(Gold) How To Train Your Dragon 3: The Hidden World REACTION
Amphibia S3 Episode 1 REACTION
Twilight of the Gods Episode 1-5 Reaction
Shield Hero Season 1 Reaction
Smiling Friends Episode 1-9 REACTION
Madagascar Reaction
Oshi no Ko Episode 1 Reaction
Every Sonic Adventure 2 Cutscene Reaction
Batman: Dark Knight Returns Part 2 Reaction
Devil Man Crybaby Episode 1-8 Reaction
Pokemon The 1st Movie REACTION
Justice League Dark Reaction
First Time Playing Warhammer II (Full Playthrough)
Raven gave him a lifetime supply of trauma
Isn't there a copyright law that says when a hero character is being used for one show, they can't be used for another?
not law just a rule dc has
All Fixit needed was to touch grass
Good catch! Both Mumbo *and* Fixit were voiced by Tom Kenny, who also voices the Ice King. Of course, he's a bit better known for a character in another show you guys have been watching: he's SpongeBob SquarePants.
I am a big superhero comics guy and I do love this show and I could share about these characters but I want the show to do that. Another thing is that where they were in episode 6 was in Raven's mind the mirror was just a portal to get into it that she uses for meditation its nothing else and she is a great character I want you all to learn more of her as well as everyone else of course but on the Teen Titans she is my favorite character.
My DC superhero comfort show(s) are Teen Titans and The Batman (2004-2008). I would absolutely love to see y'all react to The Batman (2004-2008) especially because I never see anyone talking about it. It seems to be often overshadowed by Batman: The Animated Series (1992). I can definitely see why since B:TAS is such a staple in the fandom, and The Batman just isn't really talked about. The music is fantastic, the designs are cool (a couple odd and questionable), and it's pretty fun too.
That said, I'm going to be really excited to see y'all's reaction to the rest of Teen Titans. :)
If I’m remembering right Teen Titans was made in the age when the rights for comic adaptations were owned by various entities. So the main justice league members(Batman, Superman, Wonderwoman, Aquaman, Green Laterns, hawk people, and Martian Manhunter)were basically untouchable so TT was in the limbo of only slight mentions no appearances nor exact name drops. That’s the bts reason why the main heroes are not involved in this show. I think they give a in show reason why they’re not included
Tara Strong, voice of Raven, also voiced Twilight Sparkle in My Little Pony.
In which her friends of various colors combined their power through the magic of friendship.
... huh. ;)
There are two different openings as some others have pointed out. They help show which episodes are part of the main story and which are 'filler' episodes.
This was during the messy era where the film and tv rights to a lot of individual heroes were owned by different studios even though the universe was shared, and the people in charge had never even read comic books and so tried to insist to the writers that THEIR property not bleed into anyone else’s.
Unfortunately that means names get used sparingly. Getting permission often required getting through a mountain of red tape.
I might be wrong but I've read that this type of messiness is why Wondergirl wasn't in the cartoon.
You fast forwarded through the alternate opening, NOOO! I'm sure you'll hear it next time!
The va of raven is also the va of timmy turner lol
mumbo jumbo givin me serious magic man vibes and i hate it cast bullshit explain nothing run away
I didn’t realize this raven episode was so early on in the series. It’s been so long since I’ve seen the show I don’t remember how the first season ends. I can’t wait for more though.
I hope you watch the Judas Contract (I think it’s called) after this series and the teen Titans movie. You’d probably like it, I’m assuming the Judas Contract is more faithful to the comics. I never read the comics but I have heard of a few things they had to cut or change with series to make it appropriate for kids. Like changing Deathstroke to Slade.
Commenting now to watch Young Justice afterwards. I love both series equally, I watched them both as they aired. I love the character portrayals in this show, but I love the overall connectivity of the DC Universe in Young Justice. I'm just saying, lot of their questions about the Bat-family and otherwise would be answered in Young Justice. Like if you agree at some point they should watch Young Justice.
I won't say when or what the title of the episode is, but there is an episode that covers the team's origin and how they formed their team/friendship. Looking back, it's fascinating how they somewhat kind of throw you into the show and the team's interactions with one another along with the storylines they go through, whether episodic or having to do with the over-arching story. I remember being instantly endeared and/or intrigued by all the Titans' stories and chemistry with one another, which speaks to the quality of writing they had for the show.
I'm not that into SpongeBob so I don't see her much, but i'm glad Bree joined you guys for Titans! "he just needed to touch grass" lol she's great
Seeing Cyborg play Football makes me sad knowing his back story ?
I think episode 6 was the first Japanese version of the intro song!
Also, while we're sharing voice actors! Khary Payton, who voices Cyborg, is also in a LOT of roles, but you guys might recognize him as Manny (the 4arms plumber kid) from Ben10 Alien Force, and Black Samson from Invincible.
Uh episode 6. The episode where people ship Beast Boy and Raven. I am one of those people XD
I am so happy to see you are continuing this show , please consider watching the Harley Quinn show. It is in my opinion the best introduction to the DC universe ,espacialy Batmans side. You do not need to know most of the characters, it is a bit more mature being reatead R , but I highly recommended it. And is funny AF.
I am so happy to see you are continuing this show , please consider watching the Harley Quinn show. It is in my opinion the best introduction to the DC universe ,espacialy Batmans side. You Bo not need to know most of the characters, it is a bit more mature being reatead R , but I highly recommended it. And is funny AF.
It’s funny you mention that kid sounding like he was voiced by the person who voiced Timmy Turner because the VA is Tara Strong and she is in the show…She voices Raven! ? She’s a pretty famous VA
Tara Strong has a MASSIVE number of roles under her belt. You just have to look her up and blow your mind! ?
She also voices 10 year old Ben from the OG Ben 10 series.
Robin's time with the Titans and Batman is all over the place. The only time I remember it being a conflict was with Nightwing: Year One, when Bruce was upset that Dick wasn't spending enough time with him and fired him if I recall correctly. I write it off in the same way Batman or other big heroes have time for the Justice League but also their solo runs.
Also a few DC recommendations:
Under the Red Hood (biased, probs won't rake in the views, but generally considered one of the best)
The Suicide Squad (fairly well received, requires zero prior knowledge, & leads into Peacemaker which is also pretty beloved)
Young Justice (I hesitate to recommend this because I think at it's peak it rivals or surpasses Teen Titans, but I am not at all a fan of the later direction- nor are a lot of people.)
I think batman brave and the bold is there vibe, very much so!
also Batman Mask of the Phantasm is an amazing animated movie.
Peacemaker is one of my fav live action supe shows, they don't exactly have to, but watching The Suicide Squad (2021) first is ideal.
I feel like of all the DC properties, those two mesh the best with their vibe. Kind of like Regular Show
Beast Boy's voice actor also plays old Kevin in Ben 10
And Sheldon in Rise of the TMNT
The raven is also voiced by the same chicken that did Timmy in the fairly odd parents
Damn auto correct *chick*
"What's a chicken?"
Jump City, DC has a mix of fictional and real-life locations, which can make the geography messy. Especially when some of the fictional ones are inspired by real-life cities that they also use.
YES! Another set of Teen Titans reactions I can’t wait for the next set!