Alice in Borderland Episode 1 REACTION
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Spreading Democracy To Your Mom – Helldivers Gameplay Part 1
JoJos Part 3 Episode 1-2
That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime 1-4 (Boom Solo)
Rick and Morty S5 Episode 1-2 Reaction
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Pokemon 2000 The Movie REACTION
Rick and Morty Episode 1-2 Reaction
Adventure Time S3 Episode 1-2 REACTION
Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure Reaction
Pokemon: Mewtwo Returns Movie REACTION
The Bob’s Burgers Movie Reaction
Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi Reaction
just saying, after this series is over i dont mind paying for more diamond billy to see you guys react to young justice it's basically what teen titans shouldve been
Lol that got canceled too
“I do not like being a Cat in this Hat” that’s such a good reference ?
when u uploading the finale
I’m super excited to see your reaction to season four’s villain!!! It’s my favorite season with my favorite story!!!
Looking back, I really enjoyed how this show was able to have introduce some serious themes in its episodes. And how each of the Titans deals with an actual issue. In Robin's case he dealt with PTSD. Slade was grooming Terra. Raven had been gaslit just last week. And this time, Beast Boy had a brush with Toxic Masculinity.
he was spongebob before mumbo or ice king.
Ice king is funnier anyway
Not surprised by Tom Kenny's singing. Ice King doesn't sing often but Spongebob sure does (even if it's not his voice half the time).
(spoiler alert for comic readers ahead?)
Recently in the comics, Beastboy actually got a werewolf form whose powers are allegedly supposed to rival Superman’s…I wonder if that was inspired from this episode at all ?
Also yeah Silkie is canon now ?? (at least to this specific iteration of Teen Titans). He was actually foreshadowed by making super brief appearances in certain episodes y’all already watched, either quickly before a camera pan or inconspicuously in the background of a shot of the team in the tower. I can’t remember which episodes specifically though or if y’all noticed or not.
Funny you guys were talking about Mumbo being the Ice King and Starfire being a princess, since the same voice actress does Starfire and Princess Bubblegum.
"My dog is kicking your-" *Gets kicked by donkey
I see what you did there
What a good batch of episodes!
Your close to figuring out how each season (and the movie) is themed. Don't wanna spoil it till last season tho incase yall care how each season is built.
Ooh I forgot the movie would be happening!
I'm saying like 7 minutes in, and I know it's a bit, but nah the conch is wrong. Beast Boy isn't the best titan. I adore him but he ain't the best.
He has a pretty insane history under his belt. Just remember, if it is an animal, he can become it. The reason he can turn back into a human? Humans are also animals. What other animals are out there in the comic universe that he could turn into?
If it’s a question of pure physical strength, I feel like it goes Starfire > Cyborg > Beastboy > Robin > Raven. In terms of overall ability, I’d give it to Raven > Robin > Starfire > Cyborg > Beastboy. I think people generally agree Raven is the overall strongest titan, my favorite is Starfire tho ?
He's my favorite so I agree with the conch ?