Teen Titans S4 Episode 1-2 REACTION
Rise Of TMNT S2 Episode 1&13 REACTION
Shaun of the Dead Reaction
Constantine: City of Demons Reaction
Moana Reaction
JoJo’s Part 4 Episode 1-10 (Ruff Solo) REACTION
KonoSuba: God’s Blessing on This Wonderful World! Legend of Crimson Reaction
Gumball S6 Episode 1-4 REACTION
(Gold) Coco Reaction
Hell’s Paradise Episode 1-13 Reaction
(Gold) Twilight Movie REACTION
We NEED More Games Like *ASTRO BOT* – Full Platinum Trophy Playthrough
JoJo’s Part 6 Episode 1-12 (Ruff Solo) Reaction
Helluva Boss S2 Episode 1 REACTION
my guys we know what Ruby's mom looked like lol
You've definitely seen other cars on Remnant. There was a whole fight scene in V2 on a highway.
Reminder guys Ruby doesn't use a scythe because of her mom she uses it cause she molded her self after Qrow for instance during the train fight they show Qrow and Ruby uses the same techniques to take down the big grimm.
P.S. In volumes 1-3 Ruby would visit her moms grave and Qrow has shown a picture of team STRQ and on it Summer Rose was wearing a white hood.
P.S.S. team RWBY lead by Ruby team JPNR lead by Jauhn could team STRQ have bean lead by Summer Rose?
Tock's fight is really cool because when she says "These are the last 60 seconds of your life" Its literally 60 seconds from when she activates her ability to it wearing off. That entire badass fight sequence was only a minute long.
Most of the main cast, (Weiss, Yang, Blake, Team JNPR) are all 18-19 years old. Ruby is around 16 years old and Oscar is 14. Beacon was essentially a college so they're all college freshman age except for Ruby since she was allowed in 2 years earlier and Oscar who was never a huntsman lol. Qrow's official age hasn't been confirmed (I think) but he's estimated to be around 40.
I mean, if we math it out, if Ruby is 16, and her parents met at beacon, then Qrow is at least 34, but that would be if they had kids in the first year, but we know yang is 2 years older than Ruby, so that pushes it to at least 36, and unless Tai and Raven got a little too busy at Beacon, they probably waited at least until they were out, so that pushes it to 40. So id say age estimation is between 36 and 42, just to give some upper buffer for when Raven and Tai started their family.
Qrow is anywhere between 40-45
Raven was unlikely to be pregnant at Beacon. And we know the upper limit because she's a Maiden.
Also! Jaune brought up the good point during his outburst of not KNOWING if it was Ozpin or Oscar they were talking to. OSCAR is definitely on our side, but OZPIN's allegiances are questionable at the very least, and since he sealed himself away, no one's getting any answers.
Dust has all kinds of uses. Remember the floating islands with the giant bee Weiss fought? That was gravity dust! It's refined form can be used, essentially as magnets! That's what young Maria was using :)
Calling Qrow "son" just makes me think of how Brook from One Piece always calls Big Mom "young lady".
Okay, so I engage in discussions with the RWBY community including a lot of reactors, but somehow I never put together that when Maria says "some of you are clearly stronger already" in reference to Yang it's because Yang has returned to fighting after losing her arm.
Maria embraces two of my favorite types of female characters, badass who truly earned her title, and extremely petty old lady.
Oz-tism sent me.
A couple of things since you guys were talking over it and I'm not sure you got it:
- The power of the silver eyes can only be activated if you're in a state of mind where your primary desire is to preserve life (aka protect people)
- The power can only be activated in the presence of Grimm (so it won't activate in a room full of regular people, but it did activate in the Haven fight because Cinder's arm is Grimm)
I love these guys and have enjoyed all of their reactions....but this is my biggest pet peeve and the thing that has me yelling at my screen during these videos. They start discussing theories about plot points right in the middle of the scenes where the characters are EXPLAINING the plot point they are discussing! Then they end up missing things and later are like, wait...what is that all about?
I mean I enjoy the theory crafting and the discussions, but either pause the playback, or hold it in until after the scene/episode. Don't even get me started on the discussions that end up going off on tangents and end up being about things outside the show that cause them to miss a good 5 min of dialogue sometimes.
Ruff, your assumption was correct, Tock was sent by Salem.
That “Oz-tism” pun boom made was so bad and yet I still laughed
Do remember that Ozpin was part of the reason that Pyrrha got killed, so while it was a bit much, Jaune did react how a lot of people would
I think it'd be really beneficial for you guys to watch the World of Remnant videos, they're few and short and very useful for getting some extra worldbuilding relevant to the show.
Tock's semblance is really cool. Once she starts the clock, it runs for 60 seconds, and during those 60 seconds her aura is infinite, aka she's invulnerable, but once those 60 seconds are over, the aura breaks, regardless of how much would've been left.
Oh and when the clock time ran out, exactly 60 seconds of screen time passed since it started.
The assassin, Tock, that attacked Grandma in the past says her “master” wanted her dead. The writers confirmed that her master was Salem. Salem has had many people in her inner circle over the years.