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I started reading Zodiac Academy because of this
Peridot is heavily implied to be neuro-divergente. Over the last few episodes there were situations where she complimented Pearl for being a “fancy-one”, a fancy servant. There was also the time where she, Steven and Amethyst went to the Kindergarten and Peri unknowingly degraded Amethyst by saying how she was suppose to be bigger and stronger. In both instances, Peridot didn’t mean to hurt either of their feelings. She thought that acknowledging how nice Pearl looks in spite of her [perceived] social class, or Amethyst being capable of doing a lot in spite of her size, were genuinely kind things to say to both of them.
She tends to look at things only through the lense of how logical they are, making her blunt to a fault. Even in this group of episodes, where she didn’t understand why Garnet stays fused 24/7, when Garnet explained why she stays fused 24/7 with the context of the TV show that Peridot took a liking to, it clicked for her, and as a result she began to respect Garnet a lot more too. Peri’s a good example that if you just show some people a bit of patience and explain things to them with the context of something they’re familiar with, you can make a lot of really good connections and relationships.