Stranger Things S4 Episode 1 REACTION
Stranger Things S4 Episode 2 REACTION
Stranger Things S4 Episode 3 REACTION
Stranger Things S4 Episode 4 REACTION
Stranger Things S4 Episode 5 REACTION
Stranger Things S4 Episode 6 REACTION
Stranger Things S4 Episode 7 REACTION
Stranger Things S4 Episode 8 REACTION
Stranger Things S4 Episode 9 REACTION
Spy x Family Episode 1-12 Reaction
Cowboy Bebop Live Action Episode 1 Group REACTION
Ben 10 Every Alien Reveal REACTION
Falling in Reverse: Watch the World Burn Music Video
(Gold) Kung Fu Hustle Reaction
Fallout Episode 1 Reaction
I Wish For a Better Fairly OddParents Game…
Barbie Reaction
Toy Story 4 Reaction
Adventure Time S3 Episode 1-2 REACTION
The Incredibles Reaction
First Time Playing **LITTLE MISFORTUNE** – this game is HEARTBREAKING…
We React To EVERY D23 Reveal – Toy Story 5, Lilo & Stitch, Moana 2 & More!
Starship Troopers REACTION
why am i just now finding out y'all reacted to stranger things
in freshman year I had a campaign going with my friends and I went to my grandparent's house we were watching stranger things and I had said how I was playing DND with my friends and they said I should be careful because it could promote satanism and what not, (they are SUPER Christian) and I said don't worry its okay blah blah blah (I'm an atheist but shhh they don't know) but this was super crazily convenient, because my best friend was the DM and I convinced him to let me be the bad guy of the campaign and he said what do you wanna be and I said Hmmm. Can I be a demon he said sure and made me the lord of Hell sadly we never got to finish because covid moral of the story some people got outdated thinking and also I'm the opposite of my family.