Falling in Reverse: Watch the World Burn Music Video
Ben 10 S2 Episode 1 REACTION
Pokemon Concierge Episode 1-4 Reaction
Top Gun (1986) REACTION
TMNT (2003) S2 Episode 1-2 Reaction
Trick R Treat Movie REACTION
Bullet Train REACTION
Gumball S4 Episode 1-4 REACTION
Robots Reaction
(Gold) Black Clover – Sword of The Wizard King
Star Wars: The Clone Wars Episode 1-2 Reaction
First Time Playing **LITTLE MISFORTUNE** – this game is HEARTBREAKING…
Playstation State of Play Reaction 9/14/2023
Scooby Doo Straight Outta Nowhere Movie REACTION
Gumball S3 Episode 1-4 REACTION
This is not Sonic the anime; that honor goes to “Sonic X.”
Another thing you can watch on the treadmill is a mini series called Maya And The Three. It's on Netflix with just 9 episodes. Really cool visuals.
Hey guys, it seems episodes 3 and 4 aren't available for the silver membership while episodes 5-7 are.
For some context about the Flicky inside Rusty Rose, Eggman used to capture small animals because he use them as a battery for his Badniks (that's how his robots were called on the classic games) and some of his E-Series (those are how his new robot series was called after Adventures games), the reason that Sonic fight against Eggman on the first game was to rescue the animals, that's why at the end of every stage on the classic games and Sonic adventure 1 he releases the captured animals from a capture pod
It's especially twisted when you know Amy's story with animals and robots. I really love Rusty Rose's play on Amy's first huge character role.
I don't know what animal it is but at around the two minute mark and in previous episodes, that brown pirate character is voiced by the YouTuber Jacksepticeye!