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Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Episode 1 Reaction

Tales of the TMNT | 6 months ago
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  1. Commenters avatar
    5 months

    Lol, I bet Splinter is speaking Vermin now because they couldn't afford Jackie Chan to come back.

    Warning: Undefined variable $current_user_roles in /var/www/html/wp-content/themes/sorta-stupid-2025/functions/walkers/Custom_Comment_Walker.php on line 235
  2. Commenters avatar
    6 months

    Wow that was a heck of a hook, I'm definitely sticking around

  3. Commenters avatar
    6 months

    Guyssss!!! You guys should react to the TMNT 2012 NIKELODEON VERSION! it’s sooooooooooo goooooood and I love it sooooooo much plz do it for me

  4. Commenters avatar
    6 months

    Now this is a show I definitely would love to see be reacted to in all its entirety! This show is very good and I’m glad to see you guys like it so far!

  5. Commenters avatar
    6 months

    Woo I love turtles

  6. Commenters avatar
    6 months

    I’m surprised you guys spotted the kids dressed as SpongeBob and Patrick but not the kid dressed as Appa that showed up three times in the middle of the shot.


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