First Time Playing Star Wars: Jedi: Survivor
She-Ra S2 Episode 1-2 REACTION
(Gold) Emperor’s New Groove REACTION
Villainous Episode 1-2 REACTION
Baby Driver Reaction
Spy x Family Episode 1-12 Reaction
RWBY S3 Episode 1-2 Reaction
Bree Plays Super Mario Bros Wonder (Part 1) – FULL LENGTH
JoJo’s Part 5 Episode 1-10 (Ruff Solo) REACTION
(Gold) The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Reaction
Batman: Dark Knight Returns Part 1 Reaction
Vivy: Fluorite Eye’s Song Episode 1 – 2
Rick and Morty S5 Episode 1-2 Reaction
Hercules Movie REACTION
hi billy i'm bimmy
lotion, magic, same difference
blackfire looks different mainly bc of style and design choices made by the cartoon creators, in her original few appearances in the comics she looks exactly the same as starfire with red hair and green eyes. the only difference is she was born with a childhood illness that basically made her unable to turn ultra violet light into energy and she couldn't fly either until some experimentation later in the story. she did have the purple blackbolts in the comics though! i guess the creators just decided to give her a more purple colour scheme to make her stand out in the cartoon idk??
then the newer comics were influenced by this cartoon design and nowadays she's usually drawn with black (sometimes purple or with hints of purple) hair and mainly still green eyes but the purple is still a popular design choice. she's also had red eyes as well!
also blackfire is the oldest, starfire is the middle child and they have a younger brother and their parents used to be king and queen but uh not anymore! and also in the comics there was a lot that caused it but basically the tamaranean people hated blackfire so she was skipped over and starfire was made to be first in line for the throne instead of her.
You know, rewatching the Cyborg virus episode, I’m realizing Gizmo kind of reminds me of Peridot (before her character development) lol
I really was hoping gizmo didnt want to help cyborg because cyborg broke jinx's heart in the last episode. And than I remembered gizmo is a terrible person.
Xiaolin Showdown is a great show. Its like a mix of teen titans and avatar. You should consider watching it
Could you imagine being bored of being in prison, so you break out and then take over your whole planet for fun?
Also I think blackfire is basically a genetic mutation, like albino people and animals
Also beast boy showing off his transformations connect to the planet he's on is canon
You're right about Blackfire. It's actually the reason in the comics why Starfire was chosen for the throne instead of her. It's also the reason she couldn't naturally fly (the start bolts the sisters do are the result of the same experimentation that allowed Blackfire to fly)
Xiaolin showdown is another show you can react to
xiaolin showdown would be AMAZINGGG