Star Wars: The Clone Wars Episode 1-2 Reaction
Star Wars: The Clone Wars Movie
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Star Wars: The Clone Wars Movie
Ah yes. Hondo Onaka. The Captain Jack Sparrow of Star Wars. You're going to love this guy going forward.
This set of episodes is still one of my favorites. It's just peak banter all the way through.
I mean Yoda was Dooku’s master so it kind of is a custody battle if you think about it.
Fun fact: Count Dooku was the master of Qui-Gon Jinn, and in the animated series Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi, Qui-Gon talked to Dooku about a young Obi-Wan. That context makes all the meetings between Dooku, Obi-wan, and Anakin make me wish things had turned out differently.
Ugh I'm not a fan of Jar Jar's substitute VA in this one, the original voice is iconic and this one is Mickey Mouse-like.
the whole "control your insolence" bit is one of my favourite moments in this show XD
“I would kill you both right now if I did not have to drag your bodies”
and weaponizing JarJar's clumsiness is a great one too
Jeez guys. Sometimes stuff happens off screen ?. Use context clues.
Naw it makes sense for them to not be able to follow. This was definitely during a hectic period of SW
Nah the show screwed up on this one, it's fair to be confused. There was a webcomic released a year after this episode (Clone Wars: Switch) that explained the monkey put knockout drugs in the vents.
But with this and the messed-up original order its understandable to be confused
LET'S GOOOOO. One of the absolute best additions to Star Wars ever made. He's just such a treat on screen.
Jar Jar was secretly sent to rescue Dooku by lord Sidious. He caused the crash to stop the trade, getting the lead senator killed putting him in command. Then he was able to use the tanks to shut off the power letting Dooku escape. All while making it look like nothing more than a big coincidence. As the Clone Commander said he's smarter than he looks, other wise lord Sidious would have just sent General Grievous. However doing that would be to risky by possibly giving Sidious away. That's my theory anyway and it makes sense that they might make an episode like this to keep the theory of Darth Jar Jar alive.
Happy Hondo Day, everybody!
I'm not sure if the phrasing just confused me and Boom was quoting an interview with Ewan McGregor, but just to be clear; Ewan didn't reprise the role of Obi-Wan for TCW, they hired James Arnold Taylor to do a pretty solid impression of him.
He was talking about a interview that Ewan & Haden did saying if they’re 100% willing to come back as long as Disney has more shit for em to act in
This two parter is one of my favorite arcs in the series.
when they are talking about about spice its the star wars version of drugs
Keep an eye out for Hondo Onaca, great character and very fun.