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Steven Universe S5 Episode 19-20 REACTION

Steven Universe | 1 year ago
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  1. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    The only reason I didn’t like Amethyst is because I had an abusive sister who was that rebel-type. So I’ve never really liked the moody teenager characters. I’m getting more used to it now that my sister’s getting better but I still get a little iffy whenever Amethyst goes on a rant about being a disappointment.

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  2. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Rose/pink may have had many powers, but a lot of the gems have multiple powers too. Sapphire has future vision, can create ice.

    Pearl can make copies of herself and have unlimited storage. All gems can shapeshift.

    And then fusions have Even more powers like garnet having electricity powers that she only uses like twice.

  3. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Sapphire should be grateful to Pink Diamond/Rose.

    If it weren't for her she and Ruby would never have fused in the first place. And then they would never have stayed Garnet afterwards.

    She told them to love being what they are, but apparently giving up her lives and everything she knew and saving the entire world isn't good enough for them

  4. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I hope that when the fifth season ends, the Steven Universe movie will follow and be available to Silver members as well so the continuity isn't abruptly cut since it's a movie and all.

  5. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Something really wild I just realized is that Steven can't actually shapeshift, due to his fleshy human body, he can only get older or younger. When he turned his body into cats, that wasn't shapeshifting, but rather turning his cells into a living thing, the same way he created Pumpkin and the watermelons.

    At least that's my theory.

  6. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    The only thing i don't like about this show is how people talk about Rose. It seems to me that people don't understand that we got Roses development in reverse meaning that in the beginning of the show Rose was a fully realized version of herself and by the end of the show we see how she started her journey as Pink Diamond. Yes Rose made mistakes and we're seeing how her mistakes are affecting the cast right now but it's important to remember what Greg said about Rose when Steven asked him if he knew Rose ever talked about Pink and Greg said "We both made a lot of mistakes when we were young. I thought disco was coming back, she started a war, I think she felt like she needed to confess everything to me, but I told her, 'The past is the past. All that matters to me is who you are now.' And who she was, was an incredible, loving being." It's fine to be upset with what Rose did in the past but try to understand that she genuinely tried her best to be a better person.

  7. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Remember in one of the earlier episodes Greg said "Rose" tried to come forward with her past and what she'd done but he told her he didn't want to hear it since it didn't change who she was then.

  8. therealfloridasun
    1 year

    lmao not yall changing clothes between videos to give the illusion that this isnt all recorded in one sitting xD

  9. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Bro can we talk about the amount of emotion in Ruff's eyes when Sapphire came back and Ruby was gone ?

  10. batfiend
    1 year

    They dont figure out Steven is Pink Diamond because Steven is not Pink Diamond, just like Steven is not Rose :)

  11. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I don't think the crystal gems call Steven out as pink diamond for the same reason they don't call him Rose quartz. They've been trying to let him be just Steven (with maybe not great success) since they kidnapped him when he was a baby. They're pretty messed up about Rose's deception but I think it's nice they still know better than to foist that on Steven.

  12. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    If you think those Out of place filler episodes feel even more out of place now, then imagine how horrible it was back when this show released only a handful of episodes every few months with their weird "Steven Bomb" release schedule. you would have a ton of filler episodes and a super plot important one that would lead to a new episode buuut you will have to wait like half a year to see it.

  13. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I love how Amethyst is like “You are a child you don’t need to deal with my issues!” And Steven is like “If you don’t talk about your feelings I will crash this helicopter.”

  14. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    "Please don't ever stop!" -Rose Quartz to Pearl, S5 E19.

    And now we finally see one of the overt reasons why Pearl just couldn't let her feelings go. :) Granted, even if Rose didn't say this, I can totally see why Pearl would still have a hard time getting over Rose. In episodes 18 and 19, Pink Diamond didn't have to say "I order you to" in order to give an order that MUST be followed no matter how a gem felt about receiving that order ("Please, let's never speak of this again" forces Pearl to cover her mouth whenever the subject of shattering Pink Diamond comes up (also seen in previous seasons)). We also saw how Pink Diamond spoke casually and how Pearl treated that casual conversation as having commands ("Could you imagine that running a colony could be this dull? :)" -PD "I could imagine it if you want me to, My Diamond." -Pearl). Similarly with Garnet, Rose said "Never question this" in reference to Garnet being a fusion made of love, so Garnet (Sapphire) never questioned herself or Rose. Pearl loved Rose dearly, but Rose also commanded Pearl to never stop imagining a romantic life with her (while also implying that Rose didn't comprehend the weight her words had--Rose was just excited about the idea and spoke without thinking.).

    Unsure if I should make a new comment for a different idea, BUT--

    This is why I really love Rose Quartz's character progression. The more you learn about Rose Quartz's/PD's past from the previous seasons (and what we've seen in s5), the more dimension she has. You can see her character development walking backwards while everyone else's character development progresses. It's hard to believe that Pink Diamond started out with that tantrum in "Jungle Moon" and grew to be the loving and compassionate Rose Quartz we see on Steven's videotape in "Lion 3: Straight to Video". Because of that, I'd have to say that Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz may be one of my top 3 favorite characters in SU.

  15. imrightoverhere
    1 year

    I really liked Pearl as a kid from the beginning cause she was always the intelligent one who wasn't defined by physical strength. Nowadays I like her because she's gay and depressed, or should I say, relatable?

    On a serious note, IMO, it's a mistake to conflate the loud minority of Pearl fans who sent you death threats because you called her a b****, with the ones who liked her for feeling represented; especially with a reactionary-filled user base like YouTube, it might get even more toxic ;-;

    And BTW, i think a lot of people didn't or still don't like Amethyst is because 1) the fanbase like pitting Pearl and Amethyst against eachother and Pearl seems to have more fans and 2) A lot of Amethyst's development happens after season 3 which is right around the time a lot of people ragequit because of the release schedule lol

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    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      They never conflated the two, they just got that much hate from the former. To the point where they had to block- or at least Boom did, think he goes through comments the most- ppl who were sending hate or spoiling

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      1. Commenters avatar
        1 year

        The only thing I dislike about the reveal of TRUTH isn't the truth itself but the way the characters begin to now describe her as this disgusting liar and manipulator of a gem. Even Steven basically threw all the blame on her like it was solely Pink to blame for everything despite the fact that everyone played a role. It's like they now have this underlined hate towards her despite the fact that she had to make the hard decisions amongst them and no one else. Yes she was hundred percent truthful about everything but she did what she vowed to fight for: Gems freedom & Life on Earth.

  16. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    They four always talk about how Blue is more compassionate than Yellow and how she may be able to be reasoned with more, but we have to remember she was going to shatter Ruby for fusing with Sapphire, and shes still one of the matriarchs over a multigalaxy empire. This isnt shot, but I just wanted to note that. I never got why the fanbase seems to gravitate more toward Blue.

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    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      i think its the fact that her grief is more up front and shown throughout the show that people tend to see her as more compassionate? which of course is not the same thing, but i think it's generally most peoples instinct to correlate emotion with compassion.

    2. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      Blue personally makes me more uneasy, because she feels passive-aggressive and more manipulative (though I don't think she necessarily does it intentionally!) Yellow at least feels more honest and direct.

  17. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Saw a Meme about Rose and Pearl today that said.

    "I used to hate pearl as a kid but as I got older I understood her more. If I lost a BBW to a van dwelling SoundCloud rapper and she died then I had to raise their kid I would eat my own organs"

    Also super dope reaction guys!

  18. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    No no, Steven can’t reform or poof bc he’s organic (made of flesh and blood), whereas the gems are made of light that forms a mass. Just like the prison cells in Jailbreak didn’t harm Steven bc he’s organic. If Steven if physically hurt, he’ll bleed and bruise (like the black eye Jasper gave him) but Steven is muuuuch more durable than a normal human.

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    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      I have a thought amethyst emarriaged in the 1510's in Steven universe history

  19. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Some amazing reactions from you guys. Really brings me back to the first time i watched the show.

  20. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Those rose quartzes in that room were pink diamond's

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    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      Exactly. They said she had no rose quarts in her entourage because by then, rose quarts was a known rebel. So they bubbled them all so that no rose quarts can exist but the rebel.

    2. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      The reason why pink is so small is not because she was the “youngest”. As we’ve learned, gems don’t age. They don’t grow up. Now it should make a little more sense why Rose (aka Pink) was so captivated with humans. “What an incredible power. The ability to grow up.” You guys are awesome btw. I just know y’all are gonna love the movie and future :)

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      1. Commenters avatar
        1 year

        Lol oops didn’t mean to comment this as a reply


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