Steven Universe S5 Episode 1-2 REACTION
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We BINGED *SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS: Dark Beginnings* BEST Sonic Animation Ever?
You guys missed the point of the song Familiar when you were focused on him creating a pebble. Pink's dynamic with the other Diamonds parallels Steven's season 1 dynamic with the Crystal Gems. Being left behind while they went on missions, not taken seriously, insisting "I'm a Crystal Gem, too" (I'm a Diamond, too). Steven literally lived what Pink lived so now he has the experience to fix it.
If you actually think about it, Pink's room is similar to Rose's room back at the temple, as the pebbles would create things for her of what she wanted and Rose's room does the exact same thing of creating things out of thin air
“I wish he could access the memories of his mom” is an interesting sentiment and I get it because the idea IS fascinating, but *spoilers* I’m so glad they never did that outside of the vague mystical dreams tied to specific spaces Steven happens to inhabit.
Being able to do something like that would, imo, go against the idea that Steven is his own person, and in my mind completely disregard the whole point of the conflict here, that being that Steven is in fact very much NOT Pink and that - she’s gone. Just my 2 cents.
So the creator of Steven Universe stated that the Diamond's were a representation of the physical identities of the Ego
The Id is Pink Diamond which in the Freudian Psychology of the Mind means that she cares about her Primal Desires and her Basic Natures which was given the equation to a child like behavior. Which you see multiple times through Rose and Pink's Demeanor.
The Ego is Reason and Self-Control which is also the practical, Grown Up version of your self. This is seen by Yellow who is in Self-Control but for traumatic reasons and Blue Diamond who is Reason who wants to look for a rhyme and reason as to why the event's that happened happened.
The Superego is The Quest for Perfection and White Diamond was written for that in the show. As her quest is for every gem to fit its mold and be perfect for the empire. :D
aah getting close to the finale! somehow haven't been spoiled on anything yet.
The whole point of this was Steven being Steven not Pink. He can't access her memories because hes HIM and everybody needed to accept that pink isnt coming back and that they need to heal from that as a family (the diamonds)
I’m not gonna lie outside of White diamond. These few episodes that happened Next kind of threw a lot of viewers off, especially after knowing the history of what the diamonds did they literally committed mass genocide across the universe but now we’re just here chilling with them it’s honestly kind of awkward
Technically we don't know if they ever encountered any other forms of advanced life on any planets aside from earth. There were some we saw with basic forms of life and feral creatures but any form of "civilization" came from the gems after from the looks of it. So if were counting them sapping resources from planets with rudimentary life as mass genocide that should be looked down on then we have to also say that humans really aren't any better humans are just doing the same but on a smaller scale. Point being saying the diamonds are unforgivable and irredeemable is kinda hypocritical. This changes though if it's true that they've wiped out other advanced civilizations for their progress.
What the Diamonds did to organic life across the universe is literally what humans have done to non-human organic life in the history of humankind. Add in decimating the planet for its natural resources is what the Diamonds do the planets, and the way they treated gems who couldn’t or wouldn’t support the existing power structure us humans have sort of normalized in varying ways. So it is weird but it’s what we do every day.
"chilling" stevens using his status of pink diamond to help the gems. He aint buddy buddy with them, hes asking tips on how 2 deal with white. On rewatch this is clear to see
I'm sliggghtly sad you guys didn't note the reason for the song Familiar-- Steven realized that Pink Diamond was very similar to him, the smallest gem in the group who felt she could never catch up or being taken seriously.
It's weird rewatching it i get such a christmassy vibe because these episodes (Diamond days) were releasing up until christmas every monday
oh yeahh, I suddenly had the urge to rewatch the whole show and it's nearly christmas
that was a great time, i still remember the promo art on Instagram announcing diamond days after that 155 day break betweens these 2 episodes. That was a brutal wait. Introduce WD then a 155 day gap....man
I don't remember that... maybe I literally repressed that memory lmao. I remember waiting a long time for change your mind but 155 days? that's unreal
The diamonds’ personality’s and powers are not based off emotions but are actually symbols of abuse. Yellow is physical and Blue is emotional. Pink’s powers and personality is a symbol of the outcome of that abuse, with her powers revolving around healing and change.