Pokemon: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew Movie Reaction
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(Gold) Wall-E Movie REACTION
If you are looking for Shadow Games, Watch Sonic Adventure 2 first. That is the game that introduced Shadow as a character then watch Shadow the Hedghog (PS2) that is Shadow's spin-off game.
Silver Billy here, if you're trying to get more Sonic game content out then watch the cutscenes for Sonic and the Secret Rings. It's very similar to Sonic and the Black Knight. In short, a reaction to secret rings cutscenes would be raw.
27:44 You're new to Sonic & you're saying this, and yet somehow EVERY TIME i see knuckles gliding - even if it's just for a split second - its as if i forgot, My eyes widen & i'm like Oh shit he can fly ?
So, as far as I can tell, Nine's betrayal was always the plan for the show. At least, there is a heavy foreshadowing early in season 1 for it:
Right after Sonic destroy the prism, he goes throught the void between shatterverses before going to Eggyolke City's portal. There we see visions of the other characters telling various lines to Sonic (in fact, the ones we see them say on loop in Ghost Hill).
And through season 1, we see these lines were a set-up and we are shown a pay-off.
As a few examples, Tails said "As long as I'm around, you'll always have a wingman !" but Nine is a loner.
Right after, Amy said "The forest is the most beautiful place on earth !" and the next world Sonic see is with Thorn, who's obsessed with protecting the jungle.
Next was Knuckles saying "I don't need the details, just tell me who to smash !" and the next world has Dread, who starts as a coward hiding from his old crew instead of fighting them.
There are a few other lines, some of them we don't see back in Ghost Hill, but the last two lines from Tails are:
1) "I don't need an army when I have a friend like you, Sonic."
And Nine didn't have a friend like Sonic, implying he will have an army at some point.
2) "Nothing could break our friendship, Sonic."
Nine and Sonic's growing friendship was broken at the end of season 2.
There's a lot of official Sonic stuff you can react:
- The animated specials (Since Sonic Mania Plus was released, Everytime a new game comes release, a short animated movie is released on the Sonic the hedgehog YouTube channel)
- there's Sonic Mania Adventures (a 6 episode shorts)
- Team Sonic Racing Overdrive (A 2 part animation about Team Sonic Racing)
- Chao in Space (A Christmas Special)
- Sonic Colors: Rise of the whips (A animation about Sonic Colored Ultimate)
- Sonic Frontiers prequel: Divergence (A Knuckles animation about Sonic Frontiers)
- Shadow Generations: Dark Beginings (An upcoming animation about Shadow working as a prequel of Sonic X Shadow Generations, maybe it's released before the game)
Other thing you could react it's the Twitter Takeovers (Since 2015, once a year the characters take control of the Sonic the hedgehog Twitter account and answers the questions the community tweet) there are very funny
And the Tails tube videos (there are short videos of Tails being a Cyber talking about stuff of the franchise and their world)
Second this!, they're short but really enjoyable!
Here are my personal favorites:
1) Sonic X (2005) - This childhood, nostalgic show was the reason I got into sonic the hedgehog. It's a fun, dramatic, action packed series that is mostly adapted from Sonic adventures. So I highly recommend this, as you can learn more about Shadow, sonic and his friends.
2) Sonic boom (2014)- An episodic comedy series with tons of humour, quips and where the memes are created. Each episode is only 11 minutes long so it's a quick, fun watch.
3) Snapcube real-time fandub - Snapcube is to sonic the hedgehog as TFS is to Dragonball. Both are fun parodies all fans love. I recommend you watch Sonic adventures 2 (hero story) and (dark story) as you have already watched the sonic adventure cutscenes on youtube.
If you're enjoying this show, you and the others have to check out some of the other ones. If you ever plan on reacting to another in the future, here's my personal ranking and a brief description of each to give you a better idea of what you might prefer to watch.1) Sonic Satam - the darkest and arguably the most story-driven of the sonic tv shows; to me it has the most interesting premise because Sonic is more of an underdog in the story and doesn't always win at the end of the day - I never felt like the story ever dragged on too long; I would do this as a solo reaction for the same reason you're doing Prime as a solo - not many people will request it or watch it as much as X or Boom; this is mostly due to the fact that other than Tails and Sonic, the characters and lore of this show don't follow the game canon - they're based off of the Sonic Archie Comics, which obviously has less of a following. I definitely feel like it's a crime that more people haven't been introduced to it or given it a chance tho2) Sonic X - it's funny, entertaining, and probably the best one for you to do if you want to get the most views (I would do this one as a group if you can); this one is in an anime-style format and has a solid story that consistently builds off each episode; definitely the one you want to watch to know more lore on the sonic universe; the portrayal of the characters is also the most spot on to the game counterparts; I have always prefered the Japanese dub over the english dub since the english version censors a lot of stuff out that imo weakens the story and the characters (it was altered to be more kid-friendly and less dark) - unfortunately for me, imma guess more people would prefer the english dub since it's the one they grew up on as kids (but fyi to anyone who hasn't given the japanese version a chance, it makes that one kid significantly more tolerable as a character if that's any incentive)3) Sonic Boom - unexpectedly absolutely hilarious; notorious for self-aware centric humor, and it executes it flawlessly (especially once they hit their stride in season 2); its got an episodic format similar to Adventures of Sonic; some people don't like how the characters are portrayed, but if you take it as it's own thing and just vibe with it, it's a diamond in the rough; it would probably perform the second highest on the channel next to Sonic X4) Sonic Prime - a solid sonic show; I think the pacing is great and the action scenes are awesome; for some reason, the characters just fell flat for me tho (this might just be the animation style not being as expressive)5) Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog - your typical 90s slapstick humor condensed into short mini episodes; not really my thing, and probably not something that would perform well on the channel, but for the type of show it is, it's solid; super nostalgic6) Sonic Underground - this one is just pure crack to me; the premise of sonic having siblings is an interesting idea and it has some great lines, but the musical numbers just send me into the depths of cringe hell. If you watch while you're high tho, it's probably fucking hilarious
Definitely recommend Sonic X. Also recommend the snapcube fandubs of sonic games (especially sonic adventure 2 fandubs + the shadow the hedgehog one)
Hope you watch sonic x
If you wanted to watch another Sonic show, I would recommend Boom. It's a full on comedy series so vastly different from anything you've watched, yet still very much sonic. To be clear, I'm referring to the show, not the game, because the game is...not great.
That game will forever have a place in my heart cuz it's the very first Sonic game I ever beat, I really don't get the hate for the game, it was really fun
it gets more hate than it deserves really but it definitely has it's apparent flaws. Still think it was a cool idea though
Hopefully Boom and Eric watch this show sometime soon