Scooby Doo Mystery Inc S2 Episode 1-2 REACTION
Scooby Doo Mystery Inc S2 Episode 3-4 REACTION
Scooby Doo Mystery Inc S2 Episode 5-6 REACTION
Scooby Doo S2 Episode 7-8 REACTION
Scooby Doo Mystery Inc S2 Episode 9-10 REACTION
Scooby Doo Mystery Inc S2 Episode 11-12 REACTION
Scooby Doo Mystery Inc S2 Episode 13-14 REACTION
Scooby Doo Mystery Inc S2 Episode 15-16 REACTION
Scooby Doo Mystery Inc S2 Episode 17-18 REACTION
Scooby Doo Mystery Inc S2 Episode 19-20 REACTION
Scooby Doo Mystery Inc S2 Episode 21-22 Reaction
Scooby Doo Mystery Inc S2 Episode 23-24 Reaction
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From my understanding, regarding Marcie and Velma, the creators said that if there would have been a 3rd season, they would have been officially a couple., confirming Velma's bisexuality.
I kinda get him being upset about the “none of it ever happened” thing but in this situation it doesn’t seem that bad, and I don’t think the show being one season would’ve fixed that. like they did what they were trying to do; they fixed everything, saved everyone, solved the mystery. Sure nobody else remembers, but They still do. There was a series I watched that was 6 seasons across 3 different shows and then a movie and after EVERYTHING that happened in the 3 different shows, the movie ended with the main character having to go back in time to stop the main villain, which undid the events of all 3 shows and he was just going to redo everything; THAT imo is way worse than what happened in this show like the thing they were leading up to the entire show got dealt with and they all lived happily ever after the end- instead of having to go back to the beginning and redo everything like a videogame that reflected your save data and you gotta restart from scratch.
There’s a lot of theories, but one of the more prevalent ones is that Mystery Incorporated is a PREQUEL to the OG Scooby Doo since it ends with them traveling across the country solving mysteries (and a few other smaller things).
You guys should check out the 1996 Real Adventures of Jonny Quest series! It is, hands-down, one of the best Hanna-Barbera cartoons ever made! Definitely top three!!
You guys NEED to watch the supernatural, scooby-doo crossover episode
I feel like Eric's questioning of "How does this tie into the big mystery" about mysteries that had nothing to do with the discs is fundamentally flawed. Like, we aren't always being shown things because they tie into the big story, we're being shown the story of this mystery gang, and sometimes there's just weird things going on around them.
Like, I'm sorry, are you just not having fun if somethin doesn't tie in to a bigger thing? Chill. Enjoy the journey, stop worrying so much about the destination.
I don't understand Eric's complaint, everyone they unmasked and knew in the timeline would've been gone anyway, BECAUSE THEY DIED. Everyone died aside from the gang, if they didn't go into a new timeline, they'd have been left in a barren town without any of their friends or families because everyone had been devoured, so I don't see them going to a new timeline as a copout at all, that's a reward.
Not Erik being a hater, for shame LOL
sad fact about episode 26, this would be the final time we hear Casey Kasem in anything Scooby Doo related before his death, here he voices Shaggy's father, back in 1969, he was the voice of Shaggy
You guys totally gotta watch MatPats theory on the ENTIRE Scooby-Doo franchise, trust me it helps to understand not only this show but the franchise as a whole.
I like how it lead into Whats New Scooby Doo. The references at the end were great.
I can understand Eric’s qualms with the series as there were a few episodes that could have not existed, especially the Hanna Barbara crossover/tribute ones, but I still really enjoyed watching along with you guys. Glad Boom stopped saying “He’s just a parrot spray him wuth aeroguard.” Because that started getting really annoying really quickly. I wish more Scooby series would do overarching plots because other than this, the only other Scooby series to do them is 13 Ghosts and that fucking stupid Velma show. Seriously, why are Shaggy and Velma black!?
why does it matter if Shaggy and Velma aren’t white? that’s the one change Velma makes that’s entirely neutral
Also the shot of them in the van after watching the DVD is a reference to the iconic shot from the first episode of Where Are You? When Velma’s reading from a book and the gang is gathered around her.
It is a bit odd for this show to be a prequel of the original show. Because since the beginning they had a museum of every single villain they ever unmasked and even included scrappy doo.So does this mean they go through all those same mysteries again?
This was actually a prequel to the Original Scooby Doo. In the original scooby doo they are traveling across the country solving mysteries and this ending explains why. I don't know if you guys caught the laugh track at the end of the episode as it was trying to refer to the Original.
Erik’s main critique at the end boils down to this should have been 8-10 episode season. Which I get but it’s kinda sad how short seasons have mostly become the norm in television. He may hate the filler stuff but at least it was fun. If it was just the main plot of Mr E it would lose some of it’s charm
My problem with that is we care about Cyrstal Cove and the Scooby Gang because we had so many episodes of just regular adventures. That's my problem with over serialization. What people have started calling filler, used to be called, worldbuilding. All of those random episodes and adventures were what made us care about the sherrif and mayor. Let us see the seafood captain. All of the things that made Crystal Cove a Real lived in place.
If it were just an 8-10 episode show focusing on the Planispheric disk stuff then we would never get to know the actual town and care about the people in it.
My bigger issue with this series isn't all the "filler" – it's that the end was very abrupt and anticlimactic, for me anyway. If anything, I would rather the show leaned further into just goofy plots with a self-aware sense of humor and occasionally biting commentary. The whole mystery side leading to this relatively brief confrontation with a generic Big Bad Monster was...kind of a major letdown in my opinion.
I honestly would've preferred if the series ended with Pericles losing last episode, even if it meant us never getting to see the Big Bad Monster.
I feel like he became a buzzkill out of nowhere
This show end at the start of the ORIGINAL series. That is them going on to start so it is kind of a circle.
There was supposed to be a third season buy it was canceled. Also it's hilarious when they kill off charecters and they refuse to believe they are actually dead.
That’s not true at all. It was always intended to be two seasons but because the series did so well internationally the two creators came up with a story for season three in case it was green lit, but it wasn’t.
I believe a popular theory is that this series is a prequel series to the original scooby doo cartoon. And I'll take that over velma being a canon prequel any day
Its was confirmed by one of the creators that it IS a prequel.
live action scooby doo when?
There was no way they could have explicitly portrayed it at the time, but the creators have later stated that they intended for Velma and Marcie to be a thing (and that they are dating at the end) and that this version of Velma is a lesbian who was confused about her sexuality at first. Her relationship with Shaggy was supposed to feel off and she was later into that woman who pretended to be a siren and then Marcie.
The live action movies also wanted to make Velma a lesbian, but the higher-ups refused. I'm glad there was one animated Scooby Doo movie with openly lesbian Velma, because it would've been just depressing if the very first explictly queer Velma had been from that damn Velma show.
Velma and Daphne were supposed to be lesbians in that first live action film. Shaggy was supposed to be more of a stoner too.
the guy on the far right, erik i think? is somewhat of a buzzkill. at a certain point you just gotta accept that its a kids show and stop trying to out-logic everything. its exhausting to listen to after a while
didn't realize the Pericles robots were voiced by Dee Bradley Baker, makes sense cause he's fluent in German; slightly-related fun fact: Dee improvised the German accent for Klaus from American Dad, because the original that he auditioned for was supposed to be "Pierre" with a French accent instead.
Day 13 of asking y'all to watch Hulk Vs 2009
Day 3 of asking y'all to watch The Iron Giant 1999
I guess you can horribly kill everyone you want if you undo it at the end, that's pretty wild
Niothing was undone, which is why i dont really get the point of it feeling like a cop out...its not. the entire world got destryoed, their families and friends died, lifes got ruined and now thery have to life with people they dont know who know a much different them. This Ending had giant Consequences
Even worse, they didn't undo it.
Those are brand new people's.
All the old ones that were influenced by the curse are gone forever.
Happy you watched through this series. I loved the show as a kid, and I still do. I remember being up late on weekdays to watch the show, since they didn't air it during the day, and mostly after like 9 pm
There's a fun theory that since there wasn't a season 3 ala it being cancelled; the original 70s Scooby Doo series takes place just after this episode. This mostly comes from the road trip format and the laugh track, which only exists in Scooby Doo Where Are You?
It IS a prequel. And it wasn’t cancelled. It was always intended to be two seasons. The creators came up with a potential season three story because it did so well internationally but it was never green lit.
It honestly isn't even a theory. The writers have stated officially that it's a prequel. It definitely has "prequel" plot holes but even so its still officially a prequel.
Right, this felt like their prequel backstory to the roadtrip timeline
In the writers room of a Scoody Doo series, someone asked “What should we include in the finale of this beloved kids franchise?”
Someone raised their hand and said “Let’s have a Nazi firing squad gun down a high school girl”. Not only did enough writers say yes to this to make it into the script at any point, it ended up getting green lit. Damn ballsy move WB.
While I could get into all the plot holes of having a reset timeline (like Fred Jones having the name Fred Jones), I wanna talk about Velma’s ending. Everyone else has full support of their previously subpar families and is apparently very successful. The only difference in Velma’s happy ending and her old life is she’s with Marcy. Now, I don’t need a fully fleshed out LGBT relationship or anything, but it feels kind of unfortunate that we never see any chemistry between the two besides cooperation and shared interests/goals. Like I’ve said before, watching this develop (even a small part of it) would’ve been nice to SEE instead of implying it all happening offscreen. I feel sorry for Marcy since Velma just leaves her behind in the end.
They probably couldn’t get what they wanted to with Velma and Marcie in the script.