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Star Wars: The Clone Wars Episode 9-10 Reaction

Star Wars: The Clone Wars | 6 months ago
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  1. Commenters avatar
    5 months

    The acolyte shot themselves in the foot by antagonizing fans of star wars, the lead character making a "diss track" calling fans racist and saying nobody is telling the truth, and just fucking up the star wars lore in general.The amount of shows I've seen that say shit like "if you don't like it then don't watch it" and then get followed by abysmal show ratings is high

    Warning: Undefined variable $current_user_roles in /var/www/html/wp-content/themes/sorta-stupid-2025/functions/walkers/Custom_Comment_Walker.php on line 235
  2. Commenters avatar
    5 months

    As someone that has seen the clone wars several times, I'm over here bawling like a baby

  3. Commenters avatar
    5 months

    R2 is the best and the droid Chopper from star wars rebels is pretty awesome too!

  4. Commenters avatar
    5 months

    If you watch it in release order, it’s actually not hard to follow at all. Even with the blasphemous amount of tv I watched as a child, I still remembered everything necessary to link the broken episode order together. And it’s not too different from getting an original trilogy, followed by a prequel lol. You get to know the characters for who they were in the present and then find out how they got there or see experiences that shaped them into who they were. It wasn’t so broken as to not know what was going on just because it was out of order

  5. Commenters avatar
    5 months

    Everyone always forgets about Droidbait :( JUSTICE FOR DROIDBAIT

  6. numbervase90661
    6 months

    no new clone wars episode?

  7. Commenters avatar
    6 months

    The acolyte is a vapid uninspired mess of a show. 

  8. Commenters avatar
    6 months

    I think you guys should watch these in arcs because it'll go faster instead of watching 2 episodes. 

  9. Commenters avatar
    6 months

    People probably told you already but to explain the thing with episdes being out of order chronologically:As far as I'm aware, the episodes were released in the orther they were produced for the most part. In fact, back when I was a wee lad, the first episode of Clone Wars on Cartoon Network was "Ambush" (the Yoda episode) followed by "Malevolence" (The big ion ship episode). I don't know why this happened, tho the reasons might range from poor schedule, animators getting their into their groove slowly, to working on multiple episodes at the same time and having no choice but to fullfil their contract on time.

    However, this is only the case for "Season 1" episodes. Any episode from Season 2 that fits chronologically in Season 1 timeline were ideas by Gorge Lucas himself to fill and explain any gaps in previous season. Of course, the writers (even Dave Filoni) said: "But Gorge, you can't do that. That's a plot hole. You can't fill it after the fact.", to which Gorge responded: "Here's my argument: I am Gorge Lucas, I am rich and here's the money and script for you, have a good day's work!"

    PS. Any time the series required more budget than the Network allowed them to have, Gorge would pay from his own pocket. Think what you will about about the guy but you can't argue he was a man of vision (maybe still is? I fell of the new about him for a long time).

  10. Commenters avatar
    6 months

    it being out of order makes sense because its an anthology or collection of shorter storys in a common setting that arent connected, hence it shows particular battles or moments in the war.

  11. Commenters avatar
    6 months

    Also Sean continues to be an absolute g at recognizing VA's. That was indeed Perlman. One of my favorite VAs ever

  12. Commenters avatar
    6 months

    I wonder how much money grievous has lost the separatist by losing to anakin alone.

  13. Commenters avatar
    6 months

    So a fun note about not wiping R2's memory, droids in Star Wars are supposed to have their memories wiped ever few months to prevent bugs, but if they aren't they tend to form personalities that vary

    For example, the Battle Droids have way too much info being shoved into them so they can do all the jobs they were never meant to do, this causes them to act the way they do

  14. Commenters avatar
    6 months

    The movie was the series pilot, it was intended to air ahead of what became Season 1 Episode 1, but either Lucas or some other exec decided the story could work as a movie. Movie or not, it is the series pilot. It is the thing you would see before watching the series proper. Also this is an anthology, the story is free to bounce around different characters and different time periods. For instance knowing the story of Hevy and his lot prior to this adds to it, but by the time that episode actually aired you know Fives and Echo much more than you do now, so the flash back felt worthwhile where it originally happened.

  15. Commenters avatar
    6 months

    Domino squad actually lost 3 members. One of the clones who got shot in the beginning was Droidbait, their 5th member.

  16. Commenters avatar
    6 months

    Fun fact velma was always going to have a second season, because HBO took one season and split it in half to pay the animators less

    Expand 1 reply
    1. kekkers
      6 months

      Exactly Velma was a complete show that they split up.  The movie coming out on halloween is the Finale.  The show's over with one completed story. 

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      1. Commenters avatar
        6 months


  17. Commenters avatar
    6 months

    Its always impressive to me how many lines from the Star Wars Movies are repurposed in The Clone Wars cartoon.

  18. Commenters avatar
    6 months

    You are probably right that a lot of this made less sense out of order, I was 8 or 9 when this season came out and all I really cared about back then was the amount of explosions in a given episode, but I imagine that’s probably a big reason as to why the first season isn’t remembered as fondly by people who saw it when it came out.

  19. genericgamer283
    6 months

    Holy shit, I don't even remember the second episode. I need to rewatch S1 again. Also, about thr Acolyte cancelation, while it wasn't as good as I hoped, it had enough interesting things that a S2 could've expanded upon, giving it a chance to fix the pacing issues the show had. So it's a bit of a shame, but I think it's more indicative of the exorbitant budgets these streaming shows had as opposed to the actual ratings. It did NOT look like a show that cost almost 200 mil, and if it was significantly cheaper, they definitely would've continued it. Plenty of shows had met 1st seasons that grew into must watches by S2 or S3.

  20. Commenters avatar
    6 months

    From what I remember, Velma did NOT get a second season because of "hate watching". It got a second season because it was ordered with a set amount of episodes that was then split into two seasons. Hate watching doesn't cause as much impact as people like to think it does, for good or ill.

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    1. Commenters avatar
      6 months

      Found no evidence of it getting a season 2 because of episodes ordered. But when we discuss hate watching, what we're mostly referring to is that those numbers count the same as fans of the show watching it, and companies don't care either way, because it became Max's most watched animated show, which is why it most likely got a season 2.

  21. Commenters avatar
    6 months

    Very glad yall are watching this in chronological order because it does make things way more impactful. Loving cre watching clone wars with yall.

  22. sguy90
    6 months

    So fun fact the R2 going missing episode was the very first episode that was produced, you can probably tell by how the characters look compared to other episodes, they look not as good as the other episodes. But yeah watching in chronological order certainly helps build the connections better, but you wouldn't be lost if you watched it in release order either. Kinda like how the movies released

  23. Commenters avatar
    6 months

    Oh fun fact,season 1 of Clone Wars is agreed by the fans to be the weakest season,so you're in for a ride

  24. Commenters avatar
    6 months

    Well the armor is effective but not at that point blank range, also the armor is meant to dispurse the energy so that's why even when shot a lot of times clones just get knocked out since the same applies to the storm trooper armor 

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    1. Commenters avatar
      6 months

      doesnt the helmet also have a really detailed HUD as well? i remember a clone making the joke they basically had aim bot with how much info the helmet displayed

  25. Commenters avatar
    6 months

    Please go back to the old formant its annoying to have the show blocked. 

  26. Commenters avatar
    6 months

    Acolyte got cancelled for not being good in the eyes of a massive amount of people. The haters were obnoxious, and I had no interest in interacting, but the show did nothing for far too many. Hope they put their attention towards more interesting stories like Skeleton Crew, looks great.

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    1. Commenters avatar
      6 months

      The show was terrible and the main "actress" couldn't emote at all 

  27. Commenters avatar
    6 months

     i loved acolyte  im mad that its cancelled 

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    1. Commenters avatar
      6 months

      Really? That -7/10 show?

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      1. joshck123
        6 months

        You do realize statements like that only gives "disney can do no wrong." people more ammo to dismiss genuine criticism right?

  28. sombra_hacker09
    6 months

    R.I.P three domino squad members droid bait cut up and heavy went down like true Gs


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