Sonic Prime Episode 1 Reaction
(Gold) Tangled Movie REACTION
Twilight of the Gods Episode 1-5 Reaction
Train to Busan Movie Reaction
Star Wars: The Clone Wars Movie
Valorant All Agents REACTION
Couple Plays Pokemon Heart Gold & Soul Silver for the First Time
An Extremely Goofy Movie REACTION
Adventure Time S7 Episode 1-5 REACTION
Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story Reaction
Fairy Tail Episode 1-233 Reaction
RWBY S4 Episode 1-3 Reaction
Arcane Episode 1 REACTION
Regular Show S2 Episode 1-4 REACTION
(Gold) John Wick 2 REACTION
and now introducing by far the best villain in korra, and probably the 2nd best villain in all of children's cartoons :p
President Riko: Its all Korras fault!Korra: I told you to send the army!
Bending is hereditary and can skip generations. Think about it, Katara was the only water bender in her immediate family and even Gran gran wasn't a bender but someone else in their family tree probably was.
I watched this show as a teen.
I remember REALLY not liking Korra's character back then, because I thought she was too abrasive and kinda rude. But as an adult re-watching the show its much easier to have patience for her and see that the position she is in is so insanely tough.
I know I’m late but stop calling Meelo Tommy Pickles it’s Meelo ????
I know this is way late and maybe your opinions shifts in later episodes but listening to you guys talk about the disruption the vines have on the city, I can totally understand why non bender in particular, dont want benders around anymore lol.
Literally no one mentions that Korra just called Asami “Girlfriend” and not “Girl friend”. KORRASAMI IS ON ITS WAY!!!
She clearly ment girlfriend as in best friend in this context lol.
Have ya'll checked out the comics/books post ATLA yet? It's cool because you piece together the time between ATLA and LOK. As they (or Tenzin) mention briefly in S1E1 of LOK, Republic City was established by Aang & Team Avatar. The books describe more about how this all-nation city and government is established.
In the older days there were air nomads that lived in the air temples alongside the airbenders. The nomads lived the same lifestyles as the benders. Instead of having families with parents and children, they were raised as a community instead. Of course with aang and tenzins family that would have to be impossible, yet these nomadic people now live in the air temples again as we saw back in season 2
I love that season 3 really pushes in to the relationship between korra and Asami, becoming amazing friends
22 min. Mark. My man with the flamingos shirt said it the way i learned. Kids are sponges.
The reason this feels more like our world is because it literally looks like our world with the exception of the thechnology being of the 1920's-1950's...
Finally I can watch your reactions to this again... I was waiting for Season 2 to end
To be fair the vines are displacing hundreds if not thousands of people. Personally, I would be as mad as I am grateful for what Korra chose to do (keeping portals open). Having your entire life upended and suddenly becoming homeless in a large city that is presumably already difficult to live in, in terms of housing, doesn't sound like a fun time either. So, I would be incredibly grateful for her beating the big bad and not allowing the world to be submerged in darkness for 10,000 years but also mad that I am suddenly homeless and possibly jobless as a result of her choice to leave the portals open. So like......don't blame the public for being mad lol
Not sure if they'll see this but to clarify some things.
It is possible for bending to skip a generation. Bumi's children definitely could have become airbenders if he had any. Katara and Sokka's parents were nonbenders. Toph's parents were nonbenders.
Also the air nomads were the only nation to have NO nonbenders as part of their nation. 100% of the people at the temples were airbenders. However, they were also nomads, and their genes might have survived in the populations of other nations, although none of their children born this way were airbenders. Its a common theory that everyone we see gain airbending here was a descendant of an air nomad. Its also a common theory that Ty Lee was one of these people descended from airbenders.
Maybe someone can correct me on this one. A theory I heard is that the people who got air bending were descended for air benders that survived the genocide. Air bender culture is nomadic, so not all of them were at the temples when they were invaded. Some of them hid and had families with non air benders, and the spiritual emergence awakened something in their decedents. Bumi is directly related to Aang and he got it. I guess if that hadn't happed, it would have seemed more random.
i think bending is a mix of genetics and spirituality. if you recall in atla, katara's parents were both non-benders. and after hama (the bloodbender) was captured, katara was the first southern waterbender in years. with harmonic convergence i personally think its just random, but i could just as easily see it being dependent on if the person had distant airbender ancestors or something like that.
also there was a dvd extra or something (i cant remember where i saw it so my source is "dude trust me" LOL) that said because of how spiritual air nomads are, 100% of the children that were born were airbenders. you can see with tenzin's children too, all of them so far are benders. with aang and katara though, i guess it was mixed up a bit with the waterbending being thrown in. i have always wondered though, could an avatar have a child of any element? or would it just be the element from their nation (or their partner's nation)
also the air nomads at the temples you see now are air acolytes, which are non-benders. i believe they are expanded upon more in one of the comics
The other that I realized watching you guys just now: is that no matter what, Aang after saving the world, he'd be a war hero, wise sage, and the last person of the first culture erased by a war lasting 100 years. And since there was such a large gap between avatars he was beyond untouchable in terms of how people saw him.
With Korra, not only does she have to live up to Aang, who most people had only fully got to know once he was a fully realized avatar, but you now have had a generation of people born and raised that had no avatar in the world at all, again being told how amazing aang was and comparing someone who was taught on shelter and then thrust into media with no real chance to learn how to be the avatar outside of bending like a bad ass.
So excited for season! I didn’t want to say anything when you were watching s1 but this season made Jinora one of if not my favorite character. I love how she becomes more present as the series goes on.
btw, Ming-Hua is voiced by Grey DeLisle aka Azula. funny how she voices a waterbender villain after a firebender
Korra season order from best to worst to me is 3, 4, 2, 1 . Not better then avatar but I don’t rewatch avatar without going into Korra too.
Avatar seasons is 1, 2, 3 . It only gets batter until the end and wraps up perfectly.
Y'all don't need to apologize for pausing, the more the better, we are watching to see y'all talk about the show!
So, I keep bringing up how Nickelodeon screwed this show during its development and airing, and there's a really popular speculation as to why the execs would do so. Looking at just the first 10 minutes of this episode makes it very obvious what they were trying to do and why, for 2013, the execs would just be giving the creators the middle finger. I won't spoil what is it, though you can see it if you're paying attention, and if you know, you know.
37:35 ...I just want to acknowledge Boom's reference to the meme here and leave it at that.
Common misconception i think people have regarding who is a powerful bender or not. Bending as we've established in atla is based off of different martial arts and fighting techniques. if you're already a master martial artist you would be a powerful bender as we see with our new villain. But we also saw in atla there were tons of civilians with no martial arts training that had bending that could be taken down easily.
Guys remember, Katara was a waterbender and her parents were non-benders
Zaheer is voiced by legendary punk rocker, Black Flag front man, and Grammy-award-winning Spoken Word artist Henry FUCKING Rollins! Zaheer is one of the best villains ever conceived of. Certainly one of the best ever written. Unalaq was a 1. Zaheer is a fucking 12. Once again, welcome to greatness.
I fucking love Henry Rollins. One of my ALL TIME FAVORITE PEOPLE.
We’re finally in season 3 boys!!
Head canon but the people who got airbending were probably descendants of airbenders who were in the world or escaped the genocide and spiritually they suppressed their bending to go into hiding bc cmon you found all the nomads in one place? Horse shit. Theres even comics or something detailing the fact that they had traps to catch airbenders that got away. So with that information they probably fled and were already venturing out to the earth kingdom since its the only direction they can go that isn’t water or the fire nation and settled down and had kids who generations later had the spiritual potential for air bending and harmonic convergence helped unlock that for them in the name of balance.
I like the head canon that Ty Lee could come from Airbender lineage since (1) she’s very similar to Aang in personality and features and (2) her combat style is swift and dodgy like airbending. Plus, it’d make sense for an Air Nomad to hide their bending as a refugee during the 100 year war by using chi-blocking to passively disable their opponent, especially if they were in Fire Nation territory.
I’m not sure if they mentioned this in the show I’m pretty sure they don’t but harmonic convergence specifically was only bringing about Airbenders, because the world was thrown out of balance when the fire nation basically neutralized them all so it’s pretty much just rebalancing the world
To be fair, no one would notice someone suddenly gaining other types of bending. People would just assume they just are late bloomers and be done with it. But people suddenly gaining airbending sticks out like a sore thumb since there are almost none around the world.
@Ruff both of Katara's parents were non-benders, so non-bender parents can have bender children.
Ummm her father was a leader of the Southern Tribe if I remember correctly and he was a bender as well. Sokka wasn’t a bender and I’m pretty sure the mother was a bender as well.
Katara’s father was not a bender. Katara was the only waterbender in the South Pole.
So you guys shouldn't forget that Korra mentioned that there was a massive shift in the planets energy after Harmonic Convergence. So its not so much about the spirits, as the spirit world itself and the events. The world's aren't one, they are just connected by the portals. Wan closed the portals 10,000 years ago, because that is how long it takes for Harmonic Convergence to occur. Every 10,000 years. Thats how long its been. Korra already is going through some great development, and its really tough, all the shit on her plate. She's still only 17, possibly 18, but yeah she is incredibly young. Thats the curse with Avatars. They have to grow up so damn fast, because they have such a weight on their shoulders. But she's already being super wise and calm. Also, you all noticed it, but I'm kinda surprised you didnt call it out that Korra is rocking a damn glider now! And she's so strong she can fly it with one hand, which is sick as hell. To be fair, the citizens aren't just being inconvenienced. Like we saw people are being put out of their homes, and water services were down. So the vines were causing problems, but it's definitely up to Reiko to decide maybe to restructure the city around the vines. Mako being awkward makes plenty of sense, like come on. He's friends and interacts with not one, but two women he dated. Things are amicable and not hostile, but it's gotta be hella uncomfortable on how it feels to be around them. Also, it's primarily Airbending probably because the world was clearly out of balance. The world had plenty of all the other elements, but Airbenders were scarce. So it wouldn't make sense if it were all the elements. The people who get Airbending doesn't neccesarily mean it's people connected to them. His family aren't magically of airbending lineage. Plus, Airbenders in the past stayed amongst their own. And in Aangs time, all nomads in the temple were airbenders. They didn't leave and procreate with others. So no, it isn't likely there are other Airbender related people. Bending acts genetically. So if Kya had kids, they could just as likely become waterbenders because she is a waterbender. Also one detail about Zuko, that wasn't Irohs beard. He has the hair of Roku, and his beard is like Fire Lord Sozins. It's continuing his story arc, he's a combination of his two Great Grandfather's.
Best season of Korra
Best season of *Avatar*
Milo is going to become Monk Gyatso for the next avatar reincarnation.
-Is like 80 years old
-told some of the most scary mfs just escaped from prison
-says he is going to go fight them
- refuses to elaborate further and flies away on his red dragon
I like to point out that Zaheer was locked up in solitary confinment, in a jail cell on a mountain in the middle of nowhere and still the guard were scared to approach him, and this was before he didn’t have any bending….
I think they understand why this season is the most amazing season of the entire Avatar series... Also season 4 was green lighted with season 3 which is why these two seasons are the ACTUAL BEST.
Eh I'm not a fan of the next season still haven't finished my rewatch might wait till they get there
I love this season then I can't wait for you guys to enjoy it??
Something to think about that almost makes me sad is that Bumi had the air bending form down enough to do it instinctively when falling, and he did want his dads attention as a child. I imagine that even though he was a non bender he probably practiced for hours hoping if he get the forms he'd unlock air bending and maybe earn his dads attention and approval.
I remember watching this season as it came out. It was a good time and fun to watch; overall, I love Kora for what it is. Kora may not be better than Aang as a protagonist, but this world and the new characters make it an amazing show. S3 is packed with nostalgia and some of the best villains.
I mean.... Korra is a better protagonist than Aang so ?
You tried
5:30 damn that's a pause if I ever seen one...
Ruff, your lack of faith disturbs me. Was it not you who thanked us profusely for insisting you watch The Last Airbender?
We know what we're talking about, best season ?
weird way to communicate your point, Aerin. Faith in the context of trusting an audiences' judgement of a tv show doesn't pair, it makes no sense. The fact they are watching the show, and expressing all this pure joy for all of us to appreciate, goes to show they absolutely are trusting our advice and recommendations. Don't take anything someone spews out while enjoying a tv show, for face value.
This does not disturb you, or you do not understand the meaning of the word. Show some love instead. Just like the ATLA world needs the Avatar to restore balance, our world needs love to also restore balance, and we all have the power to channel our own inner Avatar in our realm, on Earth.
I think their experience with Ben 10 has really shook their faith in general, which I can't blame them for.
What happened with Ben 10?
Hama: They bound our hands when they gave us water so we couldn’t bend.
Ming Hua: Amateur
Oh first time?
Lets go!!!!!!