First Time Playing Ratchet & Clank (2016)
The Lion King REACTION
Invincible Episode 1 REACTION
Scooby Doo Straight Outta Nowhere Movie REACTION
JoJo’s Part 1 (Ruff Solo) REACTION
Inside Out Reaction
First Time Playing **LITTLE MISFORTUNE** – this game is HEARTBREAKING…
Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law S3 Episode 1-12 Reaction
Fairly OddParents S2 Episode 1-2 Reaction
Adventure Time S7 Episode 1-5 REACTION
Rick and Morty S3 Episode 1-2 Reaction
Guardians of The Galaxy A Christmas Special REACTION
Knuckles Episode 1-6 Reaction
Fantastic Mr. Fox REACTION
I adore BlakexSun
Fun Fact! Li'l Miss Malachite is the mom of Melanie and Miltia Malachite, the two girls who fought Yang *way* back in her reveal trailer.
please see the hunchback of notre dame movie
Get ready for a massive lore dump gang woooo!!!
Sad though this is the volume that the writing really begins it's downward spiral
still get chills from the last line of ep 2. next 2 weeks are gonna be insane. also timing THAT for october... iykyk
Not sure how far in advance they watch but I love the foreshadowing of Jinn in volume 5 with the haven vault being covered by a statue of Jinn holding up that platform
Maria is the greatest character in all of RWBY!
I personally consider volumes 6-8 to be the best in the series, I am SO excited to see you guys react to these!
It's a miracle yall didn't say fuck it and watch the next ep
Low key wish they had or decided on a double RWBY Week just because
LETS GO! Best Half-Volume (and still a decent full volume)!
TRAIN FIGHT! In my opinion, this is the real start of the "we're so back" era of RWBY. In more ways than one actually.
No, seriously, I cannot emphasize enough how smart of an idea it was to start with the train fight and not show the planmaking scene in the house until episode 2. They knew they needed to put their best foot forward this season and they really did.
I'm SO ready for next episode holy shit, the amount of lore revealed is insane!
Time for THE lore episode! Y'all are gonna love the next episode, it's absolutely incredible.
I forgot how good this volume is!
Grab a drink, some snacks, a notebook, and make yourselves comfortable; because this is going to be a lot.
Damn guess youg guys will just have to watch 4 chapters a week
i wish you skiped a week then do a mass release this damn clifhanger lol
i've been watching rwby for 10 years and this was one of the CRAZIEST cliffhangerse ever, having to wait a week after "a lonely girl, named... salem" was actual torture, i'm SO excited to see you guys react to episode 3!!
Imma say it right now and this might be a hot take, i don't think Ozpin did anything wrong. After knowing why he did what he did, how long he's lived, how long he's been fighting this battle, and how many times he's been betrayed his actions are completely understandable. He did what he thought was for the best, and everyone else felt entitled to information he was not ready to share.
They're entitled to some of that information. They're risking their lives, they deserve to know why.
I don't fully agree with this. Were his actions understandable? Absolutely. Why he did things makes sense. But everybody else deserved some of the information. Such as the relic constantly attracting Grimm. They deserved to know about that since it would put them and anybody else around them in constant danger. Plus he continued to lie and tell half truths after he said he wouldn't. That basically destroyed all the trust they had. So any sort of who is entitled to what went out the window at that point. They needed answers regardless of Ozpin's reasons.
I 100% Agree with this
Qrow didn't have the weird reaction to Jinn because she was naked, he was more reacting to the fact that Ozpin lied to not only the kids, but HIM, his loyal follower, Qrow, who has done nothing but support him and follow his every order. Qrow is kinda hit with this realization that "Ozpin isn't all he says he is", something that many characters in the past (Raven especially) have learned and warned him about.
SOOOO hyped for next weeks episode. Season 6 is so good
Woo! I can't wait to see more of their reactions to this volume! It's one of my absolute faves. Next week is gonna be so satisfyingly lore heavy. eue
Additionally, I hope no one gives them a hard time about SunxBlake versus YangxBlake discourse. IDK what happened with fandom in that people are so angry when other people don't ship the same couple. Blake has two hands lol But seriously, I hope the guys don't feel like they can't comment about the relationships; I'm watching their videos for their reactions/interpretations of the show--not to demand they cohere to my OTP echo chamber. :\ Enjoy all the moments, guys! ^_^
How dare you ship that
Thursday has become my favorite day of the week, love this season!
Vol 6 opening theme definitely one of my favs! That train fight was chef's kiss!
Now onto LORE!!!
Think that train fight is honestly one of the most underrated in the series.
Honestly, personally I think the peak of the series is the second half of Volume 8 through all of Volume 9.
If I recall I think the biggest beef between shippers were between Sun/Blake (called Blacksun) shippers and Yang/Blake shippers (called Bumblebee). Y’all try not to be too specific about ship stuff. I’m genuinely curious as to how things will play out without knowledge of the soundtracks and fandom speculation.
Damn it I have to wait another week
Some of the absolute best episodes in the series are in this volume.
One is next week
Next episode is one of my favorites for the lore dump. Volume 6 is definitely one the best volumes.
I remember waiting for next episode after that cliffhanger was killer when this was airing and now I have to wait a week for your reactions to it ?
Omggggg the plot thickens !! My favorite season
Can’t wait till they get deeper into the season some of my favorite episodes tension and style wise
You think ending an episode right before a fight scene or a plot twist is brutal? How about doing it right before a lore dump?
I also bought these all on Blu Ray as they came out. I'm sure it'll be back on some streaming service at some point but as of right now it feels good to have access to them still.
All the episodes are available on archive.org
This is probably my favorite volume of RWBY. So excited to see you guys watch through this.