Attack on Titan S1-S4 Reaction
Cars Reaction
The Nightmare Before Christmas PS2 Game is WEIRD… – UNCUT
Teen Titans Movie Reaction
Alice in Borderland S2 Episode 1 REACTION
We BINGED *SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS: Dark Beginnings* BEST Sonic Animation Ever?
Mashle Reaction (Sean/Boom) – Episode 1-5
Adventure Time S3 Episode 1-2 REACTION
Avatar The Last Airbender Live Action Episode 1 REACTION
Smiling Friends Episode 1-9 REACTION
Robin Hood: Men in Tights Reaction
Batman: Bad Blood Reaction
Men in Black Reaction
(gold) Sonic 2 Movie Reaction
SpongeBob S2 Episode 1-2 REACTION
As a bigtime RWBY fan who has watched other reactions literally dozens of times, I can honestly say that this is my favorite RWBY reaction series thus far. I'm loving the level of engagement, appreciation for the material, and the humor/insight form the hosts. What happened with the trailers was unfortunate, that was most certainly a miscommunication with the commentors saying "watch all trailers" when they meant "watch all vol 1 trailers," but it at least seems like you guys didn't internalize too much of the spoilery stuff, so we're still getting good reactions.
My two cents: you should watch the "World of Remnant" videos, they provide interesting information about the setting and should answer some questions you have (they don't contain spoilers for anything after vol 3, so you could watch them all without problem). I would also recommend listening to the soundtrack for the volumes you've watched, if soundtrack reactions are something you're comfortable with, and maybe rewatching the Weiss, Blake, and Yang vol 5 character shorts now that you have the proper context for them. Lastly, there is a character short for Adam that is meant to be viewed between the end of vol 5 and the start of vol 6, so please keep a lookout for that. If you're watching vol 6 on dvd, it's probably in the extras, but I wouldn't know for sure.
It can get confusing listening to so many differing opinions about when and what to watch. If it helps the trailer thing was legitimately an accident and rather than just saying to watch the trailers people should have specified to watch the color trailers specifically, what happened after was legit just a mistake due to lack of clarification. Though to be fair it is everyone's fault, the comments for not clarifying and y'all for not realizing to not watch the later volume trailers as opposed to the series color trailers, though not a huge deal it was definitely everyone's fault. The soundtrack is different in that regard, the general rule is while the songs don't give direct spoilers to story notes as long as you don't go beyond the volume you are watching you get absolutely no spoilers for context or tone then. Really the best rule to follow is just don't move faster than you watch the actual show, like since this is vol 4 you are good to watch everything up to and pertaining to vol 4. Everything other than Chibi or WoR which are lore and spin off series respectively is more or less numbered by the volume so nobody would get upset with you for just listening/watching up to where you are in the series. I am loving your adventures in RWBY and hope to see you continue to enjoy it going forward, a couple comments about the lack of Diamond vids about vol 5 have me a bit concerned due to past experience with reactors but I think it is too early to get worried, either way I'll stick with it. I subbed as soon as I saw you did RWBY so I am in for as long as it takes to get y'all caught up.
Soooo. Are you guys done with RWBY? You stopped putting out Diamond level videos a few weeks ago. And now this the first week where there is no episodes for silver either. Since Diamond is recorded when you can I didn't really think twice but now that there is no silver videos either I figured I'd ask.
Post credit scenes only happen at the END of any given volume, if they happen at all. There aren't many volumes that don't have them, actually, those being Volumes 6, 7, and 9. But don't quote me on that. Volume 7 MIGHT have one. I can't remember.
6 does, 7 and 9 don't.
can't wait for V5
Praying you start V5 soon ?
I live for Ruff never understanding the comments.
I often feel alone when I say this, but V4 was my favorite for the longest time until 7.
I do agree the RWBY comment section can either be confusing or very divided, I think the one thing we unanimously agree with is that the soundtracks are a must listen, for either more character depth or just to jam out to.
next up Rwby Chibi Volume 1
That would have been after volume 3 if they were going to watch it right now.
Ok Raven and Tai (yang's mom and dad) got together first. Raven popped out yang and ghosted both of them. The dad then got together with the leader of their team and had ruby. Ruby and yang are half sisters technically. Also since qrow is ravens brother he isn't blood related with ruby. I am only saying this because you are already supposed to know. This was revealed in volume 2.
I think they just forgot that it was established that Ruby’s mother was on the same team as the rest of them.
Now that you've finished V4, you're good to watch ALL of the World of Remnant videos, and I really, really, REALLY recommend doing so. They add important context, are good for recapping things you might've misunderstood or forgotten, and most importantly, includes completely new information that isn't discussed in the actual show but is good to know. They were released between episode/volume releases and are basically supplemental content.
They're also incredibly short and could be churned out in one video.
There are 3 character trailers for Yang, Blake, and Weiss that came out between Volumes 4 and 5 that are meant to be watched before Volume 5. Each has a flashback to pre-Volume 1 events. The most important thing we get out of them is more info on the Chameleon girl and Blake's history with her
They already accidentally reacted to those along with the 4 original trailers. Though they said they don’t remember anything from them.
- The Nuckelavee is TOP 3 favorite Grimm, easy!
- There was an end credit scene last season, but your DVD skipped it. ?
- The OST would be great. World of Remnant would be great. There's different art, but it's not like a recap or anything. It's literally homework so the lore makes better sense. Up to you.
- Not for 5, but ON VOLUME 6, there is a character short you should probably watch before the season! Not going to spam it, but I'll probably remind you again before Volume 5 ends.
- Not sure if it is more helpful or annoying to mention, but I believe the Blind Wave guys reacted to all of RWBY with the extras n junk in order, if you're looking for non-comment-related timelines to follow for bonus content?
You know what! You already watched it in your All trailers video and I completely forgot! I guess you guys could always watch those again with context hahaha! ?
There has been one at the end of every season so far. You missed season 3's. Season 2 was non-Canon. And I belive season 7 doesn't have one at all.
The grimm they fought in this episode is inspired by a nuckelavee, a horse demon basically. It's a very scary looking grimm.
You guys should react to the OST after every volume! The songs give a lot of insight as each one is written for a specific situation/character.
Also the OST just slaps
Yeah we’ve been saying for a while you guys should react to the World of Remnant videos ?
Well to avoid getting into another RWBY trailers debacle we need to be very clear they CAN’T just watch them all at once because they will once again get series wide spoilers they can only watch the World of Remnant content that was released up to where they currently are in the story. Clearly saying “watch this” without all the necessary context is a recipe for disaster
I believe now that they've finished V4, they actually CAN watch all of the WoR videos at once.
I think youre right actually I could have swore there was a post-V4 set of World of Remnant but the wiki disagrees with me
The Nuckelavee Grimm is one of the most unsettling designs they’ve ever made ( in a good way)! It’s like a centaur but if the horse half was an entire horse, the human half’s arms were those elastic sticky hands, and it made the same movements and sounds as I do getting out of bed for work at 5am.
Not *the* most unsettling though, we're getting there ;)
volume 6?