Deadpool & Wolverine Reaction
Inside Out Reaction
(uncut) Gravity Falls Episode 1-2 REACTION
Shrek Movie REACTION
(Gold) Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island
Playstation State of Play Was DISTURBINGLY Good!
Ben 10 Alien Force S3 Episode 1-2 REACTION
Talk To Me Movie REACTION
Regular Show S6 Episode 1-3 Reaction
Nicktoons Halloween REACTION
First Time Playing Detroit Become Human
Gravity Falls Dippers Guide to the Unexplained REACTION
Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back Reaction
Arcane Episode 1 REACTION
Evil Mr. Krabs is terrifying
Fun Fact: Yakone is the second character Clancy Brown voiced in the Avatar universe, the first being Long Feng, leader of the Dai Li. But seeing how this is 70 years after the original series, it's safe to say that Long Feng is truly Long Gone.
Dude, how are blood transfusions going to keep you young? That's not why people grow old ?
Some middle age knowledge you're applying here xD
sorry if someone's already said but appa died at the same time as aang, and aang died younger than normal due to being frozen for 100yrs? I think
Actually Aang and katara had 3 children including Tenzin
yeah, nickelodeon signed off on one season only at first, then asked for another, and then 3 and 4 were a package deal (big part of why they're so good, especially season 3)
Well i love the first season with amount they had to work with. But i absolutly hate the lore and changes they made in season 2. I think you can call it a completly different show and not even in the same universe. I think it's wrong. So no i'm really not a fan of the second season and the second season they made writing decisions that are complete garbage! But hee that's me.
I wasn't gonna say anything but I forgot they showed General Iroh at the end of episode 10. I was so excited to see you guys react to seeing and hearing him. This is gonna be so exciting to see you guys react to what is yet to come.
i thought every season of korra was really good.
some of yall dont have a murder mountain and it show
The criticm of this series is mainly with a specific part of season 2, however that season overall is quite enjoyable, so don't worry too much about it.
i hope in the next series i hope jinora is the trainer
sky bison not sky buffalo (theres a difference but its close)
They probably know by now but Tenzin DOES have siblings and is the youngest of the 3
Another reactor who recently watched Korra book 1 had a pretty good point: Mako had no reason to be able to redirect lightning. In the original show not only was it difficult and dangerous to even attempt, but Mako was going through some emotional shit which is supposed to get in the way. It’s pretty funny but it also is a reasonable criticism of Korra(especially later); bending starts getting treated less like a martial arts/discipline and more like a superpower.
I kind of feel like that's a genre shift that applies to the shows in general, not just in terms of how bending is treated, but overall. AtLA felt like a mash-up of the fantasy and martial arts genres to me, while Korra feels a lot more like it borrows heavily from the superhero genre. I'm not sure if I can quite articulate why, though. The treatment of bending is certainly part of it, but by no means the only factor.
I kinda disagree. I see where ur coming from but I assumed the ability to redirection spread the way lightning bending spread; first only the top of the elites knew how to do it but then the knowledge was spread. Knowledge gets passed down generations
Another option to consider is that we've seen Mako using lightning bending in either a power plant or some kind of factory. It's entirely possible that they teach redirecting lightning as a form of job safety thing. If you're working with lightning as part of your job, accidents are bound to happen. Being able to redirect it would be a useful skill to have at least some of the workers know.
i am def expecting to see rohan in the next show. great call
Man I remember buying episode 9 on my I-pod just to have those 30 seconds of ATLA gaang flashbacks!
Also, yeah Tenzin has a sister and a brother, but he was the only Airbender.
And if I'm remembering right, Tenzin is actually in his early 50's and Pema is in her mid-thirties.
I think the comics explained where the other Sky Bison came from, but maybe they'll animate it or change the story in that ATLA movie coming out or something?
Season 3 is my favorite.
Double check the first episode y'all! When Tenzin talks to his Mom, they mention he has siblings.
Ok so in a way metal bending is not as unique as Sparky Boom mans bending. People couldnt metal bend because they never realized it was possible. How metal bending basically works is that you are not really bending the metal but bending the earth, or carbon if you want to get technical, inside the metal. Toph was the first to realize this because of her heightened senses.
lol at the shipping discussion
Of course I don't have a murder mountain who do you think I am H-man
Every season was treated as if it was gonna be the last, save for Book 3 because they'd actually gotten a renewal confirmation for Book 4. From my understanding, they knew Book 4 was gonna be the final one, but they had their budget slashed during production so there's some slight pacing things in the middle of the season. But Book 4 gives a satisfying ending, and it's personally my favorite of the series!
I would love to see you guys react to the Rugrats movies
Same. The original, the one in Paris, and the Wild Thornberries crossover!
Yes! They are so good!
You'd surely try what katara did when imprisoned and sweat to water bend and slice out or do what bumi did when he was imprisoned and earth bend to slam rock against the metal
They should have mentioned it in the show, but i'm pretty sure that box was supposed to be platinum which can't be bent by metal bending.
Just wanna point out an observation looking back on the Airbender kids vs the Equalists, realistically no-one knows how to fight Airbenders, there hasn’t been an Airbender vs. “x” conflict in nearly 180 years. Excluding Aang of course
Yeah, and also they're little kids. The Equalists came prepared to fight adults, but they were probably expecting to take the kiddies captive without having to fight them. I think most people who aren't absolute sociopaths would be pretty flustered if unexpectedly called upon to fight small children with potentially lethal force.
ill reiterate it. like nick was fucking these writers cuz they tell they got 1 season they kind of write it as a one off then they get renewed for a second. They really only got confirmed for szn 3 and 4 in advance. Thats why some seasons aren't as connected. But it is still an amazing show. szn 3 being prolly top 2 best seasons in the franchise.
Now after hearing Boom talk about chief saikhans haircut and how if a person has it they are a badguy/asshole, i just keep thinking of Heihachi Mishima from Tekken lol
Mine was Count Olaf! ?
lets go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!