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Steven Universe S2 Episode 19-21 REACTION

Steven Universe | 2 years ago
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  1. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    35:50 "Maybe she should let it go" is such a chaotic line lmao

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    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      Also, that part about the shows' release schedule being chaos gave me ptsd (42:10). There was an unbelievable amount of tension between Hiatuses / Steven Bombs, I would literally scour the internet for any single hint of what the new episodes could be about. One of my strongest memories from mid season 3 was peridot saying "Ta-da" with a present box, which was a leak from a few weeks before the episode aired and I nearly died when I found it. Also, extended intro's yellow diamond head turn almost made 13 year old me pass out lol.

      Now that I'm older, whenever I need to wait for the next episode of a show to come out it's like I've been immunised by Steven Universe from getting impatient lol. An episode could be several weeks late and I literally wouldn't care.

  2. vartixs
    1 year

    I choose to believe the cluster hand puppet steven had was actually him shape-shifting his hand.

  3. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    god i remember when these episodes were airing, they were so much fun. i was in the specific part of the steven universe fan community that made gem characters based on the worldbuilding of the show called "gemsonas" and it was so great.


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