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Teen Titans S3 Episode 5-6 REACTION

Teen Titans | 1 year ago
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  1. onepandalord
    1 year

    at 9:10 you guys missed Starfire tearing up

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    1. onepandalord
      1 year

      Edit: I think Ruff probably saw, it just didn't comment.

      Beast Boy is my favourite team titan member

  2. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Slade is unironically one of the most terrifying villains and this is one of his scariest episodes. He can attack even from beyond the grave and even can attack both physically and psychologically. I think his intent here was just to drive Robin crazy and destroy him, using his body against him until it would give out.

  3. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    It's never gonna happen, but I kinda hop that after they finish teen titans they do batman brave and bold it would be pretty cool. it will allow them to know a little more of the Lore of dc

  4. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    if I'm remembering correctly in the comics the reason he targets the teen titans is because he blames them for the death of one of his sons grant who was the first ravager who was hired to kill the titans and when grant failed and died slade took over. Thats why slade tho does fight many other dc heroes he is mainly and always will be a Teen Titans/Dick Grayson villain

  5. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Slade Wilson/Deathstroke has never been Dick Graysons father.

    Deathstroke just has a weird rivalry with batman where he wants to prove he's better

  6. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Batman talks about this in injustice. It always starts with one. When you have that much power. It starts with one. It starts with a good idea. Superman kills the. Joker and then he ends all war in the Middle East, then he threatens the POTUS, then he personally disarms the entire world overriding the will of the people. Then he kills more heroes for daring to say he should be held accountable.

    If not for morals, what stops Batman or Superman? The cops? the USA?

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    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      Yep nobody would stop heroes like them from killing if they do decide to change sides especially Superman he may be the best and strongest ally you will have, but if he ever change sides he will be the worst enemy.

  7. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Shoot a prime example of why heroes shouldn’t kill villains is Superman, if you know the story of Injustice then you’ll know the start of it all was Joker tricked Superman into killing Lois Lane and his baby by making him think he was fighting Doomsday, after that Superman kills Joker and later Superman becomes the main villain of the story.

  8. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I guess nobody told Starfire the first rule of Fight Club

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    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      Which is never talk about Fight Club.

  9. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Consider the kind of gas that Scarecrow uses to send his victims into fear-driven hysteria. It could be a similar substance that was contained within the mask that only released when the right signal was triggered. Also Slade could've planned this that far ahead & planted it in that mask knowing Robin would retrieve it.

    In the "Titans" TV series Scarecrow does make an appearance so as long as they're all in-universe characters, Slade could've gotten his hands on some of- if not a similar substance used by Scarecrow.

  10. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    To answer a question about Slade if you didn't is that he not robins dad by any means, the back story of Slade is that to put it simply he like a mixture of what Captain America and how he became a super soldier, its basically the same for Slade AKA Deathstroke worlds greatest assassin. To make it short he basically became a super soldier for the government and he had a wife and a kid, his enemies capture his son Slade saved him in a desperate rescue mission but at the cost during the rescue his son was mortally wounded and lost his voice and his WIFE blamed him and shot him in the back of the head that's why he has one eye. That's why he messes with kids or teens alot reminds him on son he never got to spend time with. NOW ALL OF THIS IS WHAT I REMEMBER FROM FROM THE COMIC BY ALL MEANS ANYONE READING THIS CAN CORRECT ME IF SOME IS NOT ENTIRELY ACCURATE. +

  11. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    The other episode made me feel bad for Raven. But I like how we got a sweet moment with her and Beast Boy. I’m sure the writers made it a moment of them growing as friends but I wouldn’t be surprised if they add shipping fuel to it. Basically, Beast Boy x Raven has been a thing since the 1980’s I believe but the tv show made it more popular and became a fan favorite ship of the 2000’s. The popularly of the relationship was enough to have DC comics make it official canon in the comic continuity and other adaptations. Even Beast Boy and Raven’s voice actors ship it. Lol

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    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      as a bbrae (beast boy x raven) stan, this is one of my favorite episodes of them, so it definitely worked :)

  12. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    You guys made it to my favorite episode, “Haunted.” This was arguably the darkest episode of the show because of the themes of PTSD and how Slade traumatize Robin with what happened in the last two seasons. Also that fact that Robin basically was hurting himself to near death fighting the imaginary Slade. Heavy stuff.

  13. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I'm so hyped for season 4. That's where the Raven backstory heavy episodes come in and they are the best episodes of the series imo!

  14. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    It's not Batman's fault the courts won't sentence Joker to death when he gets caught. He's just the enforcer, not the executioner.

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    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      So it is Batman’s fault. He needs to stop being a whining baby and kill Joker. If Joker was holding someone hostage and the only way to free them was for Batman to kill him, Batman would let that person die to make himself feel better. If I’m in a hostage situation, I don’t want a coward like Batman to try and save me. Give me the guy who broke away from Batman’s brainwashing and called him out on his BS, Red Hood.

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      1. Commenters avatar
        1 year

        Shoot a prime example of why heroes shouldn’t kill villains is Superman, if you know the story of Injustice then you’ll know the start of it all was Joker tricked Superman into killing Lois Lane and his baby by making him think he was fighting Doomsday, after that Superman kills Joker and later Superman becomes the main villain of the story.

      2. Commenters avatar
        1 year

        You think it is so easy to take a life and obviously don’t understand Batman at all, Batman is someone who strikes fear into the hearts of criminals, but once he starts deciding who lives and who dies, he believes he would become a monster. To his core, Batman sees himself as someone who would never stop killing, turning Joker not into the one person who deserves to die by his hand, but the start of a very slippery slope, and we know Batman is not stable mentally this is also the reason he doesn’t use guns because he doesn’t trust himself with firearms and you know what they say once you take a life it will change you.

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        1. blitz1126
          1 year

          That says more about him being a mentally unstable person. I think you can have heroes that kill villains without them going insane about it.

          Spiderman is the perfect example of someone that will help anyway he can friend or foe. But if someone needs to be put down he'd do itm

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          1. Commenters avatar
            8 months

            Injustice proves otherwise because Superman does indeed kill the joker but then Supes became consumed by power and turned evil so no killing is not that easy. At least for DC characters

      3. Commenters avatar
        1 year

        Red Hood was a hypocrite who only did what he did to get a rise out of Bruce because he was mad Bruce didn't break his no kill rule to avenge him. He spent his time running the drug rings of Gotham and revealing Bruce's identity to Hush instead of sneaking into Arkham to practice what he preaches by airing the asylum out.

  15. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Anyone else notice the parallels of the 1000 year old entity lying to and manipulating and isolating a teenager and the side villain being a literal heart that steals children? Am I crazy? I feel like with how they write slade (who is apparently worse in the comics) it isn’t that much of a stretch. Crazy how many heavy topics this show covers.

  16. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    On the debate of Slade being Robins dad moment so if yall take it back later my b, but just to say now. This Robin is Dick Grayson, it's been shown numerous times in the show, and we see their parents die on screen in every backstory of his depicted, I'm just gonna say, 100% no. Slade is not Robin's parent. His dad is dead. Bruce Wayne is his only dad now.

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    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      Slade just wants a kid of his own, because his history with his own kids is messed up

  17. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Dick grayson's (first robin) parents both died at the circus, he then got adopted by Bruce Wayne. At least that's what most media use for Robin's backstory.

  18. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Batman is someone who strikes fear into the hearts of criminals, but once he starts deciding who lives and who dies, he believes he would become a monster. To his core, Batman sees himself as someone who would never stop killing, turning Joker not into the one person who deserves to die by his hand, but the start of a very slippery slope, and we know Batman is not stable mentally this is also the reason he doesn't use guns because he doesn't trust himself with firearms and you know what they say once you take a life it will change you.

  19. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Watching this episode and Korra Season 4 in the same week made me realize how interesting people seem to find episodes of tv characters fighting through ptsd. I think this might be because it’s a realistic result to being a hero. You don’t usually see the impact villains have on heroes when they aren’t around. It would totally make most people paranoid on some level.

    It’s also pretty interesting how it makes the viewer question whether or not Slade is actually there, cause it’s a safe assumption that he just moonwalked out of the exploding lair while staring at Robin as he’s known to do, and probably could do all this because of course he can. It had to be pointed out to me, but the fact the rain doesn’t hit Slade and he doesn’t move the branches he’s jumping off is a hell of a nice touch of foreshadowing.


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