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She-Ra Episode 8 REACTION

She-Ra | 2 years ago
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  1. Commenters avatar
    11 months

    i dont understand why they haven't fixed this yet like it's been 8months

    Warning: Undefined variable $current_user_roles in /var/www/html/wp-content/themes/sorta-stupid-2025/functions/walkers/Custom_Comment_Walker.php on line 235
  2. couchgoober
    11 months

    Something wrong with the video player error code 224003

  3. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Video is busted, I work in IT so I attempted to see if there was anything I could do to get the video to work.


    This video file cannot be played (Error Code: 224003)


    JW Player 8.24.3


    Failed to play the associated resource because it is not supported by this browser. Equivalent to the HTML5 MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED mediaError.

    Error loading media: File could not be played

    This video file cannot be played.

    - Attempting to play the video in a regular chrome browser resulted in Error Code 224003 (See JWPlayer Error Codes linked above)

    - Looked online for solutions > Found:

    - Launched Chrome in incognito mode > Issue persisted

    - Launched Edge > Tested in Edge > Issue persisted

    - Launched a Private Browser in Edge > Issue persisted

    - Installed Firefox > Tested in a default Firefox Browser > Issue persisted

    - Launched a private browser in Firefox > Issue persisted

    - No add-ins/plugins in Firefox as it is a new install > Turned off hardware acceleration > Issue persisted

    - Checked chromes extensions/plugins/add-ins > Turned off all items

    - Updated Chrome and relaunched the browser > Issue persisted

    - Turned off hardware acceleration in Chrome > Relaunched Chrome when prompted > Issue persisted

    - Cleared the Chrome browser cache

    - Cleared the DNS cache via CMD

    - Closed and relaunched Chrome > Logged back into patreon > Navigated to "" > Linked Patreon > Issue persisted

    - Tested in Chrome on an Android mobile device > Issue persisted

    - Launched Edge on desktop > Cleared browser cache > Closed then relaunched browser > Logged back into patreon > Navigated to "" > Linked Patreon > Issue persisted

    - No Plugins/Add-ins/Extensions to turn off in Edge > Turned off hardware acceleration > Relaunched browser when prompted > Issue persisted

    - Looked for alternate t/s steps > Found:

    - Verified Hardware Acceleration was turned off in all 3 browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge)

    - Launched a Incognito/Private window for each browser > Logged back into patreon > Navigated to "" > Linked Patreon

    - Turned off the Windows Defender firewall (STEP NOT RECOMMENDED)

    - Tested playing the video on each browser

    Chrome > Fail

    Firefox > Fail

    Edge > Fail

    - Turned firewall back on

    - Some sites note that a JWPlayer Error 224003 can result from a corrupted video file

    - Video may need to be re-uploaded

    - Issue unresolvable on user side

    So, I guess Ill wait till they upload episode 8 to YouTube, then continue the series on here.

  4. lightningrelic
    1 year

    I cant play the video?

  5. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    yo theres something wrong witht eh video


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