Scooby Doo Mystery Inc Episode 1-2 REACTION
Scooby Doo Mystery Inc Episode 3-4 REACTION
Scooby Doo Mystery Inc Episode 5-6 REACTION
Scooby Doo Mystery Inc Episode 7-8 REACTION
Scooby Doo Mystery Inc Episode 9-10 REACTION
Scooby Doo Mystery Inc Episode 11-12 REACTION
Scooby Doo Mystery Inc Episode 13-14 REACTION
Scooby Doo Mystery Inc Episode 15-16 REACTION
Scooby Doo Mystery Inc Episode 17-18 REACTION
Scooby Doo Mystery Inc Episode 19-20 REACTION
Scooby Doo Mystery Inc Episode 21-22 REACTION
Scooby Doo Mystery Inc Episode 23-24 REACTION
Scooby Doo Mystery Inc Episode 25-26 REACTION
JoJo’s Part 4 Episode 1-10 (Ruff Solo) REACTION
(Gold) Glass Onion REACTION
Deadpool & Wolverine Reaction
Pokemon 4 Ever Movie REACTION
Elemental Movie Reaction
Hell’s Paradise Episode 1-13 Reaction
(Gold) John Wick REACTION
Rick and Morty S2 Episode 1-2 Reaction
Jujutsu Kaisen Episode 1-2 Reaction (Ruff Solo)
Arcane Episode 1 Reaction (Boom Solo)
South Park Unhinged REACTION
The LOST Legend of Korra Game
Gumball S6 Episode 1-4 REACTION
Paranorman Movie Reaction
Helluva Boss Episode 1 REACTION
The Minner brothers sound like a Skyrim voice actor lol
wow i didnt realize the tiki song was a reference to war of the gargantuans
I love Boom being like, "That's nightmare fuel..... I want it." Like bro XD
Mrs. Wyatt in episode 10 that went to jail in the end is played by Jessica Walter @SeeOhKnee
Mr. E = Mystery Mr + E = Mystery.
Angel Dynamite is played by Vivica A. Fox
Paracles makes this show so much better. Can't wait for y'all to see how his plotline develops.
i love booms like "dog or Me and his answer being id atleast give her the money for an uber" also its only really weird in my opinion with scooby always being around because he can talk and think like a human in my opinion.
Episode 9 is a homage to the 1966 Japanese movies, "The War of the Gargantuas." There was an English dub version of the movie (like there was with the old Godzilla movies). I remember being SO surprised to see this old movie being referenced in Mystery Inc! We had it on VHS and I remember watching it with my brothers when I was little. It was a movie that really stuck with me because the kaiju character designs were quite creepy/scary, but one of the monsters was very sweet and endearing (basically a story of a "good" monster and "evil" monster who were brothers).
As for Episode 10, Professor Pericles is a fantastic villain character. I'm so glad you've reached this episode and the introduction of this character. Honestly, on rewatches, I've come to realize just how good the character writing actually is for Mystery Inc. I know a lot of people tend to have issues with the Velma, Shaggy, and Scooby situation, but I think (while it is a bit on the weaker side of the overall writing for the show) it still does an excellent job of highlighting all of the flaws and issues with the characters. I also like how the writing actually calls out some of the behavior and responses that we see from Velma, Shaggy, and Scooby. That's a good thing. I think it's fairly rare to see children shows actually show unhealthy relationships and call those out in some way. Like here, we are seeing the ultimatum being shown in a bad light and not a proper way to resolve the situation, and that's a good thing, especially for kids, to see in the media they consume (even more so since Mystery Inc was aimed at older kids and teens).
Anyway, I'm so glad to see you all still watching and reacting to this show! Your thoughts and theories have all been great and I'm glad you are enjoying the wild and weird ride of Mystery Inc!
Honestly, Scooby-Doo was the most in the wrong depending on if you see him as a person or not. Seeing him as a person capable of human communication, he is wrong for hogging Shaggy .. but then again, he's a dog. Velma as toxic as she was, was only acting this way because of Shaggy hiding their relationship, picking Scooby-Doo's feelings over hers and she was getting fed up. Honestly if I had to pick a side, its Velma. The girl was denied a relationship she really wanted and kwpt getting sidelined over a dog constantly.
When I first watched Mystery Inc the episode with the robot dog was basically my favorite episode. Followed closely by season 2 episode 1. I thought the idea of framing Scooby and then looking so frightening after it’s skin came off was awesome in my 9 year old brain and it’s still really cool now.
I feel like Shaggy doesn't get enough heat for his part in the love triangle. He lies to Scooby while leading Velma on and has an equal part in messing things up as the other two, but all I see is people talking about the other two. It's not like Mako where it ruins the character, but I still think we should acknowledge how much of it is Shaggy's fault
I can agree that lying to scooby is bad, but leading her on? Theres a difference between "I want to be your boyfriend" and "I want to be your boyfriend and won't hang out with my best friend". He wasn't ready for that, and frankly, shouldn't be :P
Yeah, he does have responsibility in the drama. But it’s really the fact Scooby and Velma made him choose between 2 things that he really shouldn’t have needed to that people like myself have a problem with and not the relationships themselves.
Shaggy’s Scooby/Velma Ultimatum is probably my least favorite part of such an awesome series. Dogs and Girlfriends are not mutually exclusive. A lot of couples GET dogs. Also, Scooby has a level of sentience most other animals don’t have that should put him above the status of just “Shaggy’s Dog”. He’s really no different than any other fictional character whose best friend is a different species, so he should be treated as such in this scenario rather than a domesticated animal.
This is a girlfriend and a best friend being clingy and selfishly forcing someone to choose one or the other. I mean, I’d understand it if one/both of them were toxic individuals or if Scooby and Velma didn’t like each other outside of this situation, but neither of those things are the case. Shaggy’s just a victim in this scenario and there’s no reason he shouldn’t be allowed to have both.
On the upside, we did get to meet one of my favorite animated series villains of all time!
I felt bad for velma. Scooby-Doo is being super unreasonable and shaggy is just being an idiot.
Shaggy wasn’t doing anything wrong. Scooby and Velma are the ones in the wrong. Your best friend saying you can’t have a girlfriend and your girlfriend saying to lose your best friend is one of the most toxic ultimatums there is. Why they felt the need to include it in the show I’m not sure. But Shaggy saying he’s not ready for a girlfriend right now is one of the most mature things he’s ever said. He didn’t decide to pick a dog over Velma. He decided he wasn’t ready for a relationship that made him choose one or the other.
Shaggy wasn't honest to Scooby at all which escalated the and daresay INSTIGATED the conflict in the first place. If he had been honest from the start Velma wouldn't have had to give him an ultimatum because it's not fair to her that Shaggy basically felt the need to hide her and Pit her against Scoob. This Manchild behavior lasting 9 episodes before hitting this point itself shows an incredibly amount leniency from Velma that no real woman would go along with.
I think in this case all three were in the wrong for different reasons. Shaggy handled the situation horribly. Velma and Scooby forcing Shaggy to choose between a best friend and girlfriend is a bit toxic. I think a good workaround could have happened but none of them handled this well.
It's very specifically supposed to be Don Knotts, given he cameoed in several Scooby-Doo episodes.