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This seems like a late in the series episode, I don't remember the Hive being involved so early.
I know you're way past this now, but to clarify, this is specifically an adaptation of thee 80s run of the Teen Titans comic (The New Teen Titans). This run was the introduction of Cyborg, Raven, and Starfire (technically they debuted in DC Comics Presents #26, but this was pretty much synonymous with the formation of the New Teen Titans). Beast Boy (aka Garfield Logan) was formerly a member of Doom Patrol. And this Robin is very explicitly the first Robin, aka Dick Grayson.
As a kid watching this I never knew Deathstrokes real name was Slade Wilson. Hell I didn't even know deathstroke was his name till a while after I started watching the show. Despite everything good from it, they still had to follow that weird censorship.
Either that or Young Justice!
After this show I feel like y'all would love Batman brave and the bold. It's right up your alley. It's not as popular as young justice, which I imagine people are going to clamor for, but Batman brave in the bold is the exact balance of serious and fun that I think it seems like you guys enjoy in a show
Boom is 100% right that is Deathstroke, I'm so excited y'all are watching this I love DC comics so much I spends $100s of dollars a month on comics.
I got into this series when it aired back in the day, but much like many shounen series, I dropped out of love with it not long after as I felt like it dragged on too long with the Slade plotline. XD I was also invested when thinking *this* Robin was Tim Drake, as his personality reflected better with that specific Robin then the one the show decided to make him--even if it makes more sense, being the first Robin to make Teen Titans a thing, plus his relationship with Starfire being a canon one in the comics... as well as that turned out, anyways. =B
Still, for a first watch... the series isn't that bad. A bit too much filler episodes that don't go anywhere and, again, my issue with Slade/Deathstroke, but I actually liked how the series ends. A LOT of fans hated that ending, though...
Yeah... I feel that bit from Boom about having to clean up after your sibling... just swap out 'younger' for 'older' and that's me dealing with my sister.
Whooo, this is going to be fun, I've never actually seen a lot of this show, just the occasional ep or clip here and there. But I know how awesome it can be.
To me, this show was the Cartnoon Network equivalent of Avatar. Not that the two should be compared. What I mean is that it was by far the best and most unique thing on the channel at the time, just like Avatar was on Nickelodeon.
This is one step closer to Young Justice in my eyes
Yessir the og Teen titans is the best one personal childhood favorite ?
Very excited for you guys to watch this. Such a good show. Don’t mind the anime look too much, a bunch of western cartoons borrowed the style and elements during that period.
Teen Titans was released in such a weird place in history, idk if a new show could ever recreate the balance between campy fun and deep story telling it had while it also had to hold back on the plot centric stuff it clearly wanted to do because executive interference insisting episodes be self contained for the sake of re-run-ability. This show had to be so clever in order to both tell the story it wanted to and please network executives, it truly had to tow a line which forced it to trust the audiences intelligent to pick up subtle story beats and context clues, which ended up being a huge reason its still so well remembered. The Teen Titans Go! bullshit was so obviously a cash grab because this original had so much creative vision and drive behind every single episode.
I do agree that Teen Titans is better in every way to Teen Titans go. But I do think Teen Titans go is overrated mostly because when it was first airing, it was airing only that and nothing else. I get that people don’t like it because it is nothing like the original. IMO, I think titans go was never and still wasn’t supposed to be a cash grab and replacement for the original. I see it as its own separate thing and isn’t intended to be like the original. Now the show as a fun comedy which, yes can be stupid, but is also fun and creative. They even crosses over with the original. In the show, they even say that the original is better than they are.
Let’s go baby! Please do Young Justice afterwards!
YOOOOOOO! Teen Titans?!? Hype train on another level!
I'm excited for you guys to get to know these characters! This was probably my 2nd obsessed over show from childhood, following X-Men Evolution, and preceding Avatar the Last Airbender.
Excited to see if you recognize a few voice actors too! ?
And I know it was said, but also the variant opening theme song! It's the only show I've ever seen to have 2 interchanging title sequences!
I actually rly like black fire as a villain, similar to Azula, it's good to have bad characters(especially family) who's actions don't get sugarcoated. making their defeat satisfying.
Something i miss from the 2000s.
Fun fact the art director has a pretty iconic artstyle. Besides this, he worked on Ben 10 omniverse, Legion of Superheroes(DC), Green Lantern: The Animated Series, Wacky Races and Scooby-Doo: Mystery Incorporated.
you'll prob end watching some of these down the line.
I love this show
If I remember correctly the show actually helped make the team very popular in the media as well as all the characters on the team. But yeah all the characters on the team in the show are from the DC universe.
There’s multiple Robins and while the show doesn’t outright state it, it implies Robin in this is the first Robin.
Also don’t worry Ruff, Raven was a lot of people’s cartoon crush when they were younger ? I know she was mine.
I can’t wait to see your all’s journey with the show ^^
Did yall seen the marvel comic where flash gets declared the fastest in their universe?
I did see that. Nice moniker that he was going under at the time. What about the team up between Spider-Man and Invincible?
When setting your expectations for this show, think Ben 10, not Steven Universe
There’s actually 4 different Robins and this show follows the first Robin, Dick Grayson, while others are in this order Jason Todd, Tim Drake, and Damien Wayne (Batman’s actual son) there is technically a 5th Robin Stephanie Brown, but her time as Robin was very short, so people don’t count her and she is more known as Spoiler and Batgirl.
That’s weird, I didn’t think Blackfire was episode 2.
Nope these guys are the founding members of teen titans in this universe. But there have been other renditions of Teen Titans. The first version to appear in the comics consisted of Robin, Kid Flash and Aqualad.
This version of the Teen Titans takes heavy inspiration from the 1980s New Teen Titans comic books (we are missing Wondergirl and Kid Flash sadly) . In the comics, this team wasn't the first "teen titans" team, however in this animated Universe i'm pretty sure they are the first version of this team, if i'm wrong i'm sure it'll be explained in a future episode.
finally such a good show
I'm still hoping you guys react to the Steven Universe shorts ;-;
not that important, I am not saying for especially steven but generally so no offense
Teen Titans is indeed within the DC Universe! Warner Bros. is behind DC cartoons, and their animated universe is incredibly rich!! Definitely dive deeper if you feel so compelled.
Lmao its funny to hear Ruff say that Hi Hi Puffy Ami Yu was past his cartoon watching days when its one of the earliest cartoon I remember watching.
Well Boom is right to fear Jinx. Her power is manipulating probability to cause bad luck to others. Jinx is very different here then she is in the comics. Originally she was a run of the mill sorcerer. The show changed her powers up a bit.
All of them are DC characters. Teen titans is basically the junior version of Justice League.
Well none of the Robins are THE Robin because there actually have been a lot of them. But the one in this show is Dick Grayson who is the first Robin.
This show defined the characters for me. I always hated Cyborg in any other media because he is never like the one here.
YES YES YES LETS GOOO! Teen Titans was my childhood thank you for reacting to it
Btw Ruff just a heads up Teen Titans actually has two variations of the opening. One in English and one in Japanese. You should watch both. The English one plays when the episode is a serious one and Japanese when its more lighthearted and comedic.
and when it goes male japanese, you just hit the acid trip
wassup sorta stupid loves ya'll content i watch it everyday just a little tip for you guys the first technical episode of teen titans storyline wise is located in season 5 on a episode showing how the titans all meet but you guy are the goats and I am not telling how running your channel just wanted to to give a little tips to you enjoy your teen titans journey how ever you guys wanna go about doing this series i'll enjoy all the same. Keep up the awesome content
It's better to just watch it in intended order tbh, i don't think there's anything wrong with watching Go! first but it's not what the creators intended
No Hman ??I been wanting more hman content especially this replace Steven Universe but stil exited for the ride
He's stepping away from content creation. There's currently no plans that he'll be on anything new in the future. But he will be finishing out the shows he's currently recording with us, as long as he's down to do so.
I will miss Hman when he leaves.
Aw, all the best to him of course, but i'll be a little sad if She-Ra ever comes back without Hman
Like: supporting hman.?
Dislike: having less hman. ?
The Youtube commenters were right all along. He is clearly leaving because of you guys always bullying him /S
Ooo so that explains it, I just thought that he just wasn’t available at that time.
yoo wait is he doin okay? i mean if hes just taking a break thats chill but regardless hope hes alright
Yeah he’s great
I'm gonna miss H Man when he leaves. Bring back SheRa pppllleeeaaassseee!!!
LOL sorry that was supposed to be a general comment, not a response to this specifically. That looks so bad, I'd delete it if I could
Cool. Let’s “Go” ?