Terminator Zero Episode 1-4 Reaction
Arcane Episode 1 REACTION
DEMON SLAYER S3 Episode 1-2 Reaction
The Pacifier Reaction
Tokyo Ghoul Episode 1-6 Reaction
Ted Reaction
Spy x Family Episode 1-12 Reaction
The Bear Episode 1 Reaction
The Legend Of Korra S4 Episode 1-2 REACTION
Playstation State of Play Was DISTURBINGLY Good!
Pokemon Origins Episode 1-4 Reaction
Everything Everywhere All at Once Reaction
(Gold) John Wick 2 REACTION
Inside Out 2 Reaction
I really love your reaction. Can you please watch the Anime Sonic X? It kinda started my Sonic Jorney for real and my Love for Shadow. And Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 Cutscenes? I never played the Game and I know that it was not the best, but i love the Cutscenes in it. This Game made me actually fall in love with Shadow really hard.
sonic underground
If you want to know more about Amy, she is playable and has a whole story line in Sonic Adventure 1. As does Big the Cat. I know you already watched the cutscenes of SA2 at this point but should also check out SA1. And really you should play those games as well.
Love these reactions. Actually made me start watching the show independently on Netflix and am so glad I did.
Check out Sonic X, please
If you're enjoying this show, you and the others have to check out some of the other ones. If you ever plan on reacting to another in the future, here's my personal ranking and a brief description of each to give you a better idea of what you might prefer to watch.1) Sonic Satam - the darkest and arguably the most story-driven of the sonic tv shows; to me it has the most interesting premise because Sonic is more of an underdog in the story and doesn't always win at the end of the day - I never felt like the story ever dragged on too long; I would do this as a solo reaction for the same reason you're doing Prime as a solo - not many people will request it or watch it as much as X or Boom; this is mostly due to the fact that other than Tails and Sonic, the characters and lore of this show don't follow the game canon - they're based off of the Sonic Archie Comics, which obviously has less of a following. I definitely feel like it's a crime that more people haven't been introduced to it or given it a chance tho2) Sonic X - it's funny, entertaining, and probably the best one for you to do if you want to get the most views (I would do this one as a group if you can); this one is in an anime-style format and has a solid story that consistently builds off each episode; definitely the one you want to watch to know more lore on the sonic universe; the portrayal of the characters is also the most spot on to the game counterparts; I have always prefered the Japanese dub over the english dub since the english version censors a lot of stuff out that imo weakens the story and the characters (it was altered to be more kid-friendly and less dark) - unfortunately for me, imma guess more people would prefer the english dub since it's the one they grew up on as kids (but fyi to anyone who hasn't given the japanese version a chance, it makes that one kid significantly more tolerable as a character if that's any incentive)3) Sonic Boom - unexpectedly absolutely hilarious; notorious for self-aware centric humor, and it executes it flawlessly (especially once they hit their stride in season 2); its got an episodic format similar to Adventures of Sonic; some people don't like how the characters are portrayed, but if you take it as it's own thing and just vibe with it, it's a diamond in the rough; it would probably perform the second highest on the channel next to Sonic X4) Sonic Prime - a solid sonic show; I think the pacing is great and the action scenes are awesome; for some reason, the characters just fell flat for me tho (this might just be the animation style not being as expressive)5) Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog - your typical 90s slapstick humor condensed into short mini episodes; not really my thing, and probably not something that would perform well on the channel, but for the type of show it is, it's solid; super nostalgic6) Sonic Underground - this one is just pure crack to me; the premise of sonic having siblings is an interesting idea and it has some great lines, but the musical numbers just send me into the depths of cringe hell. If you watch while you're high tho, it's probably fucking hilarious
Honestly when it comes to the series? I love Sonic Prime, ik it isn't perfect but I just really really enjoy the look, the animation, the voice acting- Shadow's my favourite character and they really did his character justice where some other sonic media fails. So Sonic Prime is my favourite for shows.
I do also love Sonic X, though highly prefer the japanese dub. Ik many like the english one for nostalgia and all but it censors things a lot. Other than that, Sonic Boom is funny but it's very... is satire the right word? I struggle to enjoy it as a show but it's definitely funny.
Some of the older shows I have not seen, so I can't say on them,
If you want to learn about Rouge & Shadow, Sonic Adventure 2 is definitely where to go, Shadow's own game happens after the events of SA2 and Sonic Heroes and would require that knowledge to really get whats even going on.
My favorite Sonic show is probably The Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog. In that show as well as Sonic SatAM and Sonic Underground, Sonic was voiced by Jaleel White aka Steve Urkel!
Favorite sonic shows1. Prime
2. X
3. Boom
Sonic X is my favorite sonic show period
If you wanna know more about Rouge and Shadow, Sonic Adventure 2. I know Sean, while yall were watching either unleashed or black knight, brought up Shadow the Hedgehog, but that game came out later and is relying heavily on knowing Sonic Adventure 2 (and Sonic Heroes).
Also, since you asked about favorite Sonic shows...
Prime (Action-adventure)
Boom (Comedy)
X (uhhh...mix?)
SatAM and "Adventures of" are tied cause I haven't seen them. I do feel like SatAM would be above X, though, if I watched it.
If you want to know more about Rouge, she made her debut in Sonic Adventure 2 along with Shadow.