Rick and Morty S5 Episode 1-2 Reaction
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Pokemon the Movie: Destiny Deoxys Reaction
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Star Wars: Episode VII: The Force Awakens Reaction
There’s an old proverb (one of the few from my childhood of religion trauma that I hold onto with absolute glee) from Da Bible that says “feed your enemy, for them you are heaping burning coals on his head” (proverbs something or another). I am kind cuz I like to be, but I am honestly gonna be kind if I am angry and spiteful too. Unless abuse, or kids are involved, in which case I WILL go for the jugular. I was raised in a weird pacifistic cultish part of the church where vengeance was for god and god alone. I had to train myself to get angry, had to unlearn all the manipulation; still found that the “pacifist” route is vindicating in its own right. Bigger man? Hell no! I’m here to be kind for me and to fucking heap burning coals on your head motherfuckers
"You know what it feels like to be judged simply because of how you look?" "'Course i do. I'm part robot." is one of my favorite jokes in this entire show.
I mean it's technically not a joke, but ya ? ?.
So fun fact if you look up The Source in dc comics you will either find this tofu creature from teen titans or the aspect of the universe that acts as limitless energy where all life came from. So either all life comes from tofu or the creators are just having fun with this.
I think the Mad Mod love is so funny, because even though he's one of my favorites, I never expected others to enjoy his episodes like I do. I love how fun and creative the visuals get whenever he's the episode villain.
isn't beast boy about 14? maybe that's why he's not driving stuffs.
tbf with what Bree said - when i'm nauseous i absolutely don't want anything to do with any other dairy beyond cheese or anything like...having gratuitous amounts of stuff.
back then i didn't think the troq episode would hit all these years later
I can understand Bree's struggle with space and I'm somewhat glad she's open minded when believing in Aliens as well.
I love watching this episode now as an adult and realizing that they definitely used Starfire dealing with that because there's no way they would've let them get away with using a story where Cyborg would have to deal with it. As a black person who has unfortunatley had to understand things like this from a much younger age than most people, I do like the message they sent with the episode, but also I know if it came out today it would still get an enormous amount of backlash for even daring to talk about a topic like that and it just makes me sad. But I always love when they take the chance nowadays to explore that with back heroes in media, LIke with other DC heroes such as Black Lightning. I even think in the most recent season of Doom Patrol they touched on how it effected Cyborg as a child the person he grew into. It's partly why I've started to enjoy more DC properties, because it's always had a darker and grittier tone then Marvel (which I do also love) and isn't afraid to tackle those issues.
For the record, beast boys entire biology changes when he turns into animals. Aside from the incredibly fast running one's like cheetahs, the ones that fly are designed to be able to fly for days on end.
So he's just complaining and wants to mooch off his friends for the moped.
No one's really talking about the employee of the month episode, but can i just say, that shit gave me nightmares as a kid lol. I am actually a vegeterian and beast boy was my favorite character, so i guess i subconsciously related to him before i even became one. BUT, the troq episode is top tier.
Yeah Bre, We're Sorta Stupid. So Stupid I Only Think We're Sorta Stupid But Really Compared To The Wisdom Of The Universe We're Very Very Very Beyond Stupid. huh. My Names Billy, Raise Your Consciousness Fellas & Gals, We're Sorta Stupid.
This Could Be My Favorite Titans Video. Not Because Of The Eps But Because Of Y'all Conversations. He Said What About The Sun??? That's Crazy Interesting Insight. And I'm Not A Flat Earther But From All Of The Info/ Inner Insight I've Obtained In The Past 5 Years I Wouldn't Be Too Surprised If It Is, So I Don't Knock Those Who Do Believe That It May Be. We Small Asf And Our Physical Visions And Minds Be Playing Tricks On Us. Science Swear They Be Right But Idk All The Time, People Who Are Spiritually Taped In Be Knowing Things Scientist Can't Even Explain Or Even Confirm That Exist. Or When They Do, It's Hundreds Of Years Past The Time They Were Told It Did. But Anyway I Love Science, Science Is Handy, We Need It For Solid Physical Proof Of Our Divine Inner Knowings.
There's no way we are on a flat earth. Just use common sense... It's like we are in the "madness era" where any crazy idea can actually gain traction...
The moped references in the 2000's are references to FLCL (Fooly Cooly), where the lead female character drives an iconic moped, or at least they are in Teen Titans. The show has a few references to it, the horn Starfire grows in that puberty episode. Teen Titans was very anime inspired and one of the biggest is FLCL
Me, sees the thumbnail: "Oh, we're going to watch THAT episode..." ?
Me, sees cows getting abducted first: "Ohhh, we're going to watch THAT episode!!!" ?
I was surprised watching older 2000s shows how much they would never allow on TV today. Like Gargoyles, Static Shock, and X-Men Evolution... lots of warnings on gun violence, gangs, drugs, racism, and family abuse. The lessons were dark and hit hard, but damn, if I don't still remember them all!
I'm pretty sure we still tackle that stuff today lol. The only major difference is that you didn't have social media back then to complain about it ? ?.
Loved this episode for Starfire.
As an aside, your reactions to Valyor, thinking he would become a villain speaks to how black and white we try to make these things. People are generally stupid and like to simplify arguments to fit more neatly. But, the non twist that Val IS a hero and IS doing good makes this a lot more real for when you meet someone like that in real life. They're more than that hate, and if you ever want to deal with them, doing so in too antagonistic a way will never result in the change you're hoping. Starfire's answer, unfortunately, is the correct answer. You have to still value the dumb4sses.
I feel like the takeaway from this episode is actually the opposite? We see Starfire have several different (but equally valid) responses to Val Yor’s prejudice. First, it was frustration and passive aggression, but then when he was trapped with the detonator, she chose patience and compassion. Neither turned out to be the “correct” responses because Val Yor was still a bigot at the end of the day. The takeaway felt more along the lines of this: there are no objective ways to address bigotry, as we still cannot inherently compel someone to want to change. Ultimately another person’s bigotry is out of our control because the change has to come from within themselves. The only thing that we can do that’s actually within our control is to stand up and advocate against injustice, like Starfire’s team was able to do for her. And Starfire’s kindness and empathy is her way of leading by example.
I agree, except I would say that Starfire's responses were reasonable and more or less correct. As irrespective of whether or not Val Yor would suddenly change, her responses are often the way most people try to deal with prejudice without it escalating ?.
Starfire is the definition of the bigger person.
Can I keep him
The beast within
Bunny Raven
Starfire's episode was great because it executed its racism theme better than what most shows and movies that are made nowadays that attempts to portray racism but end up doing it in the most unrealistic, cringe causing ways possible. Thus making it feel like it was just add to a story for the sake of it without any thought behind it. Which makes me feel like my people are being tokenized for the sake of monetary value.
Where’s teen titans Season 3 episodes 9-11?
I can’t find them.
i've always loved the double meaning when cyborg agrees with starfire about being treated differently for how you look
32:40 “why did that sound like a slur?”
… ? It might seem crazyy what I’m bout to say ?
The chicken fries are literally the only reason I go back to Burger King lol
Robin's new helmet and wings are based off of the anime Gatchaman/Battle of the Planet
Val Yor gave me Omni-man vibes from the moment he appeared. I was shocked he wasn't also the bad guy somehow.
Beast boy probably could've bought a jet if he had a garage sale
As I said before, it's nice looking back and seeing how some each of the Titans had a moment where they dealt with a serious issue.
One of the main points I love about the episode, is that, by all accounts Val Yor to others is a hero. I love that they didn't do the plot twist of him secretly being the villain, because it shows that it could be from anyone, it's not always the supposed "bad guy" who does the bad things. They handled the topics in the show in such an amazing way it astounds me.
I also thought it was good where he didn't pull a whole 180 towards the end. As Starfire said, not everyone's minds are changed that easily.