The Legend Of Korra S2 Episode 1-2 REACTION
The Legend Of Korra S2 Episode 3-4 REACTION
The Legend Of Korra S2 Episode 5-6 REACTION
The Legend Of Korra S2 Episode 7-8 REACTION
The Legend Of Korra S2 Episode 9-10 REACTION
The Legend Of Korra S2 Episode 11-12 REACTION
The Legend Of Korra S2 Episode 13-14 REACTION
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This COULD have been a bunch of cool ideas if they were handled with more care. But the first time I watched this I was just in awe of how little they explained with both Jinora randomly being the second coming and Raava just... being in Vattu's chest?? And just... a lot of loose ends if you don't let yourself get swept away by the action. And even said action felt kinda cheap and weird. (Why did Korra NEED to be a blue giant? A power she never uses again?? How cool would it have been if she had to fight the giant Vattu just as herself? Like, she just wants to defend the people with what power she has and puts herself out there despite knowing she can't win? And THEN Jinora comes in clutch and does some random spirit magic to make Korra more powerful and turning the tide. Idk. Just spitballing how this could have been a bit more compelling for me.)
I think you guy said the heart of the issue: "this doesn't feel like a Season 2." because it really didn't. And it felt like all this weight and spiritual importance was unearned. AND it felt like they were spitting in the face of the last show by severing that connection to the past lives, for no other reason than I guess shock value?
Some people blame Korra, but I just blame the writers.
I honestly think Season 1 could go directly into Season 3 without really missing much besides a couple character introductions that could be tacked on later, and to me, that's the indication of a weak season.
too be fair to the writers they thought every season of korra was going to be the last season of korra since the station that they were working for (nickelodeon) kept on playing with their feelings. it’s truly sad bc every season of korra was good and earned but every season felt like a last season
Unfortunately, this is where the Korra hate stems from. A lot of people blame her for loosing the connection to the past avatars despite none of it being her fault. And they hate the giants kuyji battle that happens. So much so that they miss the message that the show is trying to tell.
The ending was dumb
But a fun dumb it’s still on bottom of seasons for me
Next however is AMAZING
This season has some of the lowest lows of all of Avatar with the whole Mako love triangle mixed with no one even giving him a chance with the investigation, but it also has some of the highest highs as well from the Avatar Wan origin to Tenzin accepting he is not his father. It also has my favorite 2 renditions of the Avatar theme with Wan facing Vaatu after becoming the first Avatar and Korra breaking out of the ice.
Imagine they love this season but hate the others lmao. My biggest complaint about this season was it felt so disconnected and random and the flow was so weird. Even watching this with y’all felt long. Pacing was weird. And again I hated that team avatar wasn’t team avatar this season (everyone was off doing their own thing and even bolin felt that too) and the forced romance was just bad and I really would’ve preferred them to remove the romance in this season. It really added nothing of value.
One complaint I see about the hatred of korra, is that people directly blame her for raava being killed and the past avatars no longer existing inside her. Which is dumb because how could it truly be her fault that raava was ripped out of her by force.
Nobody blamed aang when he got shot by lightning and died for a while and people thought the avatar cycle ended
Korra is the last Avatar of one age and the first Avatar of the next. She is now the bridge between the original Avatars and the next 10,000 years.
I think the most hate I've seen for this season is that people think it changed spirits themselves too much in the lore, and the simple good/evil villain arc. And destroying the connection to previous Avatars. There are still plenty of stories that can be told about all those old Avatars though, some of which are coming out as novels. Roku is the next novel coming out!
Season 2 gets a bad rap, its pretty good all things considered. The love stuff is annoying but not as bad as it could've been. Honestly these last episodes are my least favorite, but that's just because I really don't like spontaneous Kaiju battles in media (I have a similar problem with Naruto). But either way, my favorite season is up next, cant wait!
Finally, past the tragedy that is S2. Korra becoming a big spirit to fight giant spirity Unalaq has got to be one of the dumbest choices. It just became a spirit kaiju battle. I get it's okay for some people. But it just felt wrong within the word and way oversimplified. Unalaq is easily the worst villain, and the writing through most of this season felt sloppy. S2 gave us the two "Beginnings" episodes tho, and Varrick. So it ain't all bad.
Wish you guys hadn't missed the "yes I am" from the mushroom. The line actually got me my first watch. Having fun watching through Korra again with you all.
Buckle up, cause S3 is arguably the best season. And S4 is the other contender.
Eska = Aubrey Plazas best role
Speaking of Avatar content, the fanbase created a real version of Pai Sho that you can play either as a boardgame or online. There's several different versions of how you play, but I think Skud Pai Sho is the most popular (don't quote me on that). Here's the online game: https://skudpaisho.com/
If you guys are eager for more Avatar and also have an interest in pen and paper RPGs after Vox Machina, there's a very well done Avatar roleplaying game available (although it's designed with the idea that you don't play any of the Avatar's, but other groups of benders and non-benders having adventures in one of the time periods of Kyoshi, Roku, Aang, or Korra).
Bolin Stans RISE UP
I mean nothing about avatar’s themeing should allow for susanos and kamamahahas….
It's been 10,000 years since the first Avatar. Wan defeated Vaatu and sealed the portals during the last convergence which was 10,000 years ago.
I like to point out that Zaheer was locked up in solitary confinment, in a jail cell on a mountain in the middle of nowhere and still the guard were scared to approach him, and this was before he didn't have any bending....
Can't wait for s3
this next season is literally the best. The flow from season 2-4 is absolutely amazing
When it comes to the villain of this season i think people weren't meaning the villain's are missing back stories to make us feel for them. There are always two types of villain's, the first being what i just said and the second being what you said where a villain is just a villain but if you are going that rout you need to make sure that the villain is fun to watch. The joker has no backstory but people love him because he is interesting or terrifying or fun to watch. This season i didn't like watching this villian. The rest of the show was amazing.
"That's some BS, because this has been f**king fire so far"
CORRECT! Anyone talking sh*t about season 2 is just not a true fan :)
The only video game of Avatar that I've played is the video game adaptation of The Last Airbender by M. Night Shamalan on the Wii. I don't remember it being too bad actually lol
To me season 3 is the best of both shows period.
Anyone can have their own opinion :)
Korra leaves the spirit portals open
Koh the face stealer: dont mind if I do
The score in the finale is so beautiful
Yeah others have already said it but alongside the messy love triangle that kinda ruins Mako for a lot of folk even if he did the right thing in the end, the worst part of the season is that Vaatu is painfully boring. There's nothing wrong with having an antagonist that is just pure evil but Vaatu isn't particularly compelling at that.
Thus the reason some people dislike korra aang effectively doesn't exist anymore and we will never see him again or any other past avatar wisdom other thank korra because now she's the first and only spirit getting passed on to future ravatars now we might still get some stuff but it will be from korras echo of him and not him him self it would be like when we met iroh we find out it's not him it's a spirit who was fond of him and took on his likeness cool we still get his wisdom but it's not HIS Wisdom
And this being the weakest season I kinda see but on a rewatch waiting for you guys to react this and the next are the best
You also gotta remember this was probably the first time romance like this was in a "kids show" so that also threw people off and kinda never got set to the right course
So to add some final thoughts that were actually really well done in these episodes, for one I think how Unalaq was defeated was brilliant. Unalaqs Spiritbending technique he does can purify spirits, but the dark version, doesn't just turn a spirit dark, it's capable of completely destroying them. So Korra was in danger there. But Unalaq only ever helped her to make her strong enough to help his own agenda. Which is why it's such a poetic justice at the end. Unalaq was still there with Vaatu after they combined. And Unalaq literally gets defeated by the very technique he taught her. Thats such a cool detail to make things with him come full circle. So what Jinora did is essentially respawn Raava early. Raava would've come back, but it would've taken 10,000 years for her to re-emerge from Vaatu again. Jinora sped up the timeline by awakening the light in the dark. Which is another cool detail. Korras final thought before Astral projecting was Unalaq himself telling her to "Find the Light in the Dark." It's again super poetic to see Unalaqs manipulative ways directly led to his death. You've already seen so many people say season 3 is amazing, and it is. I'd actually say it's literally up there with the best of Avatar.
There's also a Legend of Korra fighting game from 2014 based on season 2, I played some of it, it was kinda fun but not amazing lol
The only thing I disliked about this season was how they destroyed all of their past lives, now the next avatar after Korra will only have Korra to talk too ;(
you guys should watch the live action avatar movie, i want to see your reactions to that shitty movie
It's an entertaining season I will say but the reason why it's my least favorite is due to the way they introduced good and evil spirits. In The last Airbender spirits were morally Gray they had reason to be evil and reason to be good but never solely one. Even Koh in the the original was helpful he just wanted to steal faces
This was such a cool use for Zhou. It always gives me chills seeing it.
Aaaand we're done with the most hated season of this show. Next is the best season
Ruff, Seeohknee and Boom. Buckle up you guys are in for a treat next season. I can't wait to experience it with you guys
Season 2 was good, most of Korra is really good I would say, just in Season 3 everything was extra brutal it shifted the attention for a lot of people ( me included ), also losing her past connection is one thing that Korra hater just CAN'T let go.
I've always of two minds about that decision because, on the one hand, it was just such a huge loss. And then, on another I think the writers really wanted to solidify that while Korra and the rest of the new Team Avatar won, there were still losses compared to when Aang would have a problem, not always, but he would just talk to Rokku about what he should do. Also, I think they didn't want the audience waiting around for when Korra would need to talk to Aang for guidance and wanted her to confide more to the other people in her life. So again I can't say I like the decision they made of completely severing her Avatar connections and sets the seriousness of the stakes in this world up for the next season very well.
No pressure, but you guys will want to maybe do a double episode upload for Korra next time because the way the episodes end in Season 3 leave you wanting even more, so good luck.
Dw this next season will blow your minds. Hehe
Everything I hear about the new live action is leaving me hopeful. We don't know the full reason why og creators left largely just rumors. But the budget Netflix expectations to have it be a pillar series and the staff behind this show gives me some form of hope at the very least
My theory is that what Tenzin saw in the fog of lost souls was not the spirit of Aang. I mean why would Aang be even there. It was his own inner self telling him not to compare himself to Aang. The reason why this is one of my favourite moments is that Tenzin saying 'I am not like Aang, I am Tenzin' is basically the show saying 'I am not Avatar the Last Airbender, I am The Legend of Korra'
If the earth avatar series comes out, I want to see the effects of this. This plot pt is so potentially groundbreaking because all avatars including korra has the past connections for guidance. What would it look like for the next earth avatar to not have that vast history and spiritual connection. It’s something I didn’t appreciate before but is key to pushing the earth avatar series past its limitations . I can’t wait .
Yeah so Korra's connections to the previous lives of the Avatar are gone gone. Which means the cycle will start anew and the next Avatar would have just Korra for guidence.
I always enjoyed this season bc we get so much backstory on the spiritual side of the avatar!
I did dislike the love triangle stuff, Mako just needed to stay single imo. But that gets a lot better moving forward! And the words being connected makes for some really interesting plot points! I'm excited for you to meet a lot of cool new characters, especially the book 3 villains.
I think this season was good, too, but I think ppl who hype up S3 don't lie either.
I asked around at some of our local dispensaries and couldn't find Tenzin Kush ??
Best seasons
1st Season 3
2nd Season 4
3rd Season 1
4th Season 2
While I am in the camp that this is the weakest season in all of avatar thus far...it's still a 7/10. If the lowest point is still a 7, I don't see a reason to complain. So glad you guys enjoyed it as much as you did. I'm curious if you'd put it above season 1 or not.
Who's ready to hear more about how Nickelodeon screwed over Korra? After season 2 got pushed to later and later time slots, season 3 DIDNT EVEN AIR on Nickelodeon. Instead, it aired on the secondary channel, Nicktoons Network, which wasn't available with basic cable packages. It also still maintained the same late night air times. So, not only did you have to stay up late to catch premieres, but you had to have extended cable packages to even have access to the show.
It's definitely the weakest season but honestly not as bad as I remember. I think people tend to rate the seasons based on how much they liked the villain and Unaloq was definitely the most boring out of all of them - evil for the sake of being evil with no explanation, and his motivations just make no damn sense. Maybe if they had added 1 episode showing how Vaatu persuaded him to do all this it would have been more convincing..
Anyway SO excited for season 3, you guys are going to love it!!
So glad you guys enjoyed season 2. My only issue with it was the relationship drama. But besides that I enjoyed it. Besides not liking Unalaq, one of the biggest issues people had was the lost connection to the past avatars. But I'm personally okay with it cuz it's a new challenge for Korra.
Can't wait for book 3 + 4, especially since you guys enjoyed book 2 so much.
Season 3 baby!! I'm all in for it!!
cant wait for book 3 and 4 that shit is soooo fucking good
I think to the point of the villains I think most people are fine with unalaq as a villain he just should have been the only villain. introducing a force of “pure evil” especially from the spirits that up to this point were primarily neutral beings, uninterested entirely with how their action affected mortals, feels so off brand. It feels like the dark side vs lightside which is something ive always praised most of this franchise for NOT doing. At least that’s my main issue with this season, but I do still think it’s “bad by avatar standards” so not actually that bad lol
The writing is very all over the place. I don't even really have a problem with Vaatu but Unalaq's motivation feel very bizarre and a bit contrived, and I personally feel that if the season had just stuck to the political issues and civil war and the motivation had literally just been what was stated at the beginning of the season, the whole thing would have been better overall. There's also a lot of things in the second half that just feel like pure plot convenience, and I think the first half of the season feeling so much better writing wise makes the second half look even worse even though in a vacuum it's not really terrible.
The back and forth relationship drama also just kind of feels distracting and unnecessary. The Korra/Mako/Asami stuff, that is.
But, I'm glad they enjoyed it lol
45:50 canon explanation
That was immature I’m sorry
Yea to be clear, the severed connection to her past-lives makes sense as that was the risk to the Avatar state. Killing Raava ends the Avatar cycle but because Raava re-fused with Korra, she most likely started the cycle anew. And make no mistake, season 4 is also amazing, but season 3 is peak writing and animation im so F*CKIUNG EXCITED
I’m so happy you guys enjoyed this season, the cinematography and the music is just so beautiful.
It’s time to let go our earthly tether and enter the void
Woah Sammy, how you doin’??
We’re finally out of the weakest/worst season and we’re heading towards easily the best season of Korra (and Last Airbender as well if not then it is one of the best seasons from both shows) with hands down the best villain in all of Avatar.
I gotta agree with the guys here. Season 2 may be the weakest compared to the other seasons, but that doesn't mean it's a bad season in general. It really delves into the spiritual lore of the Avatar and I feel it kinda takes focus away from the human characters as a result, and the love triangle definitely did not help, but the season is still good and fun to watch. This is my first time watching it in years and honestly it's better than I remember.
I love that Tenzin doesn’t know who Zhao is because it implies that neither Aang, Zuko, Katara or Sokka mentioned him in any of the stories and that history has forgotten him. It’s the ultimate defeat because that’s all he wanted, to be remembered. Even more insulting is that he’s not mentioned in the Ember Island Players episode either, meaning that his own country forgot about him within a year.
My main problem with this season as a whole is the writing is inconsistent and the season felt disjointed. Other than that I loved the fight scenes, but can’t wait for B3 easily top 3 season overall from both shows
My personal fav avatar finale I get the beef but it’s still so fricking badass
next season has the best villain in Korra and maybe all of avatar. I an not wait for you guys to meet Zaheer