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I said it on one of the atla videos, but a majority of the hate for this show is some very loud freaks angry at female protagonist and later on, the presence of queer characters
Also, as a queer person myself, if a show is bad and has queer characters or a female protagonist, it's still bad.
I don't know if you've even watched it, but season 1 was masterfully done, everything after that especially season 2 was abysmal.
no, majority of the hate for this show is because of the rushed plot every single season due to the fact of having to tie up all loose ends, the failed relationships that literally go back and forth over and over again through all the seasons. that is literally the only reason, i have never ONCE seen a single person get upset at korra for being a female protag... in fact korra is the reason most people love the god damn show... she is an incredibly relatable and flawed character that has the most proper growth in the whole show.
lets think about how season 2 could have been about, had they continued off from korra losing all bending but airbending, season 2 could have been fully about her connecting with her spiritual side (thus allowing for the good episodes of season 2 to still happen while taking out any of the bad stuff) eventually with her reconnecting with the origin and gaining back her powers to fight vatu ending season 2. that is just 1 aspect that gets screwed up because it didn't have a neat start to finish like the original series did.
i will give an example using season 1, it was a pretty good season overall, but for some god forsaken reason they start off with a love triangle and a pretty "drama" based one, which is never fun to watch unfold, on top of that, because of nickelodeon, they thought season 1 was the only season so how did they wrap it up? "oh korra lost her powers there isn't anything we can do about it..." 5 seconds later... "korra this is aang, you hit your lowest point so im giving your powers back" its so rushed and force to try and have a happy ending for a show that might not continue
Good News! I believe in 2025 there is going to be an animated ATLA movie featuring OG Team Avatar as adults (late 20s-early 30s), and I am guessing it will likely be a "one-off" adventure. As someone who originally watched most the series in my late adolescence (i.e., I was at the same age as Zuko when the original series started--17 years old), it'll be nice to see the Aang and the Gang be basically where I'm at in life now (sans-bending abilities).
Just a heads up since I think you guys missed it earlier when it was mentioned, General Iroh is not Zuko's son, he's Zuko's Grandson.
Not his grandson, it's his nephew.
Never mind, I was lied to. Just now finding out I can't delete comments here.
The finale before aang heals korras bending is even more messed up when you realize she was likely prepared to commit suicide and kill herself just so the world would have an avatar
they talked over the part were it says grandfather, iroh is zuko's grandson
Love the plots you make up, they're unironically more interesting than the ones we got. It's unfortunate that you're wrong xD
I Disagree Mostly. I Believe The Plots That Came To Fruition Are More Realistic In A Sense. Yeah It May Be More Interesting But Not As Spiritually Realistic. And That's What I Look For. Not Cartoony, Mind Blowing Excitement But Plot With Realistic Touches That's Not Extraordinary For The Sake Of Being Extraordinary But More Down To Earth Plots That Are Still Extraordinary In Concept
People are very hard on this show which makes me sad cuz I really love it. So happy you guys seem to like it! :)
2 things this is the best it gets it goes down hill from here. Also fun fact Korra was going to do the die and jump off that cliff so a new Avatar could be reincarnated
I Respect Your Perspective But Imo Even Tho It's Not A Constant Uptrend (Like ATLA), It Has Moments That Are Actually Better Then Any Moments From Season 1. I'm Not Gonna Speak On Season 2 Even Tho When I Rewatch It, There's Moments That Excite Me More Then I Remember Or Gave Credit For. Not Just The Moments But Themes And Concepts. season 3 And 4 Are The Best Seasons And Are Packed With Great Moments, More So Season 3 Is Packed With Top Level Moments And Season 4 Has That Dealing With And Overcoming Trauma Themes And The Redemption Theme That I Believe Brings Korra Into More Of A Realized Avatar State (No Pun Intended)
I can understand wanting lasting consequences, but imo having korra “relearn” the elements doesn’t really make sense. it’s not like amon made her forget all the stances and forms, so would she just have to go on some journey to “unlock” each one again? idk I just feel like the only way for it to make sense is for her to have airbending ONLY, which like you guys said kinda mirrors ATLA. i think that could’ve been interesting, but I’m fine with the route they took personally
Joey I Agree With The Route They Took As Well. But Having Airbendering Only, Even Tho That Would Be An Interesting Consequence To Build Off Of And To See From A Viewers Perspective, I Honestly Think It Would Be A Waste For The Avatar Series And A Plot Hole. So It's Just A Throw Away Plot That's Interesting In Idea. Even Tho I Wouldn't Agree With The Relearning Plot Idea For The Show, Yeah It Would Be Just That, The Journey Of Unlocking The Ability To Bend. Avatar Is A Spiritual Show, So They Could Capitalize Off Of That Plot. Diving Deep Into Mental Blocks, And Energy Blocks, Expanding On That Lore And Just Have Airbending, The Avatar State And The Past Avatars To Depend On For Her Journey. Inevitably Forcing Her To Become More Spiritually In Tune, Having A Stronger And Familiar Connection To Her Past Lives And Becoming Gifted With Airbending. Cool Theme Sense We're Limited In Seeing Airbendering BECAUSE OF THE FIRE NATION. Lol. Dumbass Comet.
It's not like people wanted Aang's avatar journey all over again, but as a writer, you can't have the consequences of your characters' actions negated in 2 min. It's just day 1 story-writing and the opposite of that makes for bad story-writing. I think it was a good idea they chose to start the show with 3 elements down and went the opposite direction to ATLA with that, as well as the opposite in personality with Aang and Korra. But again, you just can't negate consequences like that and call yourself a writer. That's an amateur mistake. I didn't need 3 mores seasons of Korra regaining the elements and connecting with Aang, but if you're gonna end a season like this, you have to at least give me one of that. It doesn't have to be the same as before but you need to spend some time on it. And the creators not having season 2 greenlit yet is no excuse. You're supposed to manage properly the time you're given or at least not have a finale you can't allow yourself to have and leave with an open ending. Many shows end seasons on a cliffhanger and then never get a next season. It's not a big deal.
As A Writer I Don't Just Look At StoryTelling As Like You Have To Follow StoryTelling Guidelines, I Look At It Like How Can I Bring Real Life Into Story Form. So I Believe Yes, Consequences Can Be Solved Within Two Mins If There's A Solution For It And You Didn't Drag It Out In A Dramatic Way Through The Story And Make It Seem Like It Was Way Bigger Then It Was Just To Drop It And Walk Off Like Nothing Happened. Like Without No Lingering Emotions Or Mindsets Attached To It. Unless In This Case, This Is Where The Story Ends. Good To See A Fellow StoryTeller/ Writer In These Comments Tho. You Can Also Tell The Story Was Rushed So I Get That From The Writers Perspective, They Still Tied The Bow Pretty Well.
Season 2 is generally considered the worst one, but not because it's all bad, but rather because it comes to a point where it takes a nosedive where it becomes style over substance, while contradicting some of the established lore.
Ok See I Get That Perspective. I'm Able To Look Past Those Parts To An Extent So It Doesn't Really Ruin The Season For Me That Much But When Pointed Out, It Does Bother Me A Little More. They Need To Be More Careful With The Lore. PLEASE. PROTECT. THE LOREEE.
I honestly think season 3 is at least on par if not better than the best books of atla. Season 2 and 4 did feel a bit weak to me though.
Just a heads-up cause you kinda missed it in this episode and even then it wasn't direct, but Iroh is Zuko's grandson. He mentions his grandfather would trust the Avatars judgement, and if his father was Zuko, then he'd be talking about Ozai.
Korra is not a bad show; it is just significantly worse than last air bender. Like an A+ and a C. The series was originally set up as one season before it was greenlit for one more. And each season followed a similar path; written with no regard for another. Also just has the issue of interesting ideas executed the worst way possible
So you guys had a *completely* different reaction to this episode than I did. Which is cool. I don't watch reactions to see people react exactly the same way I did - what on earth would be the fun in that? I confess that I'm a bit envious, though. I wish I'd been able to enjoy this episode even a quarter as much as you guys did.
I swear that this is like itachis backstory as far as amon and tarlokk
Not necessarily the backstory just the relationship between the brothers at the beginning that's all and the father.
SO excited you guys decided to react to this show despite all the hate. Totally worth it!
tbh S3 Korra best, followed by S1, S4, S2 for me personally. There were choices made that just impacted the show and people fear change. The fandom is really divided on this series but again people fear change. I actually like Korra as a whole. Can't wait for S2 reactions.
Jesus! The Kora dislike is strong here! People seriously need to not look at this as a continuation of Avatar, but rather, that it is its own story separate too Avatar. Honestly, most the problems i see people talk about can be chalked up to the unconfirmed nature of season 2. But dang people really need to chill on the hate. If you don't like the show, don't watch it. Simple
So I really hated Korra after the second season and basically only hate watched after that, years later I remembered it as a horrible show. but rewatching it now as an adult I do find I like it a lot more than I remembered. I've rewatched it a few times now and honestly, I think the hate came from the production run forcing the writers to tie up story themes and conflicts before they could be adequately fleshed out, but that wasn't Korra's fault! As a former hater of this show I think more people need to rewatch it without trying to compare it to the original constantly.
I personally love Korra more than ATLA just cuz I do but it does have a single problem that I do actually hate but I won’t mention it unless y’all start having problems with it cuz I don’t want y’all to look at the show negatively cuz of this one thing like most people do
Cant wait for Book 2, Its been a while but i believe we will get more backstory about Lin Beifong in the next season.
Pretty sure Lin gets more spotlight in season 3
Absolutely Noatok knew what Tarrlok was doing. I think that’s how he found Korra under the table too and that’s why they showed that scene.
Korra is NOT a kids show. Things only get worse
Okay, here is THE explanation:
Korra was only supposed to be a miniseries that was only book 1, which is why book 1 ties up so well with an ending like that. They were told very last minute they would get a book 2, but that's it.
Then they were finally told "okay you can make a book 3 and 4 but that's REALLY IT"
and THEN THEN they were told the budget was being cut for book 4.
Moral of the story: Nickelodeon executives SUCK
You guys were right about Amon resisting Tarrlok's bloodbending. As Katara mentioned in her fight with Hama: "...My bending is more powerful than yours, Hama! Your technique is useless on me!"
Bloodbending does not work on waterbenders who are more skilled than the bloodbender.
This has been mentioned a few times ive noticed but just in case the amon arc is usually NOT what people mean when they talk about not liking korra the amon arc on its own was absolutely fantastic its the later arcs... where things get a bit weaker story wise the stakes are flared up and the consequences are toned way down aside from a few instances which i wont mention i honestly stopped watching it personally after the second season because of how convoluted it got with very little payoff amon is great the rest as ive seen... ehh it left a lot of be desired and ive heard mountains of times that it honestly gets worse and better at points later
to preface im not saying korra is bad by the way im more saying compared to how we were introduced and built up in the first season to the characters and the story itself i personally feel the later arcs do not capture that near as well and its a complaint i see with a lot of people could we be wrong? yeah of course and people are gonna have different likes some love the convoluted story and how it takes a lot more series/high stakes undertone while some felt it jumped the gun without giving the viewer the payoff they were expecting or completely diverting the expectations in a negative way at points THE SERIES i dont think is bad i just think it has very rushed or under performing parts to it that leave long lasting imprints on the strength of the story
My biggest gripe about season one is there is no explanation how blood bending can take bending away from someone it just can, because reasons. However rest of season one was great loved the realism of political difference and despairity and a look into how non benders feel about bender centric society. Amon was genuinely a threat and dangerous and felt like a serious problem. Yeah the romance drama was a bit cheesy and cringey to watch but that’s what romance drama is always going to be like so I can look past that. If I was to give season 1 a rating out of 10 I give it a solid 7 or 8. 8 because probending choreography was incredible, 7 because if I recall from my single watch through of Korra from years ago isn’t probending just gone after season 1 i don’t think it’s ever brought up again.
It was very briefly brought up in book 2 but then was pretty much abandoned
My personal theory is that Amon studied chi blocking after he ran away. The last thing he said to his dad was, "He took your bending away. What could be more powerful than that?", leading me to believe that he is at least fascinated by that unique ability and maybe even envied it. The closest thing to what Aang did is chi blocking so it would make sense that he would start there. Also if Amon could hit your pressure points psychically using bloodbending, that definitely would've made him even more unstoppable. However, Amon must have learned that chi blocking requires a lot of precision. Too precise to be done via bloodbending. Remember, bloodbending is inherently messy because you're bending water that you can't see. Which means you would still have to get in close to accurately hit chi pressure points using bloodblending, which seems redundant if you are already close enough to hit them physically. However, there are pressure points that can't be hit physically because of bones and fat blocking them. Thus the reason as to why Amon can do what he does becomes clear. He can hit the inner most chi points in the body including the 7 main chakra pools, most importantly the 3rd eye chakra just behind the skull right where Amon places his thumb. In our world, the 3rd eye chakra represents wisdom and imagination. Hitting that pressure point would translate into not being able to visualize your attacks and maybe even forgetting the sensation of bending all together. I love this theory because it makes sense the more you think about it. To hit a chi point with bloodbending sounds similar to a blood clot. Getting a blood clot near your brain usually results in a stroke. And stroke victims sometimes forget basic tasks like talking and loose muscle control in various places. In avatar logic, Amon is semi-permanently damaging/locking the 3rd eye chakra, causing people to "lose" their bending, similarly to how Azula blocked Aang's avatar state by hitting his root chakra with lightning. Aang is able to reopen Korra's 3rd eye chakra, as well as the other 6, by using energy bending (the technique he learned from the lion turtle). Korra is then able to go into the avatar state to channel Aang's wisdom, allowing her to reopen everyone else's chakras. In real world terms, Amon is giving everyone a selective stroke that shuts down brain function in a specific area, causing them to forget how to bend and the Avatar is able to fix it because Aang can jumpstart the part of the brain that was damaged. Also, there's a funny moment in the original ATLA series where Ty Lee is fighting Sokka and she turns off his limbs one by one. Sokka then try's to headbutt her but she jabs his head the same way she hits the pressure points. But she just hurts her hand hinting that there is a chi block there that just can't be hit effectively through normal means. I'd like to believe that they were hinting at something there but this is all just my own headcanon :p
korra season 2 is not even that bad it's just mid and season 3 and 4 are great so the haters are just wrong
I love LOK, and honestly I'm excited for you guys to get to later seasons. I think the main thing people say is bad about the show, which I can KIND OF agree with, is definitely the majority of Season 2. Personally, Season's 3 and 4 are amazing in my eyes, introducing a cast I can really enjoy. Season 2 (until the last few episodes) feels a little grating and slow paced? It's still interesting in its own right, and it's possible you guys will be the outliers and will enjoy S2!
LOK is strong on its own right , and people are entitled to their own opinions on the story. My main gripe in general is just the messy romance plots, but for the most part I guess you can ignore it. Korra may not have a lot of World Building in terms of locations (save a very few selection), but it does build in Lore and Characters, and I feel that is the strong suit.
I love ATLA. 10/10. Korra is by no means bad and does not deserve the hate that it gets. If we are going by just this season. I liked it. It was a solid 8/10. Love korra, love the characters for the most part and the setting was a nice progression. It was great to see a more industrialized city and to see how bending pushes advancement. The weak points for me were really just 2 thing. 1 being the equalists. The idea of benders vs nonbenders and oppression are fantastic but were not executed the best. All season we heard stories about how non benders were being oppressed but we never saw it happening. The one instance was when tarrlok enforced that curfew and they rounded up all those non benders that were out at night but at that point we are waist deep into the story. The second and by far the weakest point of the season foe me was the romance. Coming from someone who was an aggressive katara x aang shipper back in the day, the reason that works so well for me is because the story was never front and center outside of major moments but for the vast majority of the series it was a side plot which made it work because we had time to get to know these characters and see their journeys. The love triangle was unnecessary and messy which fine they are teepnagers and teenagers can be dumb but there was so much time spent on this melodrama that could have been spent fleshing out relationships in the group (the brothers and korra and asami), or fleshing out the characters (asami, lin, even tenzin)or the story more. (Also I'm kinda salty that it paints mako in a bad light because I really liked him at first but the boy does not make good decisions. Lol)
Overall doesn't deserve all the hate but it isn't necessarily fair to dismiss all criticism as "Well people just want more of the same." Or "people just want more the last airbender." While that may be a factor. That is not the case for all of it. Looking forward to see you guys take in the rest of the series.
Oh trust me Boom I think all of us had that "Nooooo, I don't want them to get together" moment xD
I started with korra because the animation was better then early avatar and I enjoy it more but I think avatars story was better
They did capture Asami's dad
Can someone explain to me how Korra airbend?
Im being serious is there something I miss cuz I wasn’t expecting her to airbend I was more expecting her to push through it or having a spiritual connection with Aang,btw not trying to sound rude AT ALL I’m genuinely asking. It really caught me off guard
Korra's entire problem was her over-reliance on her firepower. Granted, the story didn't really develop a "gain a spiritual connection" subplot since it had to make room for sports and kissing boys, but at the same time, the dire situation Korra was in finally got her to pay attention, meditate, think before she acted, and ask questions -- which was the point of the "Korra, you can't solve every problem with fists" characterization.
I think it's either bc the loss of the other 3 elements unlocked the 1 element she was missing or that since she wasn't able to airbend before he took her bending away, his power didn't affect her airbending. It severs what you already have but it has no effect on whatever bending you may learn in the future (this only applies to korra since everyone else in the world either has 1 bending style or none at all).
What you guys just watched was the series finale of Legend of Korra, and then Nickelodeon just up and dropped another season on their heads. That’s why there are so little loose ends
can’t wait until u guys get to Season 3! it’s so freakin good i know you guys will love it
Honestly if there really was just the one book like originally planned Korra would be remembered a lot more fondly than it is now. Even if it wasn’t 10/10 it hit all the important parts.
About what Boom said about how they barely bring up atla, that was literally my experience. I grew up when Korra was airing on cable and didnt even know it was a sequel. I watched all of Korra before even knowing any of the previous show. I think that's why I'm such a Korra defender whenever people hate on the show.
Korra being is own thing and not just being an endless series of ATLA callbacks is a big part of the negativity around it.
which is strange bc that's one of the things I actually like about it. Like Boom said, it really gave it it's own identity and I'm glad they kinda cut back on Aang bc it's no longer his journey, it's Korra's.
Don't Know if someone may have already stated this or not. It's not officially addressed in the show, but Amon basically disrupts the chakras within the body to stop bending
Korra is a really good show, it has writing problems that can be attributed to production issues, but overall i would say it is a solid 8/10. Because it is a sequel to the 11/10 show that is ATLA it kinda feels unfair to compare the 2. It is not a bad show by any means but it is a slight step down for the original.
Nah, it's a bandwagon thing to hate on it. Trying to compare it to ATLA instead of just appreciating what Korra is and that the callbacks are nice. People also like to look for flaws, taking apart the story piece by piece, believing they could have done better than the writers, yet they haven't written anything haha. You know how that goes
A big, constant problem with LOK is that they never knew if they would get another season. They had to treat each Season Finale as if it was the series finale. Every thread had to be tied up and consequences generally lacked impact.
Not really applicable to every season, the production of season 2 was still ongoing when they were approved for 3-4
Nah, in production sure but depending on how far along they were rewrites could be an impossible ask. That means new boards to send to Studio Mir in South Korea, new scripts, new recording sessions for most of their cast. That’s expensive, tons of money and months of work and probably more than Nick was willing to shell out back then.
I mean, they already started production on season 4 before they even finished season 2. And they knew about S3-S4 even before S1 E1 released, I don't think it'd be that hard ofa task like you said.
I don't know if I can, but don't really want to post links here so just search up for "Comic-Con 2014: The Legend of Korra Creators Interview". At the 1:10 minute mark they state that book 4 was already picked before the first episode of the first season even aired. Single time evidence isn't the best, but when it comes from one of the creators with the presence of the other and the abrupt pick ups would have interfered with them the most, yet claim there was no such problem I think what I said is a reasonable assumption to make.
Someone_8627 that is super false Korra was originally just supposed to be one season there were zero plans to make more when they put out Season 1. they didn't decide to make a third or fourth season till after they were already partly through airing the second season as well
I can't disagree more with Michael T's comment. It's just factually incorrect. I can't say too much because I don't wanna accidentally spoil anything, but I don't think that's as big a problem as it's just been made out to be. It's like people love to take this show and nitpick every little detail as reason to hate it just because it's not ATLA. I dunno. Book 2 is great and I can't wait for y'all to watch! It really expands the Avatar universe in ways you wouldn't ever guess coming off Book 1.
My only gripes with season 1 of Korra is that Pro Bending is severely underwhelming. It's just nerfed bending. It take's what is cool about bending and turns it into rock, water, and fire dodgeball. Think about how cool Earth bending is for example. And in pro bending you just get to throw rock disks and nothing else. My other gripe is the huge plot hole that Korra never went into the Avatar state. This made Korra seem like such a weak Avatar even though she's supposed to have mastered 3 elements already. I still really like the show overall and have watched it 3 times. The disjointed seasons is what I think holds it back from being as good as the original series.
Wait, in a story that is about her not having a spiritual side, you are still demanding that she have a spiritual side and then saying it should be developed because of... fire, water, and earth? What does all the power in the world have to do with being connected to her spirt?
Complaining that pro-bending is too radically simplistic of martial arts bending is a realistic interpretation of how war and martial arts become sports. Its like saying you hate football because its just a pale imitation of two armies marching at each other. Fencing? Such a pale imitation of swordsmanship. I get what you are saying, but you are literally mad that time marches forward and working class people in an urban city have sports. NOW, with that being said, having Korra care more about playing a sport than stopping a violent revolution, that's pretty annoying. XD It was cute that learning to bob and weave taught Korra how to Be The Leaf, but that lasted one episode. Every episode, Korra was a completely different person. One day, she cares more about airbending training than life itself. Then she cares more about sports than training. Then she cares more the revolution than sports. Then she's back to obsessing over the game. Then she's willing to sacrifice the game to date a pair of brothers. XD
I am not going to say it who it was but one of you guys just said the most the pre watcher thing ever
Whenever someone talks about the hate for Korra, all I can think of is the 'Korra is Garbage and Here is Why' video by Lily Orchard. Damn I cant believe 16 year old me used to think that video was a masterpiece. Honestly you guys should react to it after you finish Korra just for shits and giggles.
I'm sorry but Lily's videos are just. kinda awful. like absolutely she has some good points but the fact that her "what i like about tlok" segment was only like 4 minutes long, i knew it was gonna be bullshit bc i can't FATHOM watching this entire show and only finding THAT much about it good. And it wasn't just that video either, I watched her steven universe video too and while a lot more of it was valid criticism, a lot of her videos just seem like she's a hater just to be a hater tbh. Literally so aggressive for no reason.
It's by no means a completely awful piece of media but its covered in some pretty exterme biases that prevents Lily from enjoying a lot of stuff. Korra def has its fair share of issues but feel like a lot of that video is the result of already disliking certain tropes on principle no matter how used. Her Owl House reviews were the same.
Yeah, let's not sugarcoat the looney who was calling Rebecca Sugar a Nazi.
Yeah lol, most of the video is edgy humour and quite a lot of rant which really encapsulates the "I hate this thing just because" mentality, but the parts that solely focus on the writing (so like uhh... 20~ minutes of the video? It's been a while since I've seen it so this is just a guess) is I think pretty valid, even when not compared to ATLA, just TLOK in by itself. But yeah hating on things just to hate is a pretty stupid mentality to have, I'd also love if they were to react to it, just to see their opinions/reaction to it.
I said it before and I'll say it again, as a whole I like ATLA better but there are moments in Korra that are better than any moment in ATLA and
trust me we haven't gotten to those moments yet.
Rewatched this show a bunch and Book 1 is my second favorite, but not until now when Ruff pointed it out did I ever consider Amon's gotta hide his face partly because he looks like Yakone and that could lead to people wondering about the validity of his tragic backstory (Not even factoring in Tarrlok who'd also just recognize him in an instant)
I can never take the ending of s1 seriously anymore after seeing that one fanart of Mako getting hit in the face with all of Korra's bending elements! ?
Also random funfact: Aang's adult voice actor was also the eldest brother, Sitka, in "Brother Bear" (underrated Disney animated movie).
I also remember all the leaks and comic con teases and concept art before S2 was released. What a wild time!
Now, I always liked all the seasons. It is a shame in hindsight what the back and forth from the corporate side of things did to the writing, but all in all, I never thought there was a bad moment in Korra, and was always excited for the new seasons-- even WHEN they refused to play them on the ACTUAL TV and made us start streaming it online!
I am so so happy you guys are loving Korra and if you loved the first season, then I have high hopes you're gonna love the other seasons. And yeah they tied up almost everything (i think the only thing they didn't really tie up was the status of Mako and Asami's relationship since we never saw them break up) because they didn't know they were getting a 2nd season.
And you guys missed it but General Iroh is actually Zuko's grandson, he mentioned that his grandfather would trust the Avatar's instinct.
Can't wait for season 2! It's the weakest season imo but it has a good amount that I really like (and there's some that I know you guys are going to go nuts over). And then seasons 3 + 4 are my two favorites.
Since you guys missed what Iroh said, he is not Zuko's son. He is his grandson.
People hate on Korra just because it isn't exactly the same as avatar. The writing in avatar is definitely overall better, but most people just hate on the show because it is it's own show.
this is untrue
Idk if anyone has told you but both season 1 and two thought they were the finale finale. That’s why it doesn’t set up much and feels like an end.
Pretty sure Amon blood blends a blood clot in the chakra pools that allow you to bend and that’s how he blocks the bending powers
And I know people criticize the ending of season one because they have this thing where they say consequences in Korra never seem to stick season to season but that’s not really true. We definitely see things carryover, including consequences, but in spirit, I feel like Aang and the other avatars could sense that Korra was at an extreme low, especially when she was standing over that cliff, and the other past lives pretty much ended up protecting her from doing something irreversible and pretty much gave her a positivity boost at the end, which I mean if you have multiple past lives in you, it would kind of be shitty if they wouldn’t do that ?
Im happy you guys are loving Korra, I wasnt the biggest fan of legend of Korra at first but i didnt think it was bad. I just loved Avatar more and i still havent finished Korra yet but i did recently go back to where i left off and continued it and ofcourse im watching along with you guys. Keep up the great work guys.
Heavily theorised that the writers took Korra to the cliff at the end to imply she was going to kill herself they even said she was at her lowest point also season 3 is the peak of the show by far BUT S2 has the best 2 episodes in the show (arguably the franchise) with S2 ep 7/8
korra is 17 and aang was 12.
Fun thing to remember BOTH Aang and Korra did their Avatar stuff way early. Most don’t find out until their sixteenth birthday, Kyoshi didn’t find out until 17 because someone else passed one of the tests
One of the biggest problem I have with "The legend of Korra" is that they never stick with the consequences they set up and by the end always take them away and do like nothing ever happened. It would have been better if Korra lost every element, accept air bending, and then had to re-learn the others again. Not to talk about how the equalist just went away after it was revealed that Amon was lying, equality was a real problem and it was a good story point but it just went to nothing after Amon was defeated
Well when they made season 1 they were told they weren't going to get more seasons until after the series aired so they couldn't end season 1 with no resolution.
Plus ever since season 2 everything is connected, the ending of season 2 is responsible for all of season 3, and actions in season 3 are a huge part of season 4
Yeah, defeating the villain that inequality allowed to rise to power and people oppressed by it chose as their champion to fight for them solved inequality altogether, don't ask me how. Even if the scene with Aang was epic, the choice of negating the consequences of the whole season in 2 min was awful, I don't care if they didn't know there would be a season 2. Their job was to manage properly the time they were given like, for example, cut all the time spènt in the worthless love triangle and use it to set this better. Or at least, leave the ending open. The excuse of the season 2 not being confirmed isn't acceptable in any case. Still the best LOK season IMO.
because they were operating season to season for 1 and 2. They never knew if they were getting renewed. They didn't give Korra the budget and resources that ATLA got.
Problem with that is that she would not be able to relearn the elements... Her connection to them was lost completely
To be clear, the writers were only given one season of Korra to work with so they wanted to close season 1 with a happy ending. However, Seasons 2-4 absolutely delve into Korra’s consequences, im not sure what you’re talking about.
“It would have been better if Korra lost every element, except air bending, and then had to re-learn the others again.” my brother in christ that’s literally Avatar the last airbender you’re talking about.
"It would have been better if Korra lost every element, except air bending, and then had to re-learn the others again." my brother in christ that's literally Avatar the last airbender you're talking about.
you gotta take in the fact that for at least the first season, they didn’t know if the show would get renewed. korra getting here bending back so soon is probably because of the fact that if she didn’t and the show wasn’t renewed that would just be a giant question mark hanging over watchers heads. and then you can see that consistency from book 3 to 4 cause they knew already that they’d get another season when book 3 ended.
This is an actually insane comment.
See but the thing is that Episode 12 was the original SERIES finale. If they knew they’d have more seasons when they wrote this they probably would have
That’s only true from season 1 - 2.
Aside from Season 1, that's just not true. You gotta keep in mind that Season 2 wasnt confirmed until after they finished writing this season. What you want would only have been possible if they knew they were getting 4 seasons from the beginning. I cant really explain more without going into spoiler territory.
no offense but we already been through a training arc with aang doing that again is dumb,as for consequences they literately lock them up for life we really dont need waste extra time on it given with what nick put them through
this is a problem with the show but i think ppl drag it to the extent where they call this show bad. Its still pretty good its jus not always picking up story points it sets up.
It didn't help that the writer's didn't know if they'd be getting another season until AFTER most of the current season had already been animated.
They definitely stuck to the consequences after the events of season 3. That reverberated into the majority of season 4.
I think S3 shows what they *would* have done in S2 if they'd known they'd be making a S2.
Korra would have never gotten the S1 easy ending if they hadn't thought they needed to wrap everything up instantly. The ending of S1 is rough, and some large sections of S2 are pretty mid-to-bad, but I will laugh at anyone who tries to say that S3-4 of Korra aren't some of the best Avatar content you can find.
Exactly everyone that dislike the show says Korra hasn't struggled. They want a story like last airbender again and cant accept change. But like the guys said its a show thats standing on its own story.
It's not really that she hasn't struggled, it's that those struggles were all in all pretty much inconsequential and were solved/seeped under the rug without affecting other things, character wise she's pretty much the same at the beginning, middle and the end of the series.
I agree that she doesn't change between season 1 and 2, but I blame that in Nickelodeon dicking the writers around with not knowing how many seasons they were getting. They were told they'd only get 1 season so they wrapped up Season 1 with a bow and, as a result, had to retcon some things (include character development and relationships) once they went into their unexpected S2. So yes, S1 and S2 Korra definately are pretty stagnant.
I absolutely think we see changes in her starting in S3. She has more compassion and patience. We see that first in the way she deals with the panicing new airbender on the bridge. She talks to him to calm him down, expresses understanding at his confusion and fear, and offers to help. In general, she spends a lot of S3 attempting more mediating and communication (her attempts to repair the relationship between Lin and her sister/sister's family, helping Tenzin to realize he can't force his culture on the new airbenders, bonding with Asami, compromising with the Earth Queen until she realizes it's not possible). That's a maturity and empathy that S1 and early S2 Korra wouldn't have been able to show. Her temper isn't gone, because that outgoing kickass-take-names personality will always be part of her, but it now takes a lot more get her fired up. Again, we see that with one of the new airbenders, the guy who was living with his mom. In S3 we see her taking more responsibility for her actions and she no longer lets her negative emotions cause her to lashes out at other people (particularly Tenzin) the way she would in S1 & S2. And by the end of S3 she is completely broken down. I think S3 ended the way S1 would have if the writers knew from the start they would have 4 seasons.
S4 Korra goes through the biggest transformation. She started of S1 brash, cocky, fun loving, naive, and confident. Four seasons ground that naivete and cockiness into ground and at the start of S4 she doesn't even have a shred of her old confidence. By S4 her brashness is also all but gone. In several cases, she becomes the cautious voice of reason, like when Su wanted to attack Kuvira and Korra cautioned her against it, suggesting they instead try negotiating. Or when Asami lashed out Korra when they were talking about Asami's father and Korra calmly apologized for upsetting her and explained her reasoning. S4 Korra is reflective and empathetic, to the point where she can empathize and forgive Kuvira by the end of the season. She's humble enough to admit to Tenzin she still has learning to do in the finale.
S1 Korra was operating on A:TLA rules. Go in, kick the bad guys butt, keep on moving, because that's what she believe the Avatar does. That's what the Avatar use to do. But Korra lives in a more modern world, where the nuances of politics and even war aren't as black and white as Aang's world. So her journey was the opposite of Aang's. It was about learning how not to fight and be a peacekeeper and mediator instead. As Toph explained to her, all of Korra's villains had good ideas (equality, spirituality, freedom, order) but took those ideas too far. Korra's had to evolve into the kind of Avatar who can find the middle ground between conflicting extremist ideologies (something which we in the real world struggle with ourselves).
(again, max comment tree limit, so wynosaurus)
I'd be happy if you could give examples as to how she changes? (Not being sarcastic, I just genuinely can't find what part of her character would you say is transformative, so If you'd be able to give examples I'd honestly like that.)
Respectfully I disagree. In my opinion Korra changes far more than Aang. I mean the thesis of Atla’s finale with the lion turtle business is that Aang didn’t have to change to win, that relying on the knowledge of his past lives and betraying himself was the wrong move and that he should quite literally search inward for the solution. Energy bending is almost a 1/1 metaphor for “be true to yourself, kids”. To be completely honest, I have no idea where this “Korra never changes” criticism even comes from. If you ask me the only character who has a more transformative character arc than Korra would be Zuko, but the way people talk about her you would think she’s got a flatter character arc than Goku
(Can't reply to the comment below)
Considering she has the same thought patterns, actions and attitude toward events, people etc., in the first season and acts like that even in the books, yeah I'm pretty sure she doesn't change.
Seeing her act the same way in the beginning of S2 I'm pretty sure the only thing that grew about her was the powers that were given to her.
Bro did we watch the same show? There is no way you can watch LOK and say with a straight face that Korra is the same from beginning to end. Even season 1 Korra has grown significantly by the end, and even more so in future seasons. I’m so sick of hearing people say she doesn’t change.
that bc at that point they knew they had 2 more seasons after season 2. before that they didnt know if they were getting a season 2 but when they did they also got renewed for season 3 and 4 at the same time after season 2 aired. I think thats why S3 and S4 are regarded as the best seasons of korra bc they had more time to plan