The Legend Of Korra S2 Episode 1-2 REACTION
The Legend Of Korra S2 Episode 3-4 REACTION
The Legend Of Korra S2 Episode 5-6 REACTION
The Legend Of Korra S2 Episode 7-8 REACTION
The Legend Of Korra S2 Episode 9-10 REACTION
The Legend Of Korra S2 Episode 11-12 REACTION
The Legend Of Korra S2 Episode 13-14 REACTION
RWBY S4 Episode 1-3 Reaction
All Sonic Movie Trailers Reaction – Including Sonic 3
Stranger Things S4 Episode 1 REACTION
Rick and Morty S3 Episode 1-2 Reaction
(Gold) Glass Onion REACTION
Konosuba Episode 1-11 Reaction
Amphibia Season 2 Episode 1 REACTION
Nintendo Direct Reaction 9/14/2023
Mob Psycho S3 Episode 1 REACTION
Monster House Movie REACTION
Pokemon Heroes Movie REACTION
One Piece Film Red Reaction (Boom Solo)
(Gold) The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Reaction
What's Interesting Is Harmonic Convergence Happened In Real Life In 2020 On December 1st. All The Planets In Our Universe Aligned. The Vibe Was Divine And A Lot Of Spiritual Awakenings Happened That Year Leading Up To That Point In Time And After. This Show Has Some Depth In Detail That May Go Over Some People Heads.
There is so much wrong with everything you said. First off, you mean solar system, not universe. Secondly, only Saturn and Jupiter aligned, not all of the planets. And third, it happened on December 21st, not the 1st.
Also, why do you capitalize every word?
“Exatremly worse” mo simce the fact people who try make this claim usualy are sided with literal communists for an fyi communism has killed more in shorter periods several times over than the holocaust they are the “just as bad” centrists are normaly criticised for not siding with
You can immediately tell the animation upgrade on episode 10 with Studio Mir returning to do the animation. I love their style and am glad they do most of Korra.
Korra I find is the ultimate series of "the villains have a point, but they're doing it in the worst possible way"
Amon had a point that many benders use their superior powers to cause harm, but he used his superior powers to cause harm
Unalaq has a point that there has not been balance in the world and spirits should interact with humans, but hes releasing the literal embodiment of chaos and destruction
And even the villains in 3 and 4 do have points that make sense in a bubble
The best part of this ep was y’all’s reaction to iroh. Also y’all having kids really adds another layer of emotion/reaction to tenzin losing his. I feel like most ppl are just like “aw thats sad” but y’all looked heartbroken over him saying “where’s my little girl?”
Well. Silver lining is if y’all love this season (the weakest one) then it’ll only get better for y’all. This one just felt very incohesive and thrown together. And team avatar was not a team, and those are the main reasons I dislike it. Also most of the main characters were so annoying this season. Like they all presented so many negative traits. Except for asami. She is best girl no question
Korra definitely gets underrated, but out of all the seasons this is probably still the weakest. Kinda like how season 1 of ATLA was technically the weakest even though it's still great. The others are just that much better.
The reasons people dislike like this season tend to boil down to three things:
•Supposedly demystifying the spirits and how they work.
•Raava And Vaatu introducing the idea of “pure good” and “pure evil.”
•Season Finale fight.
I stg this is what it boils down to everytime
Please when this episode will be available to silver members ?
I have seen these episodes a ton, but i didnt realize the light and dark in the episode when jinora and korra enter the spirit world. Jinora's adventure starts light then turns dark while korra's starts dark and turns light
Tenzin wants to so hard transcend and be spiritual when it has been, and kind of is, his job to carry the weight of a nation on his shoulders.
There is literally no reason for Korra to go into the spirit world. The Northern Portal was still closed. If she had just waited for Harmonic Convergence to pass everything would've been fine. She could've closed the Southern portal afterwards and Vaatu would've still been sealed away. I think the reason Season 2 is considered the weakest is because of the major plot holes, and because it messes with and contradicts the lore from the original series. That being said I still really liked it the first time I watched but on a rewatch it doesn't hold up as well as the other seasons. Season 3 is peak imo
I Think That Just Shows Realism Of Characters Not Knowing, Doing What They Think They Should Do.. Ofc We Can Look And Say Yeah That Would've Been Best For Her To Wait But, From Her Perspective And Impatient Nature She Believed It Would've Been Best To Enter The Spiritual World And Do Something To Fix The Situation When From Overviewer Perspective She Should've Waited. Hope I Explained That Well Enough. You Made Some Points But Depending On What They Do With The Writing In The Future The Lore Can Eventually Come Together. I Believe The Writers Know What They're Doing, Things Just Go Over Our Heads Because They Don't Tell/ Explain Everything Like Most Anime Does. They Set Things Up And Leave Holes On Purpose To Fill In Later. Which Is Great Writing Imo. Leave Me Guessing And Allow Me To Use My Own Imagination Of What Could Be.
Like legit saying subtitles are spoilers you might as well say the title of the show is a spoiler because it's about the legend of someone named korra and you didn't know she was a legend before you read it or there name was korra but no that's fine but hard of hearing well better not watch because you might "sPoILeD" and don't want that
Yes, while this season isn't bad, it is the lowest in the list for me.
I feel like Mako got done dirty by the writers solely for the cringy love triangle waffling. He didn't deserve that. I know he's an angsty 17-year-old, but this was just dumb.
Unalaq is a good flat villain, simple goals and a complete garbage obviously evil guy that’s fun to hate. No notes.
There was an interesting perspective on balance between light and dark from destiny 2, basically if you fill a cup half with poison and half with medicine, you will die. Negative tends to over power positive.
Medicine is basically poison if taken when you don’t need it. I don’t know if that makes the metaphor deeper(both good and bad are not completely separate, yin in yang and all that) or breaks it(an arbitrary definition of balance is no good)
My only real issue with season 2 was the love triangle drama. Besides that I enjoyed it. Also been waiting for episode 10 for the reaction to Iroh! And the subtitles didn't say it was Iroh before he appeared so maybe you guys will be fine with having them on.
Also fun fact: Book 2 Episode 10 of Avatar was The Library. So it was really cool they brought the library back in Book 2 Episode 10 of Korra.
Oh shit that's the "spoiler" the moment the man breaths I know the va people take spoilers way to far I mean I did get spoiled on religion so I get where there coming from but if your worried about the little things you'll never enjoy the big picture that "we" missed out watching something with someone who'd enjoy it as we did but as we did was watch the whole thing craving more not thinking oh no this commercial is gonna spoil me oh no the title is gonna spoil me oh no thus trigger warning is spoiling me
This season is okay but I can't stand season 3.
Psychotic take
I wouldn't say I hate season 2. But it seems off. I feel like there seems to be too many storylines happening at once that feels kind of choppy (if that makes sense). I don't know how to explain it better.
Ironically I don't mind the messiness of the characters, which sounds like the main gripe from people who don't like the series. I do think it just feels weird with Team Korra, because with Team Avatar you can see everyone's relationships and how they bond. But everyone on Team Korra is just running around doing their own projects (Korra in the spirit world, Bolin doing movies etc.) so you kind of don't really seem them bond as much, which is very different from last season.
I don't know how old they are right now but this goes still under young love. I can remember exactly the same stuff happening around me all the time and I would lie if I never did that too. Absolutly no issue for me. Question is more if we have to involve it into the story. It feels like the bait to get the younger audience and it shows.
33:48 is what I’ve been waiting for since they started season 2
Also the coupon code for the merch store (at least for diamond tier) is expired. I don’t know if you read these, but can y’all upload a new one?
There is another big spoiler in Season 4
The issue with the definition of balance is the reason so many people hate this season. It’s dumb but raava is supposed to be light and balance and vaatu is darkness and chaos so the idea they were going for is more light somehow means more balance and peace but people both didn’t like and didn’t understand that idea. It’s one of the weakest plot ideas they’ve ever had tbh.
still a good season
One of the reasons besides romance lol
The Korra haters are the one’s really going around telling people this season is terrible with no real excuse other than the love triangle and their bias for atla, some believe this season recons the history of bending when it really doesn’t since atla explains the history of bending styles and how they learned from their animal guides
That's true. The lion turtles did say they wouldn't give people the elements anymore, so they eventually learned from the original benders, the animals. This retcons nothing.
I think this season is bad in retrospect, but that doesn't mean I'm a hater. I dislike it because the spirit aspect has become basic. The love triangle garbage definitely doesn't help matters. And they clearly didn't know what to do with Asami. They made Bolin dumber even though he was the emotionally mature one compared to Mako in season 1. They had a nice brother dynamic.
I think my main issue with the story of Book 2 is with how black and white they make the spirits both literally and physically. Saying that there's this all powerful spirit of evil that's been locked up this whole time just seems lazy. We've seen how spirits behave sporadically on their own and act with their own interests. They're forms are influenced by how they themselves feel. Having this one big spirit to blame for everything just seems lazy. Like, if Wan's spirit buddies got angry about the fire benders ruining everything so they then shape shift, that would make sense. We even see that spirit frog that Wan stepped on at the beginning was able to shift and change as it pleases, growing bigger when Wan wouldn't move his foot and didn't apologize.
However instead, we're presented with, "It's Vaatu, using their anger to turn them to his side." They're given "dark forms" instantly. It would make more sense if they played more with the ambivalence of spirits. Like just having a spirit of Light and "Peace" is so basic and human. It would make more sense to be a spirit of light and order to balance Vaatu's darkness and chaos.
Play into the chaos aspect to have him grow stronger because the world is growing restless. He's getting stronger because of the discord. Have that be the reason for Raava shrinking. Have both spirits believe that what they're doing is correct. Instead of just rolling around in a ditch like reckless jerks, have them arguing about what the right thing to do is. Almost like they were the first ones to be in charge of the two worlds. Maybe they delegated the humans to the lion turtles while they try to figure out what our place is. Maybe they're trying to determine the new layout of a certain chuck of land and what should go there. Idk
Have them literally attached at the hip or something and rather than Wan getting "tricked" by the obvious bad guy, he just wants to break up their fight since they're disturbing everybody in the area. So Vaatu flies off in a huff. And make Raava more of a character instead of just this "Holier-than-thou" stuff and repeating what "Stinky" figured out earlier.
Have the reason for one getting bigger and the other smaller is because they need each other and have been seperated for too long. But Vaatu doesn't want to reattach because his counter part never seems to listen to his ideas or let him lead. He's all uppity about doing things his way. And since having Vaatu locked up is the main reason Wan closed the portals, have the reunion of the two be the reflection of the spirit and material worlds connecting again. And then maybe in the end, instead of waiting for Vaatu to respawn from inside Raava later, we have the two spirits bound to each other again, this time inside the avatar. Now Vaatu gets to have a say in how things are done, which is why he wanted his own avatar. To compete with Raava and her ideas/ideals.
So subsequently the new start of a cycle for the Avatar has more weight. Then the giant Yin-Yang surrounding the tree isn't just for show. I came up with all that just now. Idk, just give us something not basic.
Instead we were given two basic villains in one arc. You could have made it so Vaatu was feeding Unaloq false information like he did to Wan or something. But instead they have him played straight as an unrelenting a-hole with no depth on his own and nothing fun about him. He's just went, "fine, I'll do it myself," and that was it. We all knew he was gonna be the bad guy, but they don't do anything else with his character. He's just a lying jerk who exists to get his butt whooped.
i just dont like how basically the episodes before episodes 7-8 feel useless tbh. back half carries it to me
"Useless" is pretty harsh imo, for the last half of the season to even work you needed those episodes to build up pretty much everything good. From Korras relationships ending/resparking with Mako and Tenzin, Tenzins family relationships, Jinoras spirituality, how Unalaq treats his family, Varricks antics in general, etc.
I'm not caught up but I don't get this trend of writing off people that don't like a season as automatic haters.
Won Shi Ton is a pretentious pseudo-intellectual just look at the people he trusts versus the people he doesn't. The Avatar and a bunch of kids trying to save the world from a genocidal maniac? "All humans want to do is war" Admiral Zou wants to find the location of the spirit that keeps the ocean in balance? The owl must help this fine respectable gentleman. It should come as no surprise that the little girl whose friends with the Avatar who he already doesn't like is going to get screwed over because he would much rather Trust the fancy and established leader of the northern water tribe and spiritual master. Hootie McDickhead is an elitist turkey and those poor foxes deserve so much better
We don't write people that dislike something as haters. But there is a difference in disliking and hating. A lot of the comments we've seen or others have talked about has been people hating.
There's a fine line between the two if there even is a line because one is the foundation of the other
I've seen a lot of people hate the animation in some episodes but it's not bad just different
It is the weakest season, but it not a bad season...just know it gets better!
There’s a comic on Iroh coming out in 2024
Also at this point I should point out that even though Tenzin is an airbender he actually gets his personality from Katara.
SeeOhKnee's ability accurately predict what's going to happen but also sometimes forget what has already happened both frighting and commendable.
I was today years old when i learned THATS how you spell his name!
Theres a couple more spoilers from the subs in both of the next seasons
Saying a character goes further in there arc in the next season isn't a spoiler
If Mako has a million haters, then I'm one of them. If Mako has one hater, then I'm THAT ONE. If Mako has no haters, that means I'm dead.
#Mako did nothing wrong
Except kiss Korra while he was dating Asami. And sell Korra and Iroh out to Raiko behind their backs.
Stop making stuff up. Korra kissed him. He was literally mid sentence when she kissed him. I don’t understand why Mako haters feel the need to write fan fiction about him and then pretend that it’s canon. There’s PLENTY of canonical reasons to hate him and yet you decided to make one up about him kissing Korra while he was dating Asami?
He did kiss her though, have you ever paid attention to the dialogue around that scene? When he accused Korra of kissing him and thus the blame on hurting Bolin was pushed solely on her, she replied with "You kissed me back" which he did not refute. He DID kiss Korra, he just didn't Initiate the kiss. Also the kiss was a response to him confessing his feelings for her, which is ALSO cheating(it's called emotional cheating).
But why?
I’d say he redeems himself in season 3. By the end of season 4 he was probably my favorite member of the New Team Avatar.
Honestly don't get the hate for Mako. Season 1 he was loyal, never cheated, and when he figured out he liked Korra he broke up with Asami
Season 2 tried to be a good boyfriend to someone who honestly wasn't very supportive of him, and was 100 percent right about everything that was going on even though no one believed him.
Those first few things you're just making up. He kissed Korra while he was still with Asami and never explicitly broke up with Asami. He just left her for Korra. He wasn't very loyal in season 2 either since he sold out Korra's plan with General Iroh to President Raiko, putting his job above his relationship.
Season 1 he was not loyal, did cheat, and never officially broke up with Asami. Season 2 he was a cop and chose to be loyal to Raiko over the avatar even though it was clear what was at stake and didn't have the balls to tell Korra the truth and again didn't officially end things with Asami. Season 3 onward he's golden
i still didnt like em. worst of the group imo