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Star Wars: The Clone Wars Episode 17-18 Reaction

Star Wars: The Clone Wars | 5 months ago
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  1. bbenzo.
    5 months

    The Separatist are NOT The Empire, they’re a conclave of Senators that have split off from the Republic(much like the U.S. Civil War). 

    The Empire is formed after Chancellor Palpatine re-unifies the Republic under his rule, with the Empire’s first targets being the Planets under Separatist rule, this plays into the in-universe propaganda of Palpatine being the victim who was just fighting back, instead of having people question why tf the enemy just joined their side outta nowhere lol.

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  2. bbenzo.
    5 months

    Recognized George Takei off rip?

  3. Commenters avatar
    5 months

    The thing this show and so much other media gets wrong about the netural position is neutrality is only possible when you carry a MASSIVE STICK. The greatest example is Switzerland's legendary neutrality through world war 2 up till nearly present day... it was only possibly because of their massive focus on defense ( lining all bridges with TNT to blow at a moments notice, shooting at anyone from either side that violated their airspace, mandatory military service for all citizens, hundreds of prepared defensive bunkers throught the mountains that surround their country. Etc etc...

    If you want to be able to say I'm not taking a side in your war you have to make sure neither side can easily force you to.

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    1. bbenzo.
      5 months

      Wdym? We’ve already seen exactly that in the episode where a senator is attempting to convince the ruler of a planet to help the Republic over the Separatists (I can’t remember the exact episode or senator lol)

  4. Commenters avatar
    5 months

    The father being willing to die for his beliefs and tradition is a good example of how old people will stick to tradition and die for it when pushed because they have already lived by it, but when the young are pushed they will change their beliefs so they get a chance to live. 

  5. Commenters avatar
    5 months

    that clone has a golden ticket lol

  6. Commenters avatar
    5 months

    The reason the Seperatists didint fire the weapon outside the shield was to avoid being wastful with their munitions. The jedi could easily just retreat back into the shield if they shot at them, they were waiting for the shields to be destroyed first.

  7. Commenters avatar
    5 months

    Well with each Republic victory on a planet is just another planet that will eventually be ruled by the Empire. I can't wait for them to get deeper into the series to really start questioning the Jedi. 

  8. Commenters avatar
    5 months

    Jedi dont use force powers flipantly (or atleast they arent supposed to lol) because using the force when in an emotionally compromised state can open them to the dark side, which is why they practice martial arts with a weapon at all rather than just always use their powers. Also there is a massive range in terms of how talented Jedi are at things like Telekinisis. Great Jedi, like Anakin, Yodda, Windu, Obi-wan they are especially good at things like Telekinisis, and even they need focus. Lots of Jedi just arent super good at stuff like that.

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    1. Commenters avatar
      5 months

      its also taxing on them, using the force drains any force users energy, whether it be physical enhancement, prediction, hightened senses, mins manipulation or telekinesis, it drains, its why users of yodas style which is all about massivly enhancing you physically with the force (Anakin also likes mixing this into his style of form 5 but anakin has stupid amounts of force energy) cant fight for very long periods of time, they just get drainded, so all sith users try to not spam the force, otherwise they risk getting too tired and becoming an easy target, its kinda like chakra in early naruto before they seemed to have infinite of it

  9. Commenters avatar
    5 months

    There actually is a clone death counter as well as a droid one 

  10. Commenters avatar
    5 months

    Aayla and Kit Fisto shared a smooch in an old comic once.

    Don't think that's technically canon , but seems as good a time as any to drop that little tidbit down in these comments.

  11. Commenters avatar
    5 months

    about 19 min in well the Empire doesn't exist yet and they may be sith but the expanded universe makes it clear they aren't fully evil and in ways they are much better than the Republic that allows slaves also the empire aren't nazis only the Disney version is 

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    1. Commenters avatar
      5 months


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      1. Commenters avatar
        5 months

        Whoops replied to the wrong person lol

      2. Commenters avatar
        5 months

        The Empire is based off of WW2 Germany, Stormtroopers are what they called German infantry. 

  12. Commenters avatar
    5 months

    Yeah this 2 parter ain't that loved by the fanbase so your opinions pretty much match with everyone elses

  13. Commenters avatar
    5 months

    Jedi aren’t forbidden from feeling emotions, and in fact they are encouraged to feel all the positive emotions, they just can’t form attachments. They can have sex just not date and marry because that forms attachments to their partner. There is one exception though, Ki-Adi-Mundi was given permission by the council to marry and has multiple wives because his species is endangered and males are rare.

  14. sombra_hacker09
    5 months

    Ah aayla the 2nd hottest jedi and the one that got 50 times in the ass during order 66 after falling over 


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