Playstation Showcase Reaction
Mortal Kombat 11 All Fatalities REACTION
South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut Reaction
Young Justice Episode 1-2 Reaction
Spy x Family Episode 1-12 Reaction
The Bob’s Burgers Movie Reaction
Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story Reaction
DEMON SLAYER S3 Episode 1-2 Reaction
Masters of The Universe Revolution Episode 1 (Boom Solo)
First Time Playing Ratchet & Clank (2016)
(Gold) Megamind REACTION
Funko Fusion is an Unpolished MESS….with potential
Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure Reaction
(Gold) John Wick 2 REACTION
Korrasami changed the game for queer rep so much despite it being so simple. If you go back and rewatch the whole show its really fun seeing how Asami flirts/shows her feelings too. For example, her car used to be black and red, when Korra was gone we see that her car is blue and white (the colors korra wears), and when she's sad she goes to avatar korra park !! Asami is the CEO of yearning lolol
Idk, I'm not trying to crap on what you're saying here but I'm not sure that her car changing colors was intentionally trying to show that she suddenly has feelings for Korra, let alone her going to that park. I feel like if the 2 seconds at the end here wasn't there then people would not be thinking there was anything deeper with their relationship than them being close friends ?.
also super important to remember that Korrasami was made canon before gay marriage was even legal in the US too which made it even harder to show. It was so huge I remember being so happy when this episode aired.
People can talk about who's stronger between Aang and Korra all they want, but you can't deny that Korra is one hell of a tank. Girl is fucking indestructible at this point.
What A Rude. What A Trip With You Guys. Peace
They do kiss, but in the comics. And the creators have confirmed multiple times that they are in a relationship, they moved on from a close friends relationship to an all out lover relationship at the end. It's just that they couldn't show any more than holding hands 'cause Nickelodeon said "no gays"
I didn’t watch this series in full when it came out and ended after season 1. But I remember a lot of ppl talking about the kiss and being excited about Korra being lgbt and ending with asami online. So when I finally watched the show in full a couple years ago, I was confused why everyone was excited as if they’d kissed. They just held hands. I was so confused. Idk if it’s a Mandela effect or if it was removed and republished without the kiss? But there is definitely a community of ppl that saw a kiss
at the time of its airing, two women holding hands and looking lovingly at each other in a kid's show was unheard of and paved the way for shows like steven universe, adventure time, netflix shera, the owl house, etc. none of the positive queer main characters we see today would be as developed or do able today without relationships like Korrasami
Its from the comics, not the show because Nickelodeon said no gays allowed
There’s a clip online of them kissing at the end, people saying it’s a deleted scene and it could be or it maybe fan made, but when it officially aired on the website it was them holding hands. But what it brought was pretty big it was like one the first Lesbian couple I think in a kids show. I think Garnet’s reveal was after the legend of Korra aired.
The Korra and Asami kissing convo was fun to hear cause like i swear when I first watched Korra I remember them kissing while holding hands in the spirit portal.
Korrasami is canon as the writers said. Also just pointing this out I think this may have been the first lesbian relationship in kids cartoon from that time. I mean I could be wrong but that’s what I’ve been seeing.
imagine an avatar who can bend all elements from the pereodic table in a cyberpunk setting
Aang died at 166 chronological years. 12 years before the start of the 100 year war. One hundred years stuck in the iceberg, and 54 more years after being unthawed
I hope you guys are going to watch the Dragon Prince. It has a lot of the elements that Avatar has that makes it so great. But the world and story is different. It's also made by Aaron Ehasz who was involved in the creation of the avatar series. I think you will love it
You will watch the live action movie and you will hate it!
Hey! I just wanted to suggest a series idea:
I think now that the Avatar videos are all finished, it would be fun to see a reaction to the YouTube series, "Overanalyzed Avatar" to see all the little things here and there they missed
They even go over the comics if they were ever curious about what happened after the show
You guys should really read allllll of the books that came out for ATLA and LOK. They give you a little of more with both and they answer lots of things
Aang, King Bumi, and Toph have all bent
I don't know if it's Mandela effect, but I absolutely remember them kissing back when it first aired on the nickelodeon website. I don't think it's ever been aired on tv
there is a fan animated kiss that went viral! super well animated but didnt actually happen in the show. They canonically kiss in the comics
The comic that picks up right after this leaves off has them kissing, and there are plenty of edits online of people adding that image to the ending scene (I think I even saw one on the official avatar youtube).
I was thinking the same thing!!!! I SWEAR they kissed there at the end, or am I tripping?!?!
"She might be the worst villain in Avatar"
"Did Ozai ever do anything to this scale?"
*Que Sozin committing genocide"
*Que Ozai grinning as he and his fleet set out to burn the entire Earth Kingdom to ash.*
Yeah they were literally attempting to go scorched earth before Aang dropped in to stop them
Yes they are a couple the creators stated they asked nikolodian to be aloud to havebthem be openly tigether on screenbut got denied as the time no channel would let two girls kiss in a kids cartoon
Did Ozai ever do anything to this scale?
Yes he killed the entire airbending nation. He successfully committed genocide.
sozin did that, not ozai
That was actually Sozin
Nope that was sozin
Actually it was Ozai’s Grandfather Sozin that committed the Genocide of Airbenders
Since Korra learned how to metal bend, that means that technically she is the first earthbender to bend both metal and lava. Because past avatars could also lava bend due to their connection to past avatars
I remember back when people complained that the relationship came out of nowhere. And while it was a little rushed we had plenty of hints to it.
Asami helped take care of korra for a while before she went to the south pole, after korra went to the south pole, Asami was the only person korra actually talked to with her letters, and there's the interactions they've had since korra came back.
I imagine if the show was made today they'd have kissed way more if we go by the standards of shows like owl house.
Ha, gay
You guys should watch The Dragon Prince some time (maybe on the next poll). It's by the same people who made the Avatar series and has a very similar feel. In some ways it may even be better.
You guys should watch the Last Airbender roast that Hellofutureme did. It's like an hour longer then the actual movie but there really is THAT MUCH that went wrong to break down and complain about! He dives into the nitty gritty of why it failed so hard!! Also its more entertaining than the actual movie!
The guys mentioned something about bending Dimonds and I wholeheartedly think earth benders could bend Dimonds because in avitar tlab you see earth benders bend cole which is also mostly carbon and the theory of earth benders being able to bend people makes complete sense to me as all the other benders can bend different parts of a person; water benders bend the blood of a person, air benders can use the air in someones lungs, fire benders can probably my someone suffer from hyperthermia and earth benders could control a person's body. Im just theorizing and only have proof for the first 2
Came in late to this episode. Oh well. So glad you guys enjoyed it all the way to the end. I do hope we get y'alls opinions on the books in the future.
Finally, we have (what is strongly suspected to be but has never been officially confirmed) the reason Nickelodeon kept pushing this show down, Korrasami. Bryan Konietzko has gone on record stating that he had been trying to get that relationship going since season 2, but Nickelodeon execs would not allow it. This was 2012-2014, so gay marriage wouldn't be legal for another year or two. It is suspected that, because Bryan kept pushing for this openly gay relationship to be portrayed on-screen, the execs kept pulling their crap of; airing the episodes later, moving it from Nickelodeon to Nicktoons Network, making the show Nick.com exclusive, and cutting the budget in the final season. Again, not confirmed, but with what we've seen from executive meddling of shows of Steven Universe and Owl House, it's not hard to believe, and even makes a lot of sense.
Either way, so glad you guys enjoyed the show as much as you did, and I await the inevitable Shyamalan reaction. My condolences, but also, thank you for your sacrifice.
Wait I thought y'all were announcing the new show? Unless it was the one that won the polls earlier, in which case, worrrrrd.
korra and asami were confirmed to be in a relationship by the creators after the episode aired. obviously not an ideal way for that to be confirmed, but they weren’t allowed to show it in full force. gay marriage wasn’t even legalized back then which is crazy to think about. definitely still a big moment and made more possible for other shows down the road. their relationship is explicit and further explored in the comics.
also obligatory quote from roku, “being the avatar doesn’t hurt your chances with the ladies either”
and about the giant mech, much of it was made using the platinum from zaofu. kuvira said “begin dismantling the domes” in one of the episodes
Obligatory Roku quote since no one else left it yet: “Being the avatar doesn’t hurt your chances with the ladies either.”
I think for the longest time the Shamalan movie and Nickelodeon meddling with Korra too much ruined any chances of getting more Avatar stuff, now we're finally getting another chance with the new projects after all these years!
The comics did, in fact, continue the adventure! The kiss happens in the comics but this was definitely meant to set it up
I thought I was Mandela Effecting because I thought they kissed at the ending too, like I could 100% picture it in my brain!
Maybe it was the comic? Or Fanart? That's wild. I forgot it was just a handhold.
Korrasami definitely walked so every ship in the future could run!
The thing about Korrasami is that if you go back and look out for it, you'll notice there Are lots of moments that show their relationship changing and getting deeper, starting in Book 3. The problem is that it had to be that subtle at all, because Nickelodeon were asshats about the whole thing. I know in the comic sequels their relationship is way more explicit, but I don't hold the writers accountable for anything in the show because they fought TOOTH AND NAIL to get us that final shot. To confirm their relationship at all was so huge at the time, and I'll always remember the impact it had on future cartoons. Book 4 stays my favorite in the series.
Like others have said, the creators made a statement that confirmed that was the beginning of their relationship. And in 2014, the ending was huge (watch some reactions from 2014 to see how much it meant to a lot of people). Definitely recommend the comics!
And please do the movie, it's horrible but I think it'll still be a fun reaction.
Can't wait for Danny Phantom!!
Having started watching this channel react at the beginning of ATLA has been a fun journey. Im glad I found this channel.
Not much to be said here that hasn't but yes. Every same sex relationship in cartoons today exists because of what the writers did with Korra and Asami. I watched both series week to week when they aired on TV (and online for Korra) and yet I still come back and watch both series at least once a year. Even when the Avatar world has "weak" writing its still far and away one of the greatest works of fiction out there. They really paved the way for all that came after
So Aang was like 13 when he beat Ozai, I think he died in his 60s, so that would be 50+ years to the point where Korra is born, then we move forward to when she is around 18, a few months pass between Amon and Unalaq and Zaheer and his gang. From Zaheer to Kubira, that was 3 years so she was 21 at the end of the show, we would assume that Korra would live a little longer based on how we see Katara, Zuko and Toph, so she would live until she was like in her 80s, the new avatar is born and now it's been 80 something years since Korra was born so they could already do modern stuff, even new ways of bending (I would some glass bending)
She could live far longer than into her 80s. Bumi was 112 years old during ATLA.
Kuvira took the platinum from Zoafu's Lotus Domes
Kuvira got a lot of the platinum for the giant mech from taking down the domes at Zaofu. The domes covered the whole city but one of the last times we see Zaofu after Kuvira took it over someone points out that she took down the domes and they question why she would do it. They do also say that the town we see her take over earlier in the season had major platinum mines, or it was at least some of the towns she took over.
This is just my own theory, but the speed that they built the giant mech always was a sign to me that they had actually been building it all along with everyone sent to "re-education camp". The giant mech alone would be majorly powerful, and the moment the weapon stops working she just throws it away, as if the giant is enough. Kuvira was also far too proficient with the controls to have just had Baatar design it and built it in only a few days or weeks. I think they had the controls and basics designed and even built all the way up until they got the vines as a way to actually power it and they then had the weapon to give it. I could be wrong but I've always believed this.
Sorry but being spoiled on a nonexistent kiss is so funny to me like i'd be mad if I were Ruff too LMFAO
Mako, the boyfriend so terrible he turned both of his girlfriends gay
- Schaffrillas
I know it's a joke but honestly I hate that line. You can't turn anyone straight or gay. Korra and Asami were already gay.
Ok this may be a bit cringe but since you guys have finished Avatar, you have to watch this amv. It's one of the coolest amvs I have seen.
idk if you guys would be interested in this but some of the Korra cast members did a reading of part of the LOK: Turf Warrs comic which you can find on youtube! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLL2UXQ5XCFUGwJuOz8gCsLZqObexo_g4N&si=YIb3H0twbt6Lxvmt
you can play nick brawl 2 it's pretty cool there aang and korra
Also I may be wrong but the reason a lot of Mandela effect Korrasami kiss at the end may have something to do with a very well animated fan animation which shows them kissing. Also you have the comic where they pretty much kiss like a few pages in. So over the years people might have just forgot that it doesn't happen in the show.
Boom you have to read the Kiyoshi novels. You think Korra went through some shit, you aren't prepared for Kiyoshi. The line 'I am sorry I told you that you had to live with your pain. Because you won't.' Has to be one of the most badass and gut wrenching lines I have read.
Oh since no one seems to mention it Kya (Aang's daughter) is also gay.
Also tbf Kya gives off so much 'Cool Aunt Liz who never married and travels around the world with her totally best friend Sarah' vibes.
We all know how good of a teacher Tenzin is by the person who taught Korra real bending is Asami
i would KILL for an Avatar anthology series where each episode or set of episodes follows different Avatars
Korrasami regardless of one's thoughts on the quality of the relationship def paved the way for quite a few prominent sapphic relationships nowadays. The big one likely being Owl House's Lumity. It is also like the main go-to gottem people tend to go to about Mako "lol he fumbled so bad the girls he dated ended up happier with each other etc etc". Obviously, Nick more or less tied the creator's hands together in regards to what they were able to show with Korrasami 2013-14 was still fairly ya know in regards to stuff of this nature. I do wonder if the m/m side of things will ever get something that sorta kickstarts things for them in cartoons cause other than gravity falls cops I can't think of a pair in recent memory and they aren't mcs at that so..
Nimona has Ballister and Ambrosius, who are boyfriends. One other animated gay couple comes to my mind too, but I don't wanna mention it here because Sorta Stupid haven't reacted to that show.
People are whining about two dads in Cocomelon right now.
And I have no problem mentioning that because it’s Cocomelon, a show that exhausted parents turn on for their babies to stare at.
It’s sad that the writers wanted them to date in book 3 but Nickelodeon didn’t wanted a gay relationships. So they decided to make it low key lol
Within days of The Legend of Korra ending, one of the showrunners confirmed that Korra and Asami had become a couple at the end. To quote Bryan's Tumblr:
"Korrasami is canon.
You can celebrate it, embrace it, accept it, get over it, or whatever you feel the need to do, but there is no denying it. That is the official story. We received some wonderful press in the wake of the series finale at the end of last week, and just about every piece I read got it right: Korra and Asami fell in love. Were they friends? Yes, and they still are, but they also grew to have romantic feelings for each other. "
Yeah Korra and Asami holding hands and going on a vacation together at the end was supposed to be the confirmation of their relationship I'm pretty sure. The books continue directly after this with their journey in the spirit world and does have their romance in it! So their relationship is canon. I love that they got to be their own confident, strong, intelligent characters apart from their relationship but I do wish we got more than we did at the end. It makes sense though considering the time frame this came out. Tv was very not okay with on screen gay kisses and relationships back then.
I love Korra and Asami being a couple even tho it was subtle, I actually like it that because natural to me.
Korrasami gives me life
Even tho they couldn’t do the actual kiss because nick wouldn’t allow it I still love how Korra and Asami parallel the end of avatar with Aang and Katara it’s very sweet and their relationship is actually blatantly shown and expanded upon in the comics where they can actually kiss without any executive meddling
One of my favorite moments in the whole of Avatar is when Korra steps in front of that blast. She's not doing it because of ego. She has no idea what that much energy will do to her. It's amazing to realize how far Korra has come from season 1. Everything was so black and white back then. From knowing she had no worries injuring thieves in season 1 to seeing her fully try to save the life of a literal dictator is wild.
Korra and Asami are together for sure in the comics following the series. This was before Steven Universe, and so context was absolutely off the table, but subtext was fair game. It's Korra feeling comfortable only writing to Asami. It's Asami promising that if Korra ever needed anything she'd be there. It's in their time together in small pieces, building a closer relationship. I remember going crazy with the ending because there was a ton of buzz over Korrasami and seeing Korra's send off with Asami was super gratifying.
So this is weird but I thought I remembered them kissing at the end too. Weird.
Thank you boys for this amazing ride through ATLA and Korra. It's been phenomenal to see y'all react to such iconic moments in ATLA, and realize how underrated Korra is (even with flaws). Just damn good animated television and I'm happy you guys enjoyed everything so much. And yeah, unfortunately while it's not super clear in the episode, Korrasami is canon!
Ah yes the first ever lesbian relationship portrayed in western cartoon. (Puts on boomer voice) I tell ya kids these days are spoiled with all their Luz x Amity and Ballister x Ambrosious relationships. Back in my day we had Korra and Asami holding hands at the end of the show and I legit stayed awake the whole night thinking 'Were they........ gay!?'
Jokes aside people say that Korrasami came out of nowhere but there are some hints of it sprinked through out the last season (at least as much as Bryan could get away with). You have Korra blushing when Asami complimenting her hair and we all know blushing equals to romantic interest in cartoon. Korra also used to exclusively write to Asami because she found it easier to talk to her. Asami also got the contract to rebuild the city and for absolutely no reason decided to stick a life size statue of Korra in the middle of the park.
How much free rein did she have in that contract? Did she name the park “Avatar Korra Park” and put the statue there or did Raiko tell her that the park would have that name and she put the statue there because it fit the name? I agree with everything else you said but the statue is a stretch.
And she goes to the park to stare at her personal giant Korra statue when she’s sad.
Also her car in Season 4 is water tribe colors, not her usual red and black.
Let’s not forget Asami bringing Korra tea because she thought Korra “might be cold” even though she’s perfectly capable of keeping warm via multiple kinds of bending and grew up in the South Pole.
The creators confirmed Korra and Asami started dating and are both bisexual after the episode aired. They weren't allowed to kiss, but some people mistakenly remember they did. Their relationship and kiss is openly shown in the follow-up comics.
Some people nowadays hate on Korrasami because of how subtle it was in comparison to some other LGBT+ content in more recent cartoons, but this was back when censorship was much more strict. Some were crying tears of joy when they first saw this back in the day, because they didn't think we'd be allowed to have even this.
And unpopular (?) opinion, but Korrasami being a bit more toned-down is why I personally really like it. It felt more natural to me that they became friends and developed feelings over time while confining in and caring about each other instead of the "instantly crushing on someone you just met" thing that's common in Avatar. I also feel like neither of them (at least Korra who was very sheltered) realized they were bi until this.
Some people also seem to remember their relationship in the earlier seasons more negatively than it actually was. Like yeah, Korra was jealous because she liked Mako too and she had a brief "not like other girls" thing going on and judged Asami because of how feminine she was, but she quickly got over that after spending time with Asami and admitted she had her pegged wrong (giggity.) Like aside from the love triangle drama, they liked each other's company and they weren't like super hating on each other or anything. Korra was a bit petty at first because of her general immaturity, but Asami was always friendly and polite towards Korra from the start and directed her anger towards Mako, even telling him "look, I like Korra."
When Asami took down those Equalists in her father’s workshop, Korra and Mako had identical looks of awe. I wonder if she wasn’t a little bit jealous of both of them, without realizing.
Yeah, she also talked about how Asami is prissy...and elegant and beautiful during her jealous rant. Like honey...
I think Korrasami could’ve been a lot better than it turned out to be if the writers had been able to plan for a 4 season series. Instead in S1 they want the same guy. S2 they have like no interactions at all. The series was originally supposed to end there but when they were picked up for more episodes they retroactively thought “hey, let’s make this ship happen”. So they suddenly start bonding in season 3 and they somehow became love interests at some point while all this stuff is happening. I’m not saying it’s a bad ship. I’m just saying that it’s kinda underwhelming to me personally. It’s weird due to them deciding to make it a thing after 2 seasons of giving us no indication that it could or should happen. I personally don’t think a girl would be interested in anyone who stole the same man from her twice.
I do agree that Korra and Asami relationship was a little bit rush but Nickelodeon wasn’t helping them either because they wasn’t given them more time. Back then, Nickelodeon didn’t like same sex couples, Also of you saying that people have never done that, they actually had.
It was 2012-2014. If you think the uproar about “woke programming” and “grooming our kids to be gay” is bad now, the rhetoric was worse when same sex marriage wasn’t even legal in all 50 states. There are a lot of subtle hints on rewatch, but their hands were kind of tied by the network.
Of course nowadays Nickelodeon trots out Korra and Asami every June for Pride clout. Rainbow capitalism at its best.
Personally I think the culture wars are worse now then they were 10 years ago.
Perhaps because people are willing to fight them now instead of giving in to the pearl clutchers.
I remember when Korra aired. I shipped Korrasami from the first episode of Season 3. I figured if a guy and girl were getting on as well as them, it would be a hint at something more. I also didn’t think it would actually happen because it hadn’t been done on a kid’s network before.
Their are novels for Kyoshi and yangchen
I hope they watch the Avatar Chibi minisodes and the M Night Shamyalan movie ?
So all the platinum covers on the Metal Clan's City is what was used to build the mech. In the episode where they go rescue everyone they mention it briefly. They wonder why they dismantled all the domes. But it's not their main focus so they don't worry about it for long.
So fun fact this is the first ever gay relationship in a kids cartoon that I can think of, at the very least it is the first major one that happened and it changed the TV landscape ever since
Yes and no, they still skipped much of their relationship from the books/comics, couldnt really commit, a shame imo.
It is. Korrasami is the first ever lgbt relationship in a western cartoon. Korrasami limped so Lumity could sprint.
Did Korrasami happen before Garnet? I'm genuinely asking because I don't remember, it probably did happen before and I'm just confused tbh
Korrasami beat out Garnet by a few months. Jailbreak aired in March 2015. The LOK finale was the end of 2014.