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Spongebob S5 Episode 11 & 12

SpongeBob | 10 months ago
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  1. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    If I remember correctly, the Atlantis episode brought in the highest viewership for the show the night that it premiered. Over 9 million viewers!

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  2. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    Technically this only Ep.11 because episode 12 is a special which is Atlantis SquarePantis

  3. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    Why is it titled episode 11 and 12 if you knew it was only episode 11

  4. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    It's this episode that makes me realize they just changed Plankton from an evil genius who always fails into basically a massive idiot and I've gotta admit, it's pretty terrible

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    1. Commenters avatar
      10 months

      What are you talking about? He’s always been like this. Every time he failed it was because of his own idiocy. Why’d he make a coin slot a self destruct trigger? Why doesn’t he know the letter Z exists? Why did he not know that solid concrete was behind the theater screens? Why did he jump head first into his own ingredient detection machine? The answer to all these questions is that he’s a massive idiot. He’s never been a genius. He’s a massive idiot who THINKS he’s a genius. He always fails because he has that genius mindset of “I can’t possibly fail so I’m not even gonna look into the things that could cause me to fail!” A mindset that proves he’s stupid. A real genius would look at every possible outcome. And all those examples are pre-season 4. What the show has actually done is just lose the subtly and made the Plankton joke more obvious. But he has always been this way.

  5. devontetheenigma
    10 months

    30 seconds ago is crazy


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