Adventure Time S2 Episode 1-2 REACTION
Spaceballs Reaction
Invincible Season 2 Episode 1 REACTION
(Gold) Twilight Movie REACTION
Ben 10 Every Alien Reveal REACTION
That Time I Got Reincarnated As a Slime Episode 1 (Ruff Solo) REACTION
The Family Guy PS2 Game is DERANGED… – UNCUT
Kaguya Sama S3 Episode 1-13 Reaction
Ranking of Kings Episode 1-2 REACTION (Ruff Solo)
Starship Troopers REACTION
Gumball Episode 1-2 REACTION
Adventure Time S5 Episode 1-4 REACTION
Death of Superman Reaction
The 3rd season is my favorite out of all of these honestly
Aw man, I ran into the korra reaction and immediately grabbed silver tier on patreon, but it ends right before the finale I'm hyped for!
Guess I gotta site here for a bit and see if I can justify a month of diamond tier to keep the binge going...
Surprised they never heard the Azula in Ming-Huas voice
Love that boom (I think?) called it in the original ATLA about being able to suffocate someone using airbending
So the thing about Anarchy is it isn't no rules, it's no rulers. So the idea of a true anarchistic society would be a true democracy, not a republic, where literally all the citizens have a say in the choices that they would make. And it's pretty clear that while Zaheer and his crew see themselves as revolutionaries, they clearly don't have any plan for what happens next. They don't have some plan to help the people transition into a period where they have all the power now, they just assume everything will sort itself out in the end, showing that they're just a caricature of what people believe Anarchy to be.
you guys should at some point react to an avatar fan animation, it's on youtube the video is 'Avatar Element Animation 2' on the channel - Jared Koh
Anarchy just feels like a thing where there's many dictators instead of just one
They actually made it the thumbnail lol. I've been waiting for you guys to get to that moment all season
so excited for when we get back to the air temple
Can't believe we're almost at the finale already. Can't wait for it!
The thing that gets me about Zaheer and why I think he's such a fantastic villain is because he isn't really wrong, he just takes his philosophy to extreme and dangerous ends. I have to be honest, if I lived in this world and the red lotus approached me, I would have really struggled with the decision on whether or not to join. I don't believe murder and violence leads to peace and tranquility, but he was really spitting about divided nations and tyrannical government.
Boom you are thinking of Maximilien Robespierre. He wasn't a dictator in the one man ruling all sense of the way but he was a very influential member of the Convention and Committe of Public Safety which was responsible for handing out those death sentences.
In a way whatever Zaheer causes is much worse than what happened during the French Revolution. At least after the revolution you had the Convention that took power. There is no one like that in Ba Sing Se. In a realistic scenario whoever would take power after Zaheer's revolution would be much much more brutal. And it would likely not be one either. There would be multiple factions vying for control.
Btw reminder to turn off the subtitles for the first few episodes of the next season. There is a big spoiler in them.
Now you know how Monk Gyatso took out that room full of Fire Nation soldiers back in season 1 episode 3 of ATLA.
Ruff is pretty much right. Taking down a tyrant without having anyone to take their place will almost always lead to another tyrant taking over.
When there is chaos and anarchy some people will eventually band together to protect themselves from that chaos. This organized minority will eventually triumph over the disorganized and chaotic majority to establish order again. And of course the one who are in charge of this order is that minority. And so you get a ruling class of elites back. More often then not these new rulers will be even more authoritarian to make sure they don't meet the same fate as the last ones. Zaheer has to be the most compelling villain in the show but from a purely ideological standpoint he has to be the most dumbest one.
100% Deserved
Something crazy about Zaheer is that when he was taking the air out of the Earth Queen's lungs, there is no way that she could hear him anymore. Whether it was the air current or the lack of air in that bubble to allow the sound to get through, she can't hear his speech to her. That speech was just for him.
If I remember correctly way back when y’all were still on avatar one of you actually brought up the possibility of airbenders bending the air out of someone’s lungs and I’ve been patiently waiting for y’all to see this episode ever since lol
26:45 "Well, at least they're getting some bonding time. They don't get to hang out a lot." No doubt Bryan was trying to give them as much time as he could.
You mentioned Star vs the Forces of Evil. I liked the finale episode… as an episode. But not as a series finale. It felt like a normal season finale rather than an end to wrap it all up.
This is just like Blood Bending where when you learn about this world in The Last Airbender, you think about things like “couldn’t you bend the water inside a person or the air in someone’s lungs?”. Admit it. We all were thinking it. I think even Boom said something like that in their early Last Airbender reactions. Then in The Puppetmaster and Long Live the Queen the show actually goes there and you’re like “what the actual hell is going on?!”
That's just what happens when a non air nomad gets air bending, has none of the monk values. It's damn awesome and chilling at the same time!
Congratulations guys. You’ve made it to the casual murder episodes
I can't wait for the next reaction.. you are NOT ready
These next few episodes of Korra are gonna blow your minds
Ohhhh, I've been waiting on this one!
Banger episodes
Boom's lyrical prowess brings me life.
now there are casual murders! Welcome to nickelodeon
This is just one of the reasons this originally didn't air on television, but went on the nickelodeon website before there were any huge streaming services besides YouTube.
Love how we went from incredibly unclear deaths in ATLA to a policy "y'know what f*ck it we're just going to show a violent regicide via suffocation, on screen" and..."other things" later on (if you know, you KNOW) with Legend of Korra. Korra don't pull no punches, man