(Gold) Logan Reaction
(Gold) Black Clover – Sword of The Wizard King
Adventure Time Episode 1-2 REACTION
Batman: Under The Red Hood REACTION
Mortal Kombat 1 – All Fatalities and Fatal Blows REACTION
Twilight of the Gods Episode 1-5 Reaction
Ben 10 Every Alien Reveal REACTION
Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law S2 Episode 1-12 Reaction
The Legend of Vox Machina Episode 1-2 REACTION
Out Healing The Last Epoch Harbingers of Ruin
That Time I Got Reincarnated As a Slime Episode 1 (Ruff Solo) REACTION
Pokemon: Jirachi, Wish Maker Movie REACTION
Elemental Movie Reaction
Is there a way for you guys to add speed control to the video player ? watching x1 is pain to people who are used to x2ing everything
Why would you watch everything at x2 speed? There's no need to rush. Just chill and enjoy the moment.
Amon: "My family and I weren't rich and none of us were benders. That made us easy targets for the airbender who destroyed our cabbages".
I don't see how you can jump to conclusions that fans who've watched the entire series are wrong about their criticisms of the show when you've only watched 4 episodes. I think most people were still very optimistic about the writing up until this point. You're perspectives seem rooted in emotions.
I feel like the hatred comes from the fact that this is very different from ATLA and, later on, because the series was initially presented as a limited series. It was only because of the reception of this season that we even got more seasons. Nick had never planned on this going beyond these original episodes and, after the ratings were so high, they pushed Bryan and Mike to make more seasons, which is why the rest of the series has the feel it does
It's funny that you guys were comparing Asami to female villains from the 'early 2000s,' because to me, what does it is her resemblance to classic femme fatale characters of the early to mid 1900s! Specifically, she resembles the classic femme fatale from 20th century film noir.
I really wish that people who love this show would stop putting forth the reasons that they like to *imagine* those of us who don't care for it actually feel that way. It's always inaccurate, often insulting to boot, and it makes it really difficult for us to refrain from commenting negatively on the show, which is something that I, at least, would really rather not do here.
even though tenzin may be an airbender, he def inherited a lot of his personality from katara which i find rlly funny lol
Great reaction guys. There were so many funny moments in this, both reaction wise and conversation wise.
The only thing I disliked in TLOK S1 when it aired was the pacing, especially towards the end. But I understand they didn't have much time and episodes to work with and had to wrap things up. It had potential.
The most heinous part of this upload is that Boom didn’t know who Shego was. She’s such an icon lol. I get that she’s in a show not meant for his demographic but…. She’s so iconic lol. Also I really hope this is the last time they say “idk why y’all hate Korra so much. It’s cause y’all expect it to be the same as the original” cause like… most of the complaints are not for season 1 (except maybe for how it ended). Like y’all haven’t even got to the part worth disliking yet. Season 1 and 3 are probably the better seasons. And season 2 and 4…. I could’ve done without. And yes I understand they just read the comments without proper explanation cause they’re not tryna be spoiled but. It’s getting annoying cause a lot of us are screaming in the comments.
This comment didn't age well lol. They loved seasons 2 and 4. They don't deserve nearly as much hate as they get.
Some of my issues with the writing are that ideas with great promise and complexity end up becoming extremely simplified.
Korra, herself, is actually my favorite part of the show.
I feel so bad that there are so MANY annoying people that make Y'all have to repeatedly remind them that therapy exists. I'm glad the Sorta Stupid Squad has a thicker skin than some reactors to keep on enjoying these shows anyways. Y'all's theory crafting is my favorite part of this channel. (I don't care if I'm repeating myself).
Comparing the shows in terms of themes and other stuff (specially with backstory we know originally from ATLA) is perfectly fine, the problem I and many others find I think is that reactors and people tend to compare negatively the shows in terms of writing at some points of the series, saying stuff like: "this show has worse pace, x character from Korra is worse than x character from ATLA, I think this would've been better if this happened, like in ATLA, etc etc.") Negating purposely the context of every "bad" review (that aren't many, is just that to most people ATLA was flawless) like for example, pacing is explained in how the writers couldn't follow one single storyline in Korra most of the time due to Nickelodeon's producers, characters are just... different people from ATLA, but some people wanted Aang, Katara, Sokka, Zuko and Toph part 2 so if for example Bolin (who is clearly the comedy relief of the show) doesn't do what people think is best or what Sokka "would have done" then he is a worse Sokka. People are just complaining for the sake of it. All is better if you guys just enjoy the show as it comes, obviously with the ATLA knowledge, but not comparing negatively the series 'cause that just causes turmoil amongst fans of both shows. Basically you guys are fine with what you have been doing 'till now, glad you're enjoying the show ;D
I would say there is a difference between Hate and Dislike. Yall read the comments more than anyone else and yall have done this for a while. For me the overall show is alright, I do have some issues here and there, but the show can still exist. Season 1 is pretty good, I would say it's maybe a 7 or an 8, some issues here and there but pretty solid. There is a youtube that did a review of the entire show and she brought up a lot of good points that I found as an issue for the show. But ill look for that video when the guys finish the show. Korra was like Steven Universe for me. They started out really strong but lost their footing midway through the end. Although both series have different issues. Korra's issues were more of characters while Steven was more of the story.
Lol the hell you talking about. The only season that I understand people having trouble with is season 2. Season 3 is rated among both fandoms as a top tier series in the whole avatar universe, rivalling and even surpassing ATLA season 3, depending on who you ask. Season 1 and 4 are solid too, what is that "started strong but fell midway through" that is your wrong personal opinion buddy.
See I don’t even hate the show , I just dont like Korra ( Mainly in seasons 2 and 3 ) and Mako because… it’s Mako ??. Its actually a pretty good show I think some people tried too hard to compare it to the last airbender.
fun fact, "Skoochy" the kid who extorts money for info on where Bolin is, is voiced by Zach Callison who next year would be the voice of Steven Universe
A Kim Possible reaction is in order !
Ok, the reason we have issues with the live action of One Piece is because of the dumpster fires that came before it that have disappointed us way to many times now and we can’t fully put our trust in it again.
Me Personally, there are somethings i like it about this show but, Just as the story progresses i just dont like Korra as a character and as the avatar and she is the reason i really dislike this show. like not even comparing it to ATLA., its just due to events that happen throughout the show. ill leave it at that so i dont spoil.
So as far as this show goes. I think there are decisions that you will come to understand why it split the fandom. Because this show is still beloved by many. It is still avatar and it is still good. The lore is expanded so much in Korra and you are going to really enjoy it. Avatar TLA does intertwine a lot with Season 1 of Korra so just keep theorizing. I love watching how close yall get to the actual plot. Also because one of yall mentioned the spirit world in one of the last 4 episodes. No you don't necessarily have to be a bender to go to the spirit world. Spirituality is something non benders and benders can do. Also you should react to the ATLA live action movie that is the only garbage media that is a part of this fandom. Everyone agrees on that. lol
One of my favorite things in TLOK are the villains, they are vey complex and I love how we just can't tell who is and is not a villain
I'm completely loving the reaction to TLOK, it's my favorite show since I was a kid and just became a diamond member to see the reaction of it because I couldn't wait anymore. The story is beautiful and touching, made me laugh and cry, I hope you guys love it as much as I did!
Point of order: they did NOT go from no tech to 1920s era technology. And only the Water Nation could be described as a tribe. There's a reason why the different groups were referred to as the Air Nomads, Water Tribe, Earth Kingdom, and Fire Nation, and A:TLA makes a point of portraying the different levels of civilizational development between them. But to return to the question of tech - y'all saw for yourselves that the Fire Nation had advanced tech. It was more than a little odd that they had advanced weaponry in the form of tanks and such while they still relied on literal birds instead of telegraph for communications, but the foundation for 1920s era technology was very solidly in place during Aang's time - and frankly the timeline for technological development is very similar to the rate of progression in the real world.
Perfect birthday gift. What an awesome show! Glad you guys are enjoying it
I agree with Ruff. Ship everyone! Korra X Bolin, Mako X Asami, Asami X Bolin, Korra X mako, Mako X Mako, Korra X Asami. Have fun it doesn't hurt anything. xD
Honestly even the weakest season, which would be 2, has in my and a lot of others opinion 2 of the best episodes in both shows period. Like i seriously don't get People saying "don't bother eatching Korra" when it's even worth watching for 2 episodes of the "worst" season
Oh also maybe i'm not alone in this, but like atleast 2 times a year when i'm bored i will just go and watch that Double Episode on it's own because it is just that damn good.
The Writers and Showmakers are amazing, and they did an amazing job with the restrictions Nickelodeon put on them. I can't even inagine what they could've have done if the 4 seasons got greenlit from the beginning
i love season 1 and 3 and 4, but 2 we don't talk about 2.
I'm glad that you guys are enjoying Korra so far. Unfortunately when it first came out, i wasn't a big fan of it because of my smooth monke 12 y/o brain comparing it to Avatar instead of something different but i was able to rewatch it later as an adult and really enjoy it. I'm a bit biased but seasons 1 & 3 are the best. I hope you guys enjoy this show as much as i have
who told you guys only benders could go to the spirit world?
And yes, I feel like there is a A few people who hate TLoK, but every time I’ve seen, somebody watch the show, or experience it, they tend to either liked it, or loved it. So I too assume that it’s a vocal minority
I actually really like TLoK seasons 1,3 and 4. They are great, and I can’t wait to see your guy’s opinions on them
Most people who don't like Korra expected it to be Shippuden to ATLA's Naruto. Korra is so much more about the politics, and how an Avatar is meant to keep the peace in a modern era society. Aang had it easy cuz he popped out the iceberg and immediately knew who he had to fight to fix everything. Korra basically hitched a ride to New York and was asked to solve inequality of opportunity, fight organized crime, and learn airbending. Everyone else who doesn't like Korra are talking mostly about season 2 which is 100% valid. Ya'll will understand when ya'll get there lol
I love seeing people's first reactions to Asami.
Shego + Asami = Shegami
i think the reason why people don't like the show is because they just like atla so much there isnt room for anyting else, also season 2 is kinda meh the rest is great
Thank you so much guys! I love Korra so much its well worth the Diamond tier <3
Kim Possible would be a great show for a first and last episode reaction
So far you guys are giving Korra a lot more patience and understanding as a character than the early day fans did. I'm overjoyed to see it! I adore This show and Korra herself, and if viewers don't latch on to knee jerk reactions coming off of ATLA, I think it's easy to love. Excited to see you guys experience it.
so in all like honesty i said this on the first of the 2 part upload but i went back and rewatched some stuff from korra and yeah, honestly I think most of complaints you heard about korra were down the road because honestly this part of korra and for a good while after is solid but then the narrative starts taking dips and turns in directive and tone that changes a lot of characters in a weird way and a lot of choices/actions are incredibly frustrating to watch etc etc the story itself just takes directions that arent as good story wise while also tanking some characters and what they built on them
Other than the lows of season 2, again I completely disagree.
I really like the Korra series... Except, and I kind of feel weird even saying this but, I kind of don't like Mako. And I am not sure if it is I don't like his character or if it is where we go with Mako or his involvement in certain plotpoints that I am not a fan of that may taint my opinion of him.
So happy you guys are loving Korra! Can't wait for more!
I think it says something about Republic City that there seems to be no non bender voices on the city council. Also! You guys should watch at least one of the recaps after the intros, they are pretty goofy and are voiced by the pro bending arena commentator.
The villains and themes in the show are undeniably great you could easily argue better than atla but the bastardization of bending and the countless losses korra takes in this show are what really annoys people I mean she's 5 years older than aang and has been beat up by non benders also being goaded into bad decisions like joining the taskforce and her idea of a 1 vs 1 really too (for all its downfalls it has my favourite villains and 2 favourite episodes in the whole franchise)
realistic flaws that she has to grow and develop to overcome make her well written. It's also unfair to have expectations of her to live up to based on Aang, (Spoilers maybe?) which funnily enough is a major thing the show explores. She makes mistakes Aang wouldn't; I find that interesting rather than annoying.
Let's ship everyone! Bolin and that guys that sat on a bench under Zukos statue or Mako and himself-selfcest!! But seriously a lot of you guys need to chill the hell out a lot of yous act as if these are REAL people at times
Never underestimate the hate the internet has for female protagonists, many people hated this show at this point solely because of korra.
To say the main hate is because the show has a female protagonist is either wrong or extremely misleading! Sure, let's say there are people who just hate because the lead is a female but that is such a small minority. As people go through the series some people including myself just feel like Korra doesn't fully grow or isn't a fully well-developed/progressed character. If you think Korra is a good character, cool that is your opinion. Others just don't believe she is a well-written character as a whole (From S1-4). Katara is awesome! Toph is Awesome! and so are so many other female characters. I enjoyed watching some of the old Barbie movies when I was a kid. Mulan is an awesome lead. Just to some of us, Korra didn't earn that title and she is a prominent reason some people don't enjoy the show. Up to this episode, Korra is good. Yes, she is different but we see different sides of her.
Eh, unjustified hate will always exist, but most of the critiquing (not the mindless hate that the mob follows) exists for a reason, the multiple rewritings of TLOK that are out there don't really change Korra that much, but the story that takes place around her.
This. I dont mind the series i just want them to hear both sides of the fandom.
I love Korra there are some lows in the storytelling but its still good. There are alot of haters out there that just like to be mad and stir up stuff. There are some villains and new stuff that are going to BLOW your minds!
Its also very ironic to call Tarlok a cristopher colombus esq colonizer when he is Water Tribe which are hard core inuit native american coded
The beginning of Korra is amazing. There is really only 1 BIG problem with Korra, and you will see that as you watch, but many of people's more minor complaints don't come from the 1st season. Also, the hate is exaggerated because it followed one of the best shows ever and wasn't as good. It is still very good, but since ATLA was better, people exaggerate their hate for it. When in reality, if this wasn't tied to ATLA, people would view it in a much better light.
Exactly I like Korra the beginning of season 2 is rough but that second half to 3&4 are golden
Honestly to me it's the back half of season 2 that sucks. I will say no more than that a... certain two-episode arc... feels more like one of the weaker episodes of Ben 10, than like any other episode of Avatar.
Season 3 and 4 of korra for me rival season 1 of ATLA
I love how Ruff calls this a show "from the 2000s" and "from the early 2000s" when this show isn't even from the 2000s. It began in 2012 and ran until 2014.
Id rather them make their own opinions on the series instead of people giving them a heads up on how they should feel. Though some hate was overblown the series has many valid criticisms as well as praise.
I don't think he's saying this show is from the 2000s, I think he was talking about how, during the 2000s, evil women had a similar look to one another. Asami does kind of fit that bill, even if it's coming off the heels of those other shows.
For the technology in Korra, it feels like it advanced super fast but in reality it didnt. The Water Tribes and Earth Kingdom may have been low tech but the Fire Nation was very technologically advanced in ATLA. They had full industrialism, ironclads, air ships, and tanks, essentially victorian level tech. It is just somewhat hard to notice sometimes in ATLA because the universe has no guns since Bending makes weapons like that largely uneeded. That is the level of tech that Republic city has built up from in the last 60 years so the jump really isnt as massive as it may seem.
Assuming the Republic's Yuan is equal to the currency it is based on, the Chinese Yuan, $1 USD = ~$7 Yuan. So, $30,000 Yuan would be ~$4,280.
I love learning this stuff all these years later.
Damn so close to 420
Fun fact when you plot out the technological upgrades we see in Korra over the timeline in our world from the invention of the steam engine, coal powered battleships etc that we see in the Fire Nation in ATLA over the course of the 70 years between the series the technology timeline pretty well matches up.
I really like this aspect of the world, tbh. Makes me think of how wild it would be to live through the Civil War and the roaring 20s in one life time.
Ruff is completely right with the S+ comparison cuz this 100% better than a lotta cartoons. I feel like another part is the creators where shafted cuz they were told during s1 it was one and done. And then season 2 they were told the same thing. And u can see that in the writing.
I mean, they began season one thinking they only had one season. They were told near the end that they were greenlit for a second one, and it was during season two that they were given the go-ahead for both seasons 3 and 4. They weren't told "one and done" during each.
That's such bullshit they can't expect a writing team to change whenever they think the show should end
Man they MUST have watched a different version of ATLA than me. "You can't go to the spirit world if you aren't a bender." Literally where did they get this information? They just be assuming random stuff lmao.
We forget stuff, it happens.
I think people are more just nervous that major plot points will get missed if there are misunderstandings. But I know y'all read the comments, so I'm not gonna sweat.
Yeah there was that time Sokka and all those villagers got kidnapped by Hei Bai the panda spirit and sent to the Spirit World.
People have nearly 20 years worth of rewatches under their belts to fall back on, but you guys have only just recently seen these for the first time, so it's easy to forget stuff that only happened like once on screen in one episode.
They do incorrectly leap to speculative conclusions. A lot. ;) Guys, the spirit world is not restricted to just benders.
Good to know
TLOK I think is very much enjoyable, but as the episodes pass It's gonna become more apparent in the writing of the show that the writers have changed after the first season. That's probably where most people have problems with this series.
Despite all that I hope y'all gonna have fun with this series!
The writers didn't change, it's still Michael and Bryan. The issue was they were given less time to write, and had to take a few steps back, because seasons 2-4 were greenlit after season 1 was completed production.
Yeah, the seasons being greenlit pretty much as the seasons ended made their job a lot harder, the writers did change after season 1. While Michael and Bryan were still part of it, but new writers joined, just looking at the end credits you can see they show up less and less as writers as the seasons continue
I see, I didn't clue in to the fact they were referring to the individual episode writers.
Yeah lol, sorry I meant it that way. While both of them were involved it's just that they let others focus more on the writing of the episodes while they focused more on the overarching things and overall production and not completely focus on the writing of each individual episode (like they did in the 1st season). ATLA had a lot of writers so it's not like that's a bad thing.
I've only watched TLOK when it first aired so pretty much everything is fuzzy to mt I remember that the feel of the episode and their ste, buructures felt different in later seasons, that's pretty much all i wanted to say with my first comment so, I'm sorry if I confused or wasted your time
Only season 2 was greenlit after S1, then seasons 3&4 were greenlit after S2 was finished. So even worse lol
this show did not disappoint for me don’t let the haters tell you otherwise
This comment is way late, but yuan and yen aren't the same thing. The yuan is a traditional Chinese currency, and is currently used today.
If we convert yuan/RMB to dollars, then 30000 yuan is about $4168. That's quite a chunk. If we go further and go back to around 1920 while adjusting for inflation, then the dollar back then would buy about as much as fifteen dollars today. So the pot ante would be around $62500 in today's money at that ballpark rate. That's a lot to pony up without a sponsor.
meh, season 1, 3 and 4 are good, I just have an issue with season 2...
I guess they finished the season so I can comment this, but in case...
*Mild spoilers alert*
One of the few stuff that really annoyed me in this show was all the love triangle stuff. Especially concerning Mako who was ramping up to be one of my fav in this show 'till that point (serious older brother having to take care of his sibling, can relate to that to a certain extent). Shame, real shame
I love the Legend of Korra’s first season because it feels so well done and expands the avatar world but I think it unfortunately starts to decline after that but I hope you guys enjoy the rest of the series after season 1.
Yeah I think the first is solid. Only things I didn't like were the love triangle and the finale where the immediately negated all the interesting consequences season 2 might have to deal with. People say "but they didn't know they would get a season 2". I'm well aware and that's no excuse, you can still have an open ending just in case. I dislike season 2 and 4 and think season 3 is fine but people overrate it. It's just fine, not gold. Has some great moments but in terms of story-writing is as average as you can get.
I have to disagree completely, for me it only gets better and better, each season better then the last one
I really don't see how anyone can defend season 2... like if I was a writer on book 2 I'd ask to have my name left off.
3 > 4 > 1 > 2
Can I ask why? I liked it more than one or four. Mostly because of the lore and learning about the origins of bending. I've never understood why people hate it so much more than season one which has way too much focus on boring high school romance drama and pro bending which is also boring to me. I like 3 the most, then 2, then 4 then 1. Amon was great but I couldn't get past how boring and annoying the love triangle teen sports drama aspect of it. S4 I liked but idk... Found it a little boring....I barely even remember it because I kept falling asleep during it
Faxx season 3 is easily my favorite season