Pirates of the Caribbean REACTION
Lego Batman Movie Reaction
JoJo’s Part 1 (Ruff Solo) REACTION
SpongeBob S2 Episode 1-2 REACTION
The *SILENT HILL 2* Remake Has Us SCREAMING Like School Girls
(Gold) The Super Mario Bros. Movie Reaction
Monsters University Reaction
Uzumaki Episode 1 Reaction
(Gold) Kung Fu Panda 2 REACTION
Owl House S2 Episode 1-2 REACTION
Everything Everywhere All at Once Reaction
Fairy Tail Episode 1-233 Reaction
First Time Playing Mass Effect 2…
Peaky Blinders S2 Episode 1 REACTION
Attack on Titan S1-S4 Reaction
I am happy that it has ended. I am sad that it has ended.
This show means so much to me, when you guys posted Season 1 on You-Tube, I ended up re-watching the whole show with you guys! It's nice to reconnect with this show and have all the emotional beats hit just as hard lmao. Thank you for reacting to the shows and the movie, a nice excuse to get back into this series!
I would love a short sequel series just about adult Steven traveling the world and learning life lessons as an adult. Just small stakes stuff, from the perspective of a practical god with a heart of gold. Maybe see if Steven and Connie really do marry.
damn he actually did get a therapist... yeah idk I think this just felt too realistic for a story about a 16yr old. Was fun watching but honestly like a 5/10 there just wasn't much story imo
This show is so so special to me, I would love a mini spin off of the gems coping without Steven and what they do with their lives now that the war really is over! Like a cute/sad/comedy situation.
Ruff nailed it, it is so wild that fans of the show are giving you death threats. Death threats in general are horrible! But coming from fans of a show that teaches the importance of talking, listening, and love…it’s just wild.
I’m sorry they did that that you guys had to see that. The fact that you continued to enjoy the show despite that, speaks to you guys really enjoying it and actually taking it in and resonating with the messages. Proud of you guys for staying strong.
SU fans upholding the stereotype that the fans of wholesome/healthy media tend to be terrible people
i love steven universe, but there came a point in my life where i have been lacking some good social/emotional connections lately that the show sorta became kinda harder to enjoy (100% a me problem tho'. i feel the same exact way even for my favorite anime/media franchises like one piece lately)
SU:F aired a couple years after I graduated college, and I loved every moment (I had been following SU ever since S1's finale exploded my Tumblr dash when it first aired). SU:F was so relatable to me at that time and--as a result--was so uncomfortable too. Feeling like there's no path ahead of you other than the one you cobble together on your own is terrifying, like standing on the edge of a cliff looking out over nothing but fog. It forces you to be introspective, and a lot of people can't handle it. I remember that figuring out some kind of plan after having such a structured school life was extremely challenging, so it was nice to watch SU:F focus purely on character development--specifically in the terms of figuring out your future. I learned of a fresh new appreciation for stories driven by characterization (got a bachelor's in English with a focus in creative writing while SU was airing), so it felt like SU:F was tailor-made for me. I had no idea people disliked SU:F--especially since there was an ongoing joke in the fandom about Steven needing a therapist or about how Steven acting as a therapist to most of his guardians must have affected him. Watching SU:F take that point and go into every detail of it felt like unwrapping my favorite massive king-sized candy bar on Halloween. It was perfect for me and fit right in with my life at that point in time to an uncomfortable degree. Maybe the people who dislike SU:F didn't need it at that point in their life, and maybe they were looking forward to seeing a more competent Steven in gem fights (valid, imo), but I'll always treasure SU:F for what it is: an unflinchingly frank dive into peeling back the patched-together shield of identity to examine one's self-worth under a microscope.
Steven universe is so special to me. The show started when I was in middle school and Future ended the day before my 18th birthday, so in a way the end of the show was the bookend to my adolescence. I’m now 21 (still young I know) and am actually working towards a degree in animation. This series along with many others are what inspired me to break into the field. If something I work on could touch people’s lives the way this show did for me and countless others it’ll be worth all the student debt and getting treated like dirt by studio executives lol. This reaction series has been a blast, I love seeing others watch the stuff I love for the first time. If I can make a suggestion for the next show, OK K.O let’s be heroes is a great show and its creator, Ian Jones Quartey is actually Rebecca Sugar’s husband.
I grew up with Steven Universe and this show had a big impact on how I approach relationships and on my own emotional maturity. I love how they handled Steven Universe Future, targeting it for a proportionally old audience (based on the time between Season 1 and Future). I was like 13 when I started watching Season 1 and when Future ended I was leaving for University, so I guess Rebecca Sugar timed it perfectly to maximise the emotional impact on my generation lol.
I love seeing the difference between my own experience with the show - holding on month after month for new content - and people today who get to watch everything on a consistent schedule, which is why I like reactions, so based on my experience watching this whole reaction series... I guess the integrity of the story holds.
Steven Universe Future completed the story but it also took all the core messages of the series and put them into the context of Steven finding himself, for realsies, which is something young adults everywhere struggle with. It wasn't a message that younger teens at the beginning of SU really needed to understand the depth of yet. Even if it was touched on previous to SUF the weight of self identity in the context of your own maturity (vs interpersonal relationships, which were explored a bunch instead) wasn't explored as much even late in Season 5. But, in SUF, that message was sent, received, interpreted and wrapped this whole series up beautifully.
Thank you very much for your Steven Universe reactions. For months I've been looking forward to friday in order to watch the new one on YouTube until I just wanted to watch the rest. It has been alot of fun deeing you guys react and hearing your thoughts. Hugs to all of you! Take care!
In short, Rebecca Sugar can tell a story! I was tearing up. I'm happy yall appreciated their work
I personally would love a short little prequel series about Greg and baby Steven
I'm glad you guys liked it, the message of SU future really resonated with me.
its over!! loved it, thank you.
you're reaction to the show has grown along with Steven and the gems.
Cool to see y'all going from a bit skepticism with some points to then fully understanding and embracing the show.
I remember watching this when it aired in high school, it's so crazy. Watching it the first time I related a lot to Steven, and now rewatching it I find similarities with myself and Greg. How times change
I think another thing that contributed to the toxicity in the fandom is that early SU very much resonated with 2014-2016 Tumblr, and so at that point, the fandom had a huge influx of toxic / chronically online users who completely missed the message of the show and instead used it as an outlet to bully other SU fans under the guise of being "morally correct". Fan artists were literally bullied to s**cide for drawing characters "the wrong way".
Steven Universe is the only show that I love that I am hesitant to tell other people about, just because I hate that it became synonymous with 2016 Tumblr. If I do mention it to someone, I always have to clarify that I love the show but hate the fandom :(
As much as I disliked the finale and future entirely, the backlash from the fandom was beyond toxic. There is soooo many writing decisions that are valid for harsh criticism but the die hard fans took it to another level.
just a random thought, but if they ever made another show, they could base it on whatever created the first Gems (likely the diamonds), since the injector fluid that's used to make them clearly isn't natural and the diamonds couldn't've just popped out of nowhere
I think it would be sick if they did a sequel of SU taking place like a hundred years or more in the future, like Korra is to ATLA, and you get to see what the future is like with gems being integrated into human society in a futuristic world.
is Hulu the best option? because when the animanics reboot came out (which you should watch of course lol), season 3 was coming but Hulu axed it with 10 episodes instead of 13. making them force in a rushed ending without saying why. they couldn't AT LEAST had the decency to let them finish the episodes they were working on rather than forcing them to sandwich in a rushed ending. there was a joke in a episode that i don't think aced well from them getting axed. it seems like they wanted one more season but it is what it is i guess, was disappointing for me.
Personally, I loved Steven Universe to Future, all the way to the end. I never really quite got the hate, especially as what people complained about was going against the principles of the entire series. =/ It was such a bizarre fandom at times, man...
Thank you guys, so, so much :')) this was such a ride, Steven Universe is my all time fave show and it means so much to me that i could experience it again as it was for the first time with such amazing people like you guys! <3 I'm totally devastated yet again because of the ending of the show lmao, but again, thank you guys!!
You guys should react to OK Ko, Let's be Heroes! Its made by Rabecca's husband Ian Jones who has helped with Steven and Adventure time.
If they ad to do something else, I would prefer something episodic with all the gems we never met! You could follow individual gems and look into how they are now and maybe they flashbacks to what happened to them during the gem war. We only really see how the war ended and we can hear about certain events, but we never get to see it. Like Flint and Churt and how they ended up being put back together or how the off colors met. Were there any off colors they lost throughout the year? Etc. They probably couldn’t show this on Cartoon Network though? Regardless this show will always have a spot in my heart. I’m glad you watched it!
Oh man painful as hell, yeah after years of people saying this series was trash im glad they are wrong on rewatch. I let those opinion unintentionally influence mine and im happy i got a wake up call watching this with y'all. I think public opinion is slowly turning around on the show and man...being older and seeing this made me love it more. Im glad you guys did this, its felt like watching it for the first time again and actually hearing people understand the writing is refreshing. Well its been a fun ride and if this is the last SU content we get, im glad we went out great.
Thank you for watching this amazing show! What a journey it's been aand I enjoyed every bit of it again!
I'm still hoping and begging them to react the shorts ;-;
Man I'm so glad y'all really took to Steven Universe and did all this. It was a hell of a thing watching it all unfold live and it's a bummer it just never quite had the popularity that regular show and adventure time got. It was pretty crazy that three amazing shows were all airing side by side. Also you guys should check out JG Quintel's short 2 in the AM PM. It's basically a psychedelic precursor to regular show, I think you'd get a real kick out of it.
Damn it’s so hard to see with all these tears in my eyes ???
Steven was happily willing to try and kill someone, even if it was white diamond. Even Pink/rose never wanted anyone to die
Great reactions! I glad I found your yt channel because of this series. I absolutely loved the entirety of this show -including the movie- and I would be lowkey sad if it never came back. The crewniverse was genius in the way they played these out. The only petty reason for not liking it is because it ended and I want more. Makes sense that you watched a lot of these back to back. I got emotional and laughed all over again thanks to you guys!
I just went through the same emotional journey now, 11 months after lmao but still, I'm glad I found this react series
You guys, should watch infinity train!
it is nice getting to reexperience this series again, i wasnt much fan of future when it came out but i liked it more rewatching it here
And i also just noticed that im kinda in the same position just after highschool trying to figure out what to do and what i want to do now
U guys should watch Santa Clarita Diet
If you in want a bit of hope for SU, according to some rumors the a co creator of SU pitched a spin off of SU called Lars of the Stars which would obviously have some cross overs with SU and hopefully show a bit of his life as well. There has also been a lot of buzz around SU and one of Ian (on of the people who worked on SU) has recently become very active and replied to a-lot of stuff regarding SU. Rebecca Sugar herself has also stated that she plans on doing something related to SU in the future. Still all of this is speculation but hopefully we get a spin off or something Fingers crossed it comes to fruition.
if you guys are looking for more su content, I recommend the “making of” or whatever it’s called on the special features of the movie, it’s a fun watch and shares some of Rebecca’s inspiration. there are also a handful of shorts that I don’t know if you guys ever got to?
there’s also an official su podcast that’s very interesting and features some of the writers, voice actors & of course rebecca! maybe not great to react to but if you’re interested check it out for sure
rewatching this I got more emotional than the first time around. I think initially I felt the ending was FITTING but I personally was a little disappointed that there was no final fight or musical number, even though thematically it didn’t really make sense to have either of those. the steven monster also wasn’t too surprising if you were heavily following the fandom because it was a huge theory, and I was kinda hoping it wasn’t true at the time. but the ending really grew on me and I was never really one of the future haters anyway.
I also like how Steven was corrupted and the way he changed back was that his tears entered the water, along with the other diamonds, just like how he healed the other gems in his bathtub, or the finale of the series proper. a neat little detail
also- you guys don’t typically pay too much attention to the end credits so I just wanted to point out that the title cards + end credits were all Steven driving away from beach city!!! him leaving was shown right from the beginning
One of the things that stands out is how Steven tries to delude himself by saying everything was fine. Everytime he denies his true feelings he begins to use positivity to 'cure' himself. That is a good example of toxic positivity. He uses positivity to avoid his problems, therefore making them worse.
the last 4 episodes aired together thankfully
What a time it's been with you guys and SU! I love this series so much, and I'm so glad you guys enjoyed this show! I can't wait to see what's next for both SU and You guys!
you guys should watch some commentary vids on steven universe it will tell you everything! i recommend 'In Defense of Steven Universe' or 'Lily Orchard was Wrong, and Here's Why' by Hiding in Private, its very long but i feel it explains literally everything that happened in the fandom that created such a toxic community to anything negative towards the show (its no excuse to be assholes, but you'll get why it was so visceral and loud)
Steven was afraid his friends would react to him the way H-Man reacted to Pearl. Because having someone just remind you about the things you already hate about yourself makes things so much worse. And that’s why Pearl fans got upset. There’s a big difference between “excusing” someone’s behavior and forgiving them for it.
I abstained for the whole entire show, don’t blame me for taking the last shot.
holy shit, I somehow don't remember crying this much while watching future lol, maybe it was the combo of also seeing y'all cry that broke me :,( bruh emoticons look weird in this font
Man what a ride this has been been following this with you guys since ep 1 sp excited to see what other series you guys are gonna check out next this is defs a tough one to replace, but at least it got completed I remember when this was on back in the day the episode releases were scattered and felt like we would never see a conclusion.
Steven Universe was actually my push to be a patron here some time ago. It's bittersweet and it kind of doesn't feel real yet like there's more episodes or something. Fortunately for me, you guys just keep watching great stuff though. It was nice watching Steven Universe again with you guys. Your reactions to it were so nice and I am happy you ended up liking it as much as you have. Thanks for giving it a chance. :]
Thank you for the beautiful journey, fellas. Following the entire Steven Universe canon with you in real time lifted me up during some pretty stressful times that happen when you're just living life and trying to navigate adulthood. You were four of the best reactors I've seen do this show, and when you all teared up during these last series of episodes, I was right there with you. This wasn't even the first time you guys teared up during an episode of Steven but this may have been the first time all four of you did at the same time. This show holds so much power, and, excuse me for saying this, but as the years have gone by since SU:F aired, revisiting all of Steven Universe this past year with you fellas and other reactors has just shown me that in a world of television gems (and many many clods), there's been nothing like Steven Universe.
A part of me would be ecstatic if Rebecca Sugar revisited the show, but another part of me wants this to be the end. Rebecca Sugar did an interview around the time SU:F was ending where she said she believes she couldn't do another show about Steven (or this world) because she put so much into this that the characters have become so real to her that it seems intrusive and almost an invasion of privacy to showcase the rest of Steven's life and how he wades through his trauma. Some "fans" scoffed at that and gave her crap for it, but I totally understood her sentiment. This is why she's a creator. To truly create something special, that something has to become so real and so visceral to you that the viewer can feel it, as is the case with this series.
Great reactions to the end of the series! I really enjoyed listening to your commentary and seeing your reactions throughout. It's been a few years since I've watched the show, and I learned a lot more about it after re-watching and hearing your thoughts.
With regards to the future of the SU franchise, I personally wouldn't watch a "Lars in the Stars" show as it was airing (and maybe not even binge after the fact, unless there were appearances from characters like Steven and Sadie...), but a show that I WOULD watch, and actively CRAVE, is some sort of prequel that takes place in the super early days of RUBY and SAPPHIRE! I think it would be amaaaaaaing to see more about the early years of them getting to know each other as Garnet.
I loved blue's song sm. It always reminded me of the Banana Fairy Queen's tune from Donkey Kong 64 and I killed me when I realized that at the end of ever ep. of SU Future we saw steven driving away.
No matter how much I try, I cannot stop the tears when it comes to the monster episode. The breakdown hits me so hard because of how it feels so intimate to me when I have breakdowns and how everyone he helped comes back to be there for him. Nothing is more comforting than being told that it’s okay to not feel okay and that’s what I felt through that entire episode. My absolute favourite episode of Future by far.
hoping you guys do OK KO in the near future! it has alot of 90s anime and video game influence.
Ty guys! This was sooo good<3
As a social worker, what I love about the show is the realism it goes in to touch upon damage people and various different types of people. Steven here going through all this is everything I see all the time in my clients. It's great getting a show willing to display and talk about these issues.
I knew it! I predicted, way back when Gravity Falls finished, that if there was going to be a show to make all 3 cry at once, it would be Steven Universe. After that, Boom joined, yall watched Owl House and Amphibia, but we still only ever got 3/4 at most. Here we are, though, all 4 wiping away tears.
In all seriousness, I'm so glad yall enjoyed this as much as you did. I do hope the community didn't ruin your experience in any way.
Rewatching this it does not seem as bad as I remember.
LOOOL I DIDNT EXPECT TO CRY AGAIN but rewatching this show as an adult somehow hits so much harder?? god what a gem of a show
I think that Batwoman movie and like 2 separate animated Scooby Doo movies that were totally done and scrapped for no reason, either got leaked online for people to still watch or like had a one time showing on a park-set-up movie screen kind of thing. It's really sucky that corporate overlords get away with that sort of thing. That's years of people's lives and work.
It’s been a fun ride watching you all react to the series. With Rebecca returning online, there’s a possibility of more Steven in the future ^^ Im just so happy you all loved this show as I did too when it aired (despite its long waiting periods between episodes airing).
I’m sad that the reactions to it are done but they were all great and I got to relive one of my favorite cartoons with you all. ^^
It seems Teen Titans is currently winning the poll so I’ll get to relive another childhood favorite of mine with you all again!
Also not related to SU/SUF but TotallyNotMark is doing a review of the Buu Saga on YouTube and TFS made DBZAbridged clips from the Buu Saga for it. So you all can experience some Buu Saga DBZA even though it’s just in the form of clips. (Also, again the spin-off series HFIL is ongoing and great ^^)
and thus ends Steven Universe. while Teen Titans won the Poll I really think you guys should do OKKO soon. It is a great followup after SU
I definitely agree that it's crazy how people can watch a show like this and then turn around and be not-so-kind. I have a theory though. As someone who has followed Steven Universe literally since day one, this show has been through hell and back when it comes to others "criticizing" it. For so long there was hate wave after hate wave, and to put it simply, it is predominantly because there is so much open queerness in the characters and story, and it doesn't shy away from that. And because it is so hard to find shows like that, even to this day, I think many people who love Steven Universe really hold it close to their heart, and because of all the mass hate it got, and still gets even, I think people get very defensive of their favorite characters. That definitely doesn't make it okay to harass others for having a different take on a character, but assuming this theory is true, I think that would make a lot of sense for why the fandom has a rather toxic reputation/mindset.
Thank you for watching this show. This show is genuinely incredible and I'm so glad you guys enjoyed both the original and future. It may have its downsides like the pacing due to being canceled and the Fandom but it definitely sits up with some of the greatest cartoon shows out there.
Reliving this ending is so sad. I deeply adore this show and it still hurts knowing there isn't any more.
I think the big problem this show's audience has had (and I include the original SU in this) is not as much with the show itself pe se, but the waiting. It's a dense and intricate and surprising and interesting story! It invites theory crafters and deeper analysis. And it was fed to its audience in a slow, slow drip. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I think the bulk of the backlash against Steven Universe stemmed from people frustrated that they could only get a couple episodes every few months - if they were lucky! And by the time new episodes would roll around, if they didn't move the plot, it felt like time wasted. And if it did, nothing that happened could ever live up to the hype someone built up for months and months in their head of what they HOPED would happen.
And then the show was finally over, and by the time Steven Universe Future came out, I think a lot of people were upset it focused on the repercussions of being essentially a child soldier had on Steven. Spinel, the gems' issues, the diamonds, sadie and lars, have all kind of been taken care of off screen. SUF was about STEVEN and him dealing with HIS issues and I think a lot of people were more hoping for Steven Universe Season 6.
Also, people get fuckin BLOOD. THIRSTY. about the diamonds. For a lot of folks it felt like they got off scot-free at the end of SU. SUF's showing them living freely, albeit still trying to undo the damage they did within their means, really rankled people. But realistically I don't know what else could be done. First of all it's a kid's show, what are we supposed to do, have a public execution? It's true the diamonds did an unfathomable amount of damage. But they, unlike people, live literally forever. They have, literally, all the time in the world to correct the harm they can, and they seem genuinely invested in doing exactly that. Especially Yellow Diamond, who plans on taking on the frankly buckwild task of restoring the cluster. Yeah it might take her thousands of years to get through the whole thing, but she HAS thousands of years. Shattering her or locking her up or whatever would not actually undo the harm, and if the gems she subjugated are happy to let her toil away possibly forever to undo what damage she can, I think thats...fine? There's just no perfect solution, especially considering it's still a Cartoon Network show.
I remember getting into SU right as season 5 was starting... the 6 or 7 months between Legs From Here To Homeworld and Familiar were so excruciating ?
So true about the blood thirst for the Diamonds. It was so bad that I think too many people lost the plot and equated them too much with actual real world violent movements that resulted in so many atrocities. This is not meant to downplay the damage the Diamonds did, but the way the Diamonds treated organic life is very much the way we all treat non-human life every day. The zoo itself was the most obvious illustration of that. What the Diamonds did to other gems was unforgivable in many ways, but you brought up good points about restorative justice is much more possible with them than it seems it can be for us in our world. Not to mention that Steven himself didn't actually get over what the Diamonds did to him either. That scene with White was one of the most disturbing but realest things I've seen. When he sees her, he flinches and just sees the Diamond who gleefully and callously committed what was probably the scariest moment of his life and was the person responsible for putting him in what was probably his most life-threatening situation out of a whole life of life-threatening situations. I believe the show made a stand that just because the Diamonds weren't punished in the ways we accepted as appropriate punishment for crimes, and that they are committed to righting past atrocities, it doesn't mean they will be forgiven or are entitled to it. Steven will always have a fractured relationship with them, if he ever decides to have one with them moving forward, and that is something the Diamonds will have to live with.
There's so many of us that are hoping for a Lars of the Stars series. It's probably the most exciting possible spinoff since it's already shown that other aliens exist even though they weren't sapient. People wanna know what else is out there. Maybe Sneeple like Ronaldo theorised but we never saw.
Charm City!!!
I didn't love this season originally but i get the intention. I just loved kid Steven more than mentally ill Steven. I think a lot of people are mad about Future because the Diamonds aren't in some kind of jail. But those people are completely over looking the fact that they are making reparations for their crimes against the universe.
Also like, even if they wanted to jail the diamonds, how would they even do that lmao, they're literally powerful enough to break out of any restraint so all you really can do is make sure they don't do any more evil (which a lot of the toxic fanbase unfortunately took as them being "redeemed" even though it's clear Steven still has problems with their behavior)
Thanks for watching this show <3
On the topic of if SU returns ever. Rebecca said if she ever continued it , she would only do so if it followed Steven bc that's who the show is about. So they wouldn't do a prequel about Rose and Pink and wouldn't do a spin off focusing on another character like Lars.
Fun fact the gems Yellow was fixing are called Flint and Churt, the were originally supposed to be Off Colours and their story was that they were persecuted because they were pacifists. They were cut because they wanted the Off Colors to be gems who were outcasted for who they were rather than for a philosophy they chose.
Some people who lack media literacy didn't like the ending, because they think everyone hugging monster Steven magically fixed all of his problems...when it was just them calming down someone currently having a breakdown, assuring him they will take care of him and then went "let's get you a therapist."
It was about Steven finally accepting help and the others making sure he knows he'll get help and him finally crying in front of them, not "lol Steven is magically all okay now because hugs." It was the FIRST step to get better.
Some people also wanted them to fight monster Steven more. Such a nice message: beat the shit out of someone having a mental breakdown!
THANK YOU! I hate how many people misinterpret this ending.
As someone who's autistic, physical intimacy would actually make me worse during a breakdown. But even I didn't misinterpret it, so I've never understood how others do.
It's over isn't it? Tbh though with Rebecca Sugar back online, the fact that Steven Universe is among the top performing CN shows on streaming outranking Adventure Time by some estimates, and with Fionna and Cake, I fully expect SU to come back in some way shape or form in the next two or three years.
An adult prequel series based during the Gem War would go so hard.
The last half of SUF I think is the peak of the show. It's so emotional and character focused in a way that the original never dared to go. Absolutely love the finale of future and would not have even a twinge of sadness if the universe never returned.