RWBY S6 Episode 3-4 Reaction

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  1. Ravjeet
    9 days

    Chapter 3 of Volume 6 is probably one of my all time favourite episodes of all of RWBY

  2. Pat
    10 days

    My lil two cents here: My interpretation of the Brothers is that since they're Gods in this world they can't empathize with humanity since they're fundamentally different/removed from humanity. Salem and Oz are essentially demigods at this stage, but they were once human and still have the capacity to empathize with humanity. 

    Oz more so, due to the nature of his reincarnation, but I digress... 

    Can't wait for the next episodes!!

  3. CMDRZero
    10 days

    The very idea of what the god of light wanted is kinda fucked when you think about it. He want's all of humanity to get along and live in peace... he can hardly do that with his own brother. Not to mention you have the grim that are constantly killing people and causing strife. Honestly, the best play is to call the gas back, tell them to screw off and that you don't want them living with you to begin with. They can keep their blessings and humanity won't ask for anything from them, just take a hike and experiment somewhere else.

    1 replies
    1. Cool
      10 days

      The thing is though, the Brother's aren't gonna care what humanity says to them. Call them back just to tell them to piss off and go elsewhere is redundant since thats almost LITERALLY what the 1st humans did and they got nuked. And then the Brothers went off to do another experiment anyways. If they do it a second time around the whole world is gone, not even a chance at evolution. And then they'll go back to the experiment they left Remnant for 

  4. MegumiMary
    10 days

    I don't think the daghters are the maidens- I think durring one of Ozma'a lives of trying to forget the "story of the seasons" happenedand the four women happened to remind him of his daughters and he wondered "if they grew up could they have grown up to be like this?" so to complete the picture he gifted the girls a portion of his own power that grows with each reincarnation

  5. Veil
    10 days

    Oz messed up the marriage with his big tiddy goth wife

  6. deathshallbethelastenemy
    10 days

    The group acting like it was all Oz's fault or that he was so awful to keep it from them was wild. Look at how ppl reacted when they found out? Raven abandoned them, Lionheart betrayed them, Crow blamed him. Oz is just trying to keep hope alive in the face of Salem trying to do everything to destroy it. 

    1 replies
    1. HappyMan0203
      10 days

      You have to understand from their perspective, to them it feels like he's been lying to them this whole time, hiding all this info from them for so long and seemingly giving them false hope that they could beat her. From their POV Oz does look really bad right now.

  7. lemur1610
    10 days

    When Ozpin asked Jinn his 3 Questions he asked “How do I Defeat Salem?” To which Jinn responded “YOU can’t” which really only means that specifically Oz can’t defeat her but someone else can

    2 replies
    1. MegumiMary
      10 days

      I think only Salem and the Gods can

      Once Salem vocalizes that people die and it is a part of life she looses her immortality- I always love the type of curse where the one cursed always had the power to break it themselves if they actually took a step back and looked at the bigger picture

      As for the gods- well they gave it to her in the first place

      As for the Silver Eyes: I think they can severly hurt Salem- like pure tourture but not kill. I think a certain someone made the mistake of thinking the silver eyes can kill Salem but ended up being wrong about it....

      1 replies
      1. KrocTik
        9 days

        My guess is that silver eyes can kill the grimm half of Salem, like remove the darkness.

    2. Norton's
      10 days

      Also, his question was actually "How do I KILL Salem," which implies that defeating her may not necessarily mean killing her

      1 replies
      1. james
        10 days

        it was actually how to i destroy Salem but i love seeing people hypnoses on this i believe that a person with silver eyes can stop her by killing the grimm portion of her and taking away her immortal life to where she can be stopped because in season 3 crow said that rwby was special and that silver eyes warriors was rare plus sliver eyes can destroy grimm     

  8. Aedan
    10 days

    This just reminded me how much I love this sequence of episodes. I really think volume 6-7 has some of the best stuff in the entire show. 

    1 replies
    1. Miss_CJ
      10 days

      Agreed! 6-7 are great episodes! Can't wait for their reaction! 

  9. Icy
    10 days

    Oz still isn't bad he still helped people, they treat him much more morally grey then he is. 

  10. Kayden
    10 days

    In this situation I don’t entirely blame Ozpin for all this, he was put into this situation and he has tried to stop her so many times and hasn’t given up on that. I get the anger of the team for all this stuff being revealed but it made complete sense for Oz to hide stuff for the fact of experience he has over his lives.

  11. Jerry
    10 days

    What they could also blow-up remnant because they also say as long as the planet spins, she will walk its face. Another thing they can do is also seal her in a vault. For example, since only raven can access the spring maiden vault, they can just lock her in there.

  12. Chris
    10 days

    Don't get me wrong. I do Love RWBY. There is alot wrong with the plot but I do love it. But after listening to their analysis at the end. They give this show way more credit then it has lmao 

  13. William
    10 days

    I understand the group's anger towards Ozpin. He kept SOOOO MUCH from them. But the way they kept acting towards do they not consider they just made this man relive probably the worst trauma anyone can endure?

    Idk on rewatch it always never sits right with me how they treat him. But from their side I will say, to learn you're fighting a war you have no chance of winning I DO also understand their anger.

    It's bad all around.

  14. Raptor
    10 days

    Salem: Bring him back!Light: No.Darkness: I brought him back.Light: No.Salem: You’ll pay for not bringing him back.Light: No.…..Light: I just had a great idea!

  15. Stash
    10 days

    It was awesome to see the Big Lore episode drop in real time. I remember checking the time bar to see if a cliffhanger was imminent multiple times. Salem and Oz fit some of my most favorite character types in fiction (tyrant bent on their own self-destruction and tragic hero bare-knuckling their way through a seemingly impossible task). I can't wait to see y'all's reaction to the next set. :)

  16. SauceyRed
    10 days

    One of my favorite episodes.

    Just one note: The kids weren't the original maidens. I know it's a bit confusing (plenty of people have thought so too when that part came up), but don't forget what Oz told them last volume: he found four young women and distributed most of his power between them, watch the World of Remnant episode titled "The Four Maidens" for the full story (and please watch the other WoR shorts as well, they're canon and short and very useful in understanding the world, and you're way past any of them being spoilers).

    1 replies
    1. Petrichor12
      10 days

      I think if anything it is an homage to them or the 4 sisters reminded him of his 4 daughters and he got the idea to give them magic, though they were different sets of girls.

  17. Quint
    10 days

    I believe it's how Ozpin worded his question. He said, "How do I destroy Salem?" If he had said "How can Salem be Destroyed?" he might've gotten a different answer. But who knows.

    3 replies
    1. SaviorOfNirn
      9 days

      Jinn put emphasis on CAN'T, not that HE can't. Salem can't be destroyed. The curse was very clear.

    2. Petrichor12
      10 days


    3. Raptor
      10 days

      Or there’s a way to defeat her without destroying her; Non-destruction removal if you will.

  18. Quint
    10 days

    The Kids arent the maidens. I thought that too when I first watched this, but No. Ozpin meet four women in another life when he was an old man and gave them the power to be maidens

  19. Zen
    10 days

    The biggest lesson here is that the gods are way worse than Salem. They act like entitled children

    1 replies
    1. Ashes2Ash
      10 days

      The lesson to be learned here is the Gods are not perfect, but they're not awful either. Humanity is but a speck of sand in a vast ocean of possibilities, and while they would like to see it prosper, they also do not want it to grow arrogant. The stipulations placed upon Salem were fair, she just refused to accept it. I WILL say having Oz reincarnate is harsh, more so for the people he becomes rather than his original soul. The fact he eventually fully takes over is awful, especially taking into account how most of them probably never wanted this life, and how much Oscar hates this situation right now.

      1 replies
      1. No
        10 days

        The punishment on Salem wasn't fair, the "value" of life and death is completely arbitrary from a human perspective

        1 replies
        1. Ashes2Ash
          10 days

          I respectfully disagree! I feel Salem's choice to reject the God's request to learn about accepting death was where she failed, she had a chance to have the curse removed and join Ozma in the afterlife. But she rejected it. She easily could've either done what was told and "went to therapy", but she didn't want to die to join Ozma (at first). She wanted him to be brought back to life because she was so self centered she thought the God's punished HER SPECIFICALLY by "allowing" Ozma to die of sickness. In turn, since she claimed the God's were punishing her, they in turn made that reality, giving her immortality. She chose her own actions, she knew the consequences of fighting the literal Gods of Life and Death.

  20. MephilesNumberOneFan
    10 days

    So, fun  fact:

    This episode is the 69th of the series, but it wasn't planned to be that way at all.

  21. Paul
    10 days

    women would rather manipulate the gods and turn mankind against them in a war of armageddon than go to therapy

    1 replies
    1. Quint
      10 days

      A whole new form of crazy

  22. John
    10 days

    One of my favorite episodes

  23. No
    10 days

    Bree looking kind of off today

    1 replies
    1. Harus
      10 days

      Lol. Not sure if you were around for the particular episode, but that's Billy.

  24. Chris
    10 days

    Ah shit here we go

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