Evil Dead Rise Reaction
Young Justice Episode 1-2 Reaction
Teen Titans Movie Reaction
SpongeBob S1 Episode 1-2 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender Live Action Episode 1 REACTION
Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay Reaction
The Legend Of Korra Episode 1-2 REACTION
Batman: Hush Reaction
Airplane! Reaction
Llamas With Hats REACTION
Mortal Kombat 1 – All Fatalities and Fatal Blows REACTION
Masters of The Universe Revolution Episode 1 (Boom Solo)
The Lego Movie REACTION
Danny Phantom S2 Episode 1-2 REACTION
I've been looking forward to this. Haven't started it yet, and let a good back-log accumulate. Time to go back to Remnant, and Beacon, one more time. Might be the last time for me, for awhile.
Also, 24:03
cocks gun
Ren: "I'm gonna do it."
I honestly forgot about Code Lyoko until you mentioned it, that was my shit when I was a child. I use to come home from school and watch it on TV when it was airing.
Super Excited to see this series with y’all. One of many shows I forgot to keep up with because there’s just so many GOOD dang shows out nowadays. But yeah, I was always charmed by the characters, the music, and the choreography of combat.
It’s also a gun. It’s always also a gun. ?
Yall watchin RWBY? Nah, ain’t no way RvB ain’t on the radar now?
Joined back specifically for RWBY. Glad it’s in this tier now!
Woo lets go, gonna be a wild ride watching this again.
So I don't know if anyone else is noticing but you guys are only watching episodes 1 and 2. 3 is completely missing from this
So, if you guys are enjoying the writing at all, then you should definitely try out Red Versus Blue. It starts off very simply, given it was Halo CE machinema, but it's all the original crew of Rooster Teeth and after a few season they are firing on all cylinders for their comedy. Burnie Burns was one of the strongest pieces of the team for so long.
third, highly recommending RVB
RWBY is soo good so hyped ya'll are finally checking it out and the music is amazing the soundtracks are definately worth checking out too after each volume
Lol volume 1 had the budget of a rubber band and a few paperclips. Also why the episodes are so short and split into parts.
RWBY AND all in the same room?
Wow people are really opinionated about this series judging from the replies I feel like y'all should have maybe waited and let the crew get into the show before being that negative i think like let em enjoy it lol
So I’m not huge on this series anymore (I’m pretty critical of the writing) but I think it is a super fun watch and I am excited to see y’all react. I am also terrified, this show has one of the most annoying audiences I think I’ve ever had the misfortune of witnessing. It’s like all the bad parts of anime fans in one place. IMO, I think this is just a really fun show to have a good time with and not take too seriously, looking forward to reliving it!
Idk if anyone else has said it, but the first 2 volumes are kinda better watched as a movie because the episodes are so short (and end abruptly as y’all said). Vol 3 is when they kinda get more of a hang of it and it feels more like real episodes.
ive tried mentioning it, and that they watch each opening at the start of each arc
Would you guys consider reacting to each seasons soundtrack after each season? It’s kind of a tradition almost for reactors to also watch/listen to the soundtrack of RWBY in between seasons. The songs are semi canon in the sense they can give context to characters inner thoughts. Oh and if you react or just watch on your own I’d suggest looking up lyric videos FlyntofRWBY is a great source for most of the lyric videos for the RWBY soundtrack
Just a heads up guys, there a few two-parters through-out season one so be sure to check the titles before you record. Hope it helps. ??
Glad to see you guys watching RWBY. Can't wait for more!
Oh no what have you done XD
This show is definition of split fan base
Have ya'll checked out the character trailers?
Please do a reaction to the soundtrack after the volume is over. I genuinely want to hear what you think about each song considering the songs add more to RWBY.
“This will be the day we’ve waited for….” AND I AM STOKED!!!!
Commenting before I actually watch the vid:
Oh WOW! I was also not expecting RWBY! I'm pumped!
But yeah, be warned about the dumpsterfire that is its fandom! ?
I actually like Volumes 4 and 5 but that could be considered a rare and controversial take. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Excited to start watching this one!
Post-watching commentary:
Aww, it's like being thrust back in time! 2 houses, 3 laptops, and over a decade's worth of episodes later, but I'm excited to re-watch these with y'all!
And you're right! The soundtracks to these volumes are FIRE and most remain on my Spotify to this day! ?
still suggest each volume be recorded like a movie
So awesome we’re getting this. Also highly recommend rooster teeth’s other main series Red vs Blue, super funny and surprisingly great story in later seasons.
HAlelughea or however its spellt. buckle in this is full of spectacle and you are gonna have fun
YES!!!!RWBY is my favorite series of all time and it gets better with every volume! Also I see that you missed the opening which must have been cut in the original video. There is a lot of additional content for RWBY like "World of Remnant" which explains the universe in more depth and I recommend that at the end of each volume you react to the songs because they are canon, from the point of view of one or more characters and really good in general. It's become a bit of a tradition for people who react to RWBY to watch the songs so I hope you'll react to them too! Thank you so much I'm having the best day ever now! (Sorry for my bad english, it's not my first language) :)
I've never been so happy! You guys are starting something Grand and I hope you all enjoy it!
RWBY Fandom is definitely toxic... like, all Fandom have a toxic aspect to it but RWBY attracts hate watchers like crazy, and on the other side you have rabid fans that will jump down your throat for criticizing it at all.
But I'm sure you guys are used to that by now, anyway. Either way I'm so hyped for this
To be fair so was Korra. That fan base has some super toxic people in it too
You guys absolutely have to check out the show that paved the way for Rwby, Red vs Blue, at some point. To this day it's the best show RT has ever made with Rwby being second.
Forgot to add that I hope yall enjoy Rwby!
Oh damn wasn’t expecting RWBY. I highly recommend you watch Trailers first as they’re really good and take place before the show started. Also the openings are legit bangers I love them.
yes watch each one at least once
Oh yeah, here we go.
If the comments didn't already give it away the rwby community is happy you are reacting to this. All of this was done in house and they are fine with channels reacting so if you ever get hit with a copy right claim it should only happen once and then you are put on a list of free to go with all future reactions not getting hit. Lots of info can and will be thrown at you all you need to remember things will get better and worse from here.
So excited you guys are watching RWBY! It honestly just gets better and better as it continues. I would recommend watching the Red, White, Black and Yellow trailers as well (in that order). They are amazing and the music is so good.
So hyped you guys are starting this
You guys legit just made my day....
Ohhhh myyy God, I’m excited. You guys definitely need to watch the Red, White, Black and Yellow trailers at some point. And fair warning, the episodes in V1 are very short, depending on your schedules you can probably knock the whole volume out in 2-3 videos. If I remember correctly V2 also has short episodes. It’s not until V3 that they get longer
Psyched you all are watching RWBY, but bummed you didn’t watch the trailers for them. They’re pretty damn good. Even now, it’s not too pate to react to them.
Now we need an infinity train reaction
Never watched RWBY before but might give it a chance since you guys are my favorite reactors.
Remember, the series went to total shit after the og creator Monty passed away and Roosterteeth took full creative control while going extra woke. It seems like every month people quit working for them cause the company keeps getting worse
I really have no idea where you're getting the woke stuff from. This series has less representation than owl house and that show slaps. The only thing Monty did on his own was the groundwork for the worldbuilding and the trailers with miles and kerry helping him from episode 1. The thing you're also forgetting is that Miles and Monty were close friends who were always on good terms.
I'm sorry two gay relationships in one show is too woke for you.
You're not going to be taken seriously by normal people if you use "woke" as a negative.
There's a difference between believing in equality and forcing others to be equal until things go too far in the other direction and nobody is equal anymore
Super sneaking suspicion you’re aren’t well read, or qualified enough about movements of equality for anyone here to take you seriously about this. You’re just expelling hot air at this point, quit while you’re ahead and go back whatever toxic subreddit you came from lmao.
But for real you ain't getting taken seriously around here throwing woke around dude. That word has literally zero meaning anymore, it's no different then the people who call everyone they disagree with a Nazi.
Fine. I'll rephrase it. Roosterteeth is a shit company. Ever since Monty died they pissed on his grave and ignored his original plans for the story, they've been retconning characters sexualities, sold out to the lowest standard, and have become a horrible work environment that they get new writers practically every month that quit soon after. Rwby used to be fun to watch but now it is painful and inconsistent. It would take a lot for me to have faith in a company I used to enjoy.
Another fun fact that you might pick up on is that most characters are named for historical figures, myths, and fairytales. Ruby is Red riding hood, Yang is Goldilocks, etc.
Fair warning there's a lot of additional content that isn't part of the show proper. That being said this is gonna blow you away, this was a miracle of the internet when it came out.
Just a heads up, this series has a toxic community, and they will come out of hiding to complain. It's about as comparable to the Steven Universe's toxic fandom.
we ain't worried
What exactly are you referring to when you say "complaints"? I hope you aren't referring to valid criticisms of the shows writing.
Complaining, such as they didn't like how they reacted to a character, or strongly disagree with opinions that they need to threaten the other with violence. The over-the-top toxic fans.
Oh I have criticisms for the writing. But I'm mostly talking about the plans Monty had for the story, which his own wife had mentioned as well, that Roosterteeth and their writers have elected to basically ignore and tell their own story
That’s not really true. The major story beats are largely the same that Monty AND the other writers laid out. Of course, without him here getting to those plot points requires them to figure that out themselves. The team and Monty himself have made it very clear over and over that they wrote the story together, Monty didn’t just do it all himself. Heck, Monty and Kerry directed the episodes on V1 together. Kerry and Miles are credited as writers for every episode as well, while Monty co-wrote a good chunk of them.
It just always bothers me when people (not you specifically) make it seem like Monty did everything by himself when in reality they did it as a group. Not just with this fandom, same thing happens with Star Wars, ATLA/Korra, etc.
I only complain about how they ruined the story after Monty died. They took the story in
you should watch the Red, White, Black, & Yellow trailers they are canon and take place before the series
Seriously, those trailers changed lives (mine) and set the tone for the series imo
Yes, they serve as great intros to the main four characters
Yeees I hope they react to em I seriously love Monty Oums fight choreography
You guys have NO idea how genuinely happy this makes me. Like, when someone in the diamond chat said this went up, I literally teared up from happiness.
This is one of my absolute favorite shows, definitely in my top 5, and I first expressed my desire for them to react to it 11 months ago in the Discord server. I even started making a viewing guide for the World of Remnant stuff and other important info.
This makes me so happy.
Holy shit! Wasn't expecting this. Fucking hyped!