that has a discussion first rather than jumping into a fight, the world needs her to fight more than ever causing an internal conflict within herself. All these visions she is having right before she causes any form of harm is her reconciling with the fact that violence wasn't always the answer and instead of looking past them and moving on, she is held back and wants to make them right by not fighting in a time when she should be.
Kuvira is a narcisistic psychopath and Zhu Li knows how to get a narcissist to do what she wants. Varrick is also narcissistic but not a psychopath.
When Korra is in the Avatar State during their fight, she only uses air against Kuvira until she picks up that boulder. As soon as she is about to actually harm her, the avatar visions come back. I think at this point we're seeing a spiritual awakening in Korra caused by her past trauma.
Having the two fan favorites, Bolin and Varrick, sharing so many scenes was really genius. Despite the intensity of the battle, the two of them really owned these episodes.
That does make me curious, who are yalls favorite characters, thus far?
i thought bataar jr. sounded familiar as hell and i couldnt place my finger on why and then it hit me am i crazy or is his VA also the english VA for kisaki from tokyo revengers cause if so thats actually pretty hillarious given the character types
No it's Nicolas Roye that voices Kisaki, though the voice actors do sound similar.
Till this day I just find it so funny how Varrick made an atomic bomb in the Avatar Universe
Kuvira is a damn scary woman and honestly if I was in the Avatar world, I'd probably follow her too if my situation called for wanting the Earth Kingdom fixed with how awful its been. The girl was getting shit done. I also love that it shows Su's flaws as a person in this situation. The Earth Kingdom was suffering from the aftermath of Zaheer and she was blatantly ignoring it in her safe house where things are perfect. I get why she said no because honestly the work and pressure of reforming a broken continent would probably drive her nuts.
I also remember people giving Korra shit for losing to Kuvira. I'm defending Korra because she was still healing mentally and physically and she was out of the game and given the situation, she really had no time to be 100% back to herself. She still needs time to recover but Kuvira really isn't giving her that with this situation going on and now they're building super weapons. Korra is at a huge disadvantage.
i know that fiction and reality are different, but I have to ask: Does this mean that you'd fall in line with following a dictator in our world too, if they seemed "effective" enough?
Watching this episode I realized how much of the Kuvira vs Korra fight I misremembered. I don't know why I had this memory of Kuvira beating Korra while she is in the Avatar state (probably got influenced by the Lily Orchard video) when that clearly didn't happen. Korra is only in the Avatar state for a few seconds before her trauma kicks in. And before that Kuvira was beating up a still rusty Korra.
Peace Peace Peace! I'm So Excited!! I Am Billy The G
Actually Kuvira IS Shu's daughter. If I recall correctly from the comics, she was officially adopted by Su and grew up alongside the rest of her family.
From what I understand, Su didn’t really adopt Kuvira. Su was just her legal guardian. It was more so that Kuvira was Su’s ward. Like Theon in Game of Thrones or Dick Grayson, the first Robin. In the comics her parents just pawn her off on Su, literally dropping her on the doorstep and never returning. At some point during her childhood Opal compares her to a stray dog that no one wanted and says “she’s not my sister.”
I just realized how weird that makes her being engaged to Bataar Jr since they are foster siblings...
They are not blood related in any type of way so its not weird. Plus I doubt they ever though of eachother as siblings if the relationship went this far.
Nah bro I am not sure about that PH step sibling excuse.
I think the comics show her backstory more, from what I know it's less like she was truly her daughter and more like she was a troubled child that was out of places to go and never really was treated like a proper part of the family
I always assumed Kuvira kinda groomed him if I'm being honest. They'd never confirm it I'm a kids show, but it fits her MO.
Finally Zhu Li has done the thing!
To be fair to Bolin, that’s how Cults work. You can ignore all of the absolute awful bits and just focus on what you think is good just because the leader has rizz. And Kuvira is dripped the fuck out.
Varrick and Bolin are buddy cop goals